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Please Pray for my baby Sammy

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by amandaerin, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. amandaerin

    amandaerin New Member

    I am asking all of you kitty cat lovers out there to please say a prayer for my baby Sammy. For those of you who have seen pics of my babaies, Sammy is my yellow baby. He hasnt been feeling well for about a week or so and then he stopped eating (which you know Sammy is sick b/c he eats all the time). We had to take him to the vet hospital on Sunday night. They had to keep him overnight and they still have him. They still are not a 100% positive about whats wrong with him yet. They told me that there is a small chance that it could be early signs of kindney falirue. So I need everyone to say a prayer that it isnt. But good new he ate a whole bowl of cat food today..so hoorah !!!! The other psooibility is that he could have gotten an infection from fleas. My cats are all indorr cats and have never had fleas before in thier lives, but we got a puup in April and poor baby Abby can get 10 I swear just by walking out the front door. And Sammy got some. I trated them all and thought that I had gotten them all but the vet thinks even though they only found one small one on him that it could be that and she is leaning more towards that. So lets just hope, that is trateable and curable. And also can you please tell me what you think is the nest flea stuff to get from the vet. I have 3 different vets that I go to and they all suggest different types. Can you please tell me what you use and think is best. I want to treat all my other cats, just in case. Also one more thing, can any of you suggest the best type of pet insurance to buy? I need to get some. I just lost my job last Thursday and Sammy's vet bill is going to be between 600 and a 1000.00 which is going to hurt me badly, but he is worth that and much more. But I would like to get the insurance just in case, because you never know. I looked it up online but I dint see an great great affordable ones. Any suggestions, i would greatly appracite it. And again thanks for reading this. And thanks for all your prayers to Sammy and God Bless You All...
  2. luna

    luna New Member

    the best flea stuff is the advantage that you can get at the vets because not only does it kill the fleas on your pet but it kills them where your cat lays to.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I hope Sammy starts to perk up soon and feel better. And if it is kidney failure he can do pretty well on the prescription diet - I had a cat have early kidney failure and she made to it a pretty good age of 15 by eating strictly the prescription diet. So don't give up hope.
  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    Advantage only kills the adult fleas. and only when they bite the animal.

    There is an injectable Program for cats which lasts 6months as a time. This kills flea eggs and larvae.

    Revolution Is the best i feel out of the other two.--And what i use personally. Click on the link to read more about it. It's really GREAT stuff.

    But keep in mind- it only kills the adult fleas when they bite. So a flea bath or a flea comb might be desired too- though not necasary.

    Good luck with Sammy.. we're all pulling for him here too *hugz*
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Lots of prayers and well wishes heading your way. [-o< :love_y_t_much: Hope Sammy continues to get better. :m9:
  6. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I'm sorry, lots of prayers to you and Sammy.
  7. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I hope Sammy will be okay. My prayers are with you.

    I've only used Frontline on my cats so I don't know how it compares to other brands.

    I do not have pet insurance and don't know much about it so I can't help you there.

    Keep us posted on Sammy's progress.
  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I wouldn't use anything injectable that'll kill fleas...sounds too much like the ProHeart crap. Especially wouldn't use it on a kitty that is acting ill.
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    I will keep Sammy in my prayers....
    I'm sorry to hear that you lost your job. I don't have any experience with pet insurance so I can't offer you any advice on that.

    For fleas I use Advantage on my cats and have always been happy with it. According to their website (www.nofleas.com), it stops fleas from biting in 3 - 5 minutes, starts killing them within an hour, kills 98 -100 % of adult fleas within 12hrs and starts killing flea larvae within 20 minutes.
    Good luck and please keep us posted on Sammy's progress.
  10. Mechanix

    Mechanix New Member

    I really hope Sammy dosent have kidney failure, but if so it is not the end. Tiffany was my first baby and she was diagnosed with kidney failure when she was 14. With a major change in diet which included a precribed cat food, chicken baby food and she had to see the vet 3 times a year for an IV treatment. She lived pretty happy and normal until she was almost 20 years old a little over 5 years after we first found out what was wrong with her..as for cost see if there is a low income vet nearby that is how I was able to afford Tiffanys care.
  11. amandaerin

    amandaerin New Member

    Thank you all for your prayers and Sammy came hom today. They do not belive that it is kidney faliure yeah!!!!! He is doing much better and is eating, he even got a few bites of steak tonight. He is still a little weak, but doing so much better. We would love to thank all of you for all of your prayers....
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm so glad to hear that Sammy is doing better. :eek:
  13. Steph'n'Del

    Steph'n'Del New Member

    Yay Sammy! :D
    Hope he continues to improve. It's awful when they get sick :(
    I've got my fingers crossed for his full recovery!
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    Hooray for Sammy! :eek:
  15. heather2003

    heather2003 New Member

    I'm glad to hear that!!
  16. kismet

    kismet New Member

    I may have missed this but I was wondering, Amandaerin, what product you had used on your pets? Did your cat become ill soon after the use of that product? Do you think there may be a link? Others have suggested Frontline, and Adantage as alternatives but I have info on them that indicate there is the possibility of side-effects. Some might say that there were no side-effects when they used it on their pet but would anyone want to be that percentage that has had side-effects and incurring the resulting vet bills? There are some natural alternatives out there that don't carry such a high price tag- and I'm not speaking about the price of the product.

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