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baby oscar sick please help

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by jeff9373, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. jeff9373

    jeff9373 New Member

    I bought a baby oscar about three weeks ago and he has been fine eating very active then today I looked in the tank and noticed his eyes were a cloudy white coller can anyone tell me what this is and is there something I can do he's super cool and I would hate to lose him thanks
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    what size tank is it in, what are the readings for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite?
  3. jeff9373

    jeff9373 New Member


    I dont have an amonia test er I just ran out but I just did a 25% water change like 5 days ago nitrate is about 45 mg and nitrite is 0 the tank is a 55 gallon I have a jack dempsey and a texas chiclid and a convict there all about 2 inches and I have two other 55 gallons for when they get bigger so should I do anouthr 25% water change thanks again
  4. kpax632

    kpax632 New Member

    check your ph level right away. I've had ph wipeouts in the past and white eyes are one of the first signs. Even check the water that you are using for water changes. That is where my problem was coming from and my ph would drop from 7 to 3 in less than a couple of hrs. Different fish may react differently to this problem, some seeming normal while some die right away.
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I would do another water change to get the nitrAtes down. Idealy, you should keep them below 20ppm (mg/L).

    And it would be a good idea to check the pH.

    Also, are there any signs of aggression from the other fish?

  6. jeff9373

    jeff9373 New Member

    ph good

    ph is like 7.5 kc5gvn helped me out I set up a 10 gallon hospital tank and medicated but no the other fish arent really aggressive he sames to be doing better more acitve and eating normal thanks to all who helped

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