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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, Sep 15, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I just wanted to say to you guys on this forum whom I consider my friends. I know this is a public forum and sometimes the thought of friendship with a person you have never personally met is looked upon as odd but for me it's not odd in fact I find solace in this forum on a daily basis. I have shared many aspects of my life with you and I find myself including those of you who have expressed sadness and stress in my prayers at night. Friendships are invaluable. I have many friends in my life and since I started coming to this forum my chain of friendships has grown and I just wanted to say IM thankful for it.
    Here is a website I like to go to for comfort and peace when I am feeling stressed or sad. I just wanted to share it with you guys.

  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Gina, Your wonderful. And I'm with you. I know its odd to think of people you've never spoken too or seen with your own eyes or voices as friends. But I too think of each and everyone of you (and you know who you are) as great friends. I rely on yall for support, advice, and most of all that little uplifting feeling I get in my heart knowing that each one of you cares so much about each one of us.

    Thank you Gina and everyoneelse for helping me out during this horrible time. I know things will get better eventually, but for now, I just have to suffer through it, hold my head up high and pray for the best!!!

    And to all of you with stress and axiety problems as well, hold your heads up, it will all work out!
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    There is something about each and everyone of you that I adore. Sams you are and old soul in a young persons body I know I have said it before but your wisdom is far beyond your years and your heart is so pure. I imagine you and Granvel with children someday what a wonderful mother you will be.
    Sorry If I had made this to personal but I am feeling very blessed today as today marks the five year mark of me being Cancer Free!
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    oh Gina!!! Thats EXCELLENT!!!!!

    I chopped my hair off a few weeks ago and had a wig made for his Grandmother.... it came in this weekend. She's going to be THRILLED about it!!!!
  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    That is Great! When I went through Chemo and radiation I lost most all of my hair on my head my eyebrows and even my arm and underarm hair and honestly that was at times more devasting to me at times then the fact I had Cancer. I know how vain! Anyhow the American Cancer Society have this program for cancer patients sort of like a support group. They had this very nice dinner for me and gave me a gift certificate to go to a professional wig desgner and have one made just for me. So I went and ended up with this beautiful wig made of human hair far prettier then I had ever had. But when I came home wearing my "new hair" my oldest son who was then six cried because I guess I just didnt look like mommy anymore. He had gotten so used to seeing me for the past 16 weeks with hardly any hair or a hankie or hat on my head that he just couldnt get used to it. He said my hair was scary because in his mind it was somebody elses hair. So I took my beauitiful wig off and never wore it again. I ended up donating it back to the ACS.
  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Gina that is great and i agree you guys are the best i have gotten the best advice ever from you guys and if i get upset or need to vent you guys always have ways to make me feel better

    thanks guys you are wonderful
  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Gina, you're such a sweet person. I found this poem and it was so appropriate. So I dedicate it to you and all the members of Auspet.

    Screen Friends
    By Miasartiff

    My husband has finally gone to work
    My children have finished their play
    they've gone to bed their stories read
    Now it's my time of day.

    I've had one of those days
    you know what I mean
    so I sit back and relax
    and turn on my screen.

    I'll talk to all my friends
    who know just what to say
    to make my stresses go
    and my troubles fade away.

    My friends you're always there for me
    whenever I feel blue
    and though we've never met before
    I know our friendships true.

    And although we haven't been friends for long
    in this short time it seems
    we shared so many things already
    our hopes, our fears, our dreams.

    We come from different walks of life
    but we share a common bond
    and it's time to say that of all of you
    I've grown so very fond.

    So thank you friends for being there
    whenever I've needed you
    I know you're always there for me
    and you know I'm there for you, too.
  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Your poem was beautiful. You are such a special person you are always so kind and never judgmental and always a person I can connect with. Not to mention IM a little partial to your choice of dog breed. :y_the_best:
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    Gina: I'm with you...I feel like I've really gotten to know many of you from this forum. You guys are great! :y_the_best:

    Sams: That was so sweet of you to have a wig made for his grandmother.

    Love da pits: Great poem!
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Congratualtions on your 5 year mark. That is a blessing. I feel the same way about online friends. too :y_the_best:
  11. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    wow gina, I never knew you had cancer. You guys are really great to talk to someone always has something nice to say and everyone always helps each other. Since I have been coming here, my time in Germany hasn't been as bad. It realy helps to be able to talk to normal people for me. I don't think anyone realizes how much of a blessing this site has been for me. I wish you guys could all come to my wedding next month. Instead of the fake friends I have met since I have lived here. I have been to 2 other forums, one is a wedding one and the other is a gardening one. The wedding one the girls just aren'T nice, they call people wh...s and bi...es and idiots (í hate that forum) and in the flower one it is very professional, no person advice from the heart. But here I have never (well once) had anyone say anything mean to me and every response I have gotten I feel I get bc the other person cares about dogs and me. Thanks to everyone for making this such a great place to visit!
  12. aussylover

    aussylover New Member

    new to the gang I hope!

    :D Hi guy"s i'm new I just signed up today and i'm hoping to get to know everyone on line and their animals. I have a 2-month old aussy male named Simon he's beautiful and he's my baby. I raised him when he was 3-weeks old so I'm hoping to have pictures for you guy's soon so you all can see. Well I hope we all can get to know each other!
    aussylover :y_the_best:
  13. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Gina congradulations on your 5 year mark. And I pray you stay cancer free the rest of your life! I too feel a bond with people on here. Its nice to have people outside of your life (if that makes any sence) who are here to talk and not always about the dogs. I have loved Auspet since the day I found it and it has become part of my daily ritual. I think of you guys often if I am walking though a store I will think about a product I think someone may like or yeah I just read an article someone just posted about this ect. Anyway everyone here is great!

    Sharon that was a great poem and describes this board very well!

  14. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    Gina, congrats on your five year milestone!!! That must feel so amazing! I agree that the people you find in here are the best people you could hope to "meet"! When Serene was sick a little while ago, and I thought that morning I was going to lose my baby girl, I got home from the vet, e-mailed my friends, then posted on a couple of forums. I got only 1 response from my e-mails (very upsetting cuz my "friends" know how much the girls mean to me), but I received dozens of messages of support and kind words from the forums. That night, Greg got home, and Jason (his best friend who lives with us, long story!!) was outside. Greg asked him how I was doing, and Jason said "Fine since she got on the computer and read her messages". There are sooo many times when you need support from those who understand, and everyone on here understands how much our girls mean to us cuz they feel the same way!
  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Eaxcatly Kathy, Here we are all in the same mind frame. It is just as heck to find one person in one days time that actually feels the depth of love that we do for our pets. It is like when you do talk of them, they change the subject so quickly, I stand there thinking, ok everything I said may as well have gone over their head. They don't care. So here we are, all united together. We do care. :y_the_best:
  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Granvel and my co workers think I'm absolutly crazy. I talk about yall as if I've known ya my whole life! Honestly, I was never really into computers and chat stuff, until I came here!!!!
    I feel that this forum and all the wonderful people here have helped me become a better person. I hope that this freindship between us all can last a very long time.....
  17. Rene

    Rene New Member

    I agree sam i talk about you guys also and people think i'm crazy to but oh well it's fun and i love it here
  18. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    "It is just as heck to find one person in one days time that actually feels the depth of love that we do for our pets. It is like when you do talk of them, they change the subject so quickly"
    I love it when I stand there and listen to someone's "potty training saga" or get to hear about Junior's training whells for half an hour, then, because we don't have kids, I say something about the girls or Nike, and they look bored!! Don't get me wrong, kids are great, and I don't mind listening to stories, but why should I care about Junior's poo-poo success if they won't listen about my "kids"?!?
  19. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    That was very sweet Gina and congrats on 5 years free. My baby sis (9) celebrated hers in June. It was wonderful.

    I know I am not on as much as I used to be, but I take solace in knowing that I am always greeted warmly when I get back on here.

    Thank you all!
  20. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Putting I totally agree. People think I am nuts with how much I love my dogs. My brother in law is staying with us and I hear all day long they are just dogs. I kindly remind him they are JUST my children, and he is welcome to leave if he cannot not treat them like member of the family. But my hubby is probly sick of hearing about what this dog did and that one on Auspet and this article and that one!

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