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What is the best dog food for a toy breed?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ntengwall, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    I have heard so many different brands--Royal Cannine seems to be a favorite for yorky breeders. I only feed my kids organic food so I want to be as kind to my furbaby too! LOL Any thoughts?
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    There was a thread just like this one not too long ago, here's the link:


    Just to list a few:
    California Natural
    Natural Balance
    Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul
    Nutro (I personally don't like it b/c it contains way too much grain in my opinion, but some people here use it and really like it...it's all a matter of opinion :wink: )

    And just to add my two cents: It is my opinion that a rotational diet is really important in providing my dogs with a nutrtionally balanced diet and to prevent other food-related problems from occurring. By roational, I mean I don't just use one brand of dog food all the time. For example, my dogs are currently on Canidae, the next brand of food I will buy is Innova. I'll never feed them the same brand over and over again, I switch brands each time they finish a bag. (Note: It's important to gradually switch brands, the change shouldn't be sudden!)

    Hope that helps! :D
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Mybaby do you have many problems when switching them? The reason I ask is all 4 of mine have had one problem or another when I rotate. I gradually change over. Maybe we are just destined to stay with one food but I would really love to rotate them as there are many great choices and I feel my dogs would benifit from it. I wonder if just mixing their food would do any good instead of rotate. Anyway just wondering what your experiance has been.
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I use to rotate brands every 4 - 6 months....the only reason I stopped was because of Natalie's anal glands. Certain brands seem to irritate her so now I just use one brand and occasionally rotate amoung the different formulas of that brand.

    I use Timberwolf Organics although I don't think it actually contains organic ingredients other than organic blue corn in one of the formulas.
    If your looking for something organic...here are a few brands with some organic ingredients or mostly organic ingredients:
    Newmans Own Organics
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I actually have no problems at all when I make the switch. They're usually on one brand for about 6 months, then as I notice the bag is getting low, I purchase a new brand, and VERY gradually make the switch. The switch is really slow, it takes a couple of weeks during which I make the gradual switch until they are completely switched over. Making such a gradual switch makes things real easy on their tummies. However, they're stomachs seem to be pretty stable (not real sensitive), and I doubt they'd have a problem with a quicker switch, but I won't risk it.

    I'm sorry to hear that it's so difficult on your pups, some dogs are really sensitive to food changes, which definitely does make things a little more difficult. Your idea of mixing their food (not drastically, though) sounds like it might work. I'd give it a shot and see how they do, just remember not to over do it...keep it very gradual!

    Good luck!!! :D
  6. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

    i noticed you said organic food. natura pet the makers of innova, healthwise, and california natural also have an all organic food, karma . check out the website.

    karma is pretty new on the market, bella eats innova and has been for over a year and a half; however, the next bag i buy will be karma, i want to give it a try :)

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