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I need some suggestions here !!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by aussylover, Sep 18, 2004.

  1. aussylover

    aussylover New Member

    :eek: :D :p I hoping I can get some suggestions! I have a 10 weeks old aussy and I've already been working on getting him to sit and he walks well on a leash. we have play time in the evening time I'd love to teach him to fetch but I have no clue how to go about it ! any suggestions please!!!! He learns fast so I know he'll pick it up quick. :0020: [/img][/i][/b]
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I'd like to hear to. I don't know how I got my dog to go fetch his ball, I guess it was just repetition of telling him. I suppose you could get down there and show him.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    I know you can use a clicker to teach fetch but I'm not really sure how to explain it. Jamiya?
    Natalie has never really been interested in playing fetch but Sebastian loves to. I take his toy, get him all excited and then throw it and say "get it" when he grabs it I start clapping and making a big fuss and then he brings it back to me and I continue to fuss over him. If he does'nt show any interest in fetching it...I would then run over to the toy excitedly and fetch it myself. Once he sees me having fun with the toy he becomes interested in it again....then I toss it and he usually runs to get it.
  4. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    This is how Chobby first learned to fetch. Threw the ball or the object while the dog is looking at and paying attention to you. I think it's the dog's instinct to go after and retrieve the thrown object. Praise and reward him when he brings the object back to you.
  5. MollysMom

    MollysMom New Member

    My pup has some fleece teddy bears that she loves to chase and return. She doesn't always bring them directly back to you, (will go a foot or so from you) and sits and knaws on them.
    I think she just had the instinct naturally, as she's only 14 weeks, and started doing it right away when we tossed them.
  6. aussylover

    aussylover New Member

    thanks everyone!

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :0017: :0016: :m31: thanks everyone it's great to know that you all are putting your time into helping me train Simon. It means a-lot to me.
    aussylover :0018:
  7. aussylover

    aussylover New Member


    :0019: :m21: I wanted you all to know an update hows it going with me and simon with fetching a ball. We went out Yesturday for about 1/2 hour just me and him and I got his favorite orange rubber ball! I had 5 broken in half dog bisqs, I got him all wild up and told him I got your ball Daddy got your ball do you want it ! He got all excited wagged his tail trying to get his ball, I tossed the ball alittle ways and told him to go it and bring it back to daddy and he did right in front of me! I was so tiggled to death. I made him do that several times and then gave him a treat, but I praised him everytime he brought it back! We are going out again today for 1/2 an hour today work on it . aussylover :0020:
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Good job aussy. it pays to have an object that they go nuts over. Like my dog will not have anything to do with a frizzbee, but love his stuffie and balls. If they don't like playing at all then you're at a loss.
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    aussylover: Please check your private messages. I sent you one.
  10. aussylover

    aussylover New Member

    in reply

    :p :y_the_best: hey Nern is that bettter! lol lol I figured it out, thanks for bringing it to my attention! :0025: :0025:
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats a great way to teach them. Repeat, always keep repeating!! Throw the ball further each time.

    I used a treat. I would throw the treat and tell them to go get it. THen I migrated up to a ball. When I threw the treat. He would go get it. Then I made him come back to me before I threw another one....
  12. aussylover

    aussylover New Member

    in reply

    \:D/ :qm3: You guys are so wonderful with your support! Here's an update on how's he's doing. He's soooo cute god you've got to love him because now I've got him fetching his toys and bringing it back to me! :eek: This morning we were playing with his hot-dog toy and i'd toss it and he'd bring it back to me, I'm doing something right with him, It makes so proud because I've never done this before. :0020: Thanks again aussylover
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    So, now you should start naming his toys so he can tell which is which. Then you can ask for one by name and he will go get it for you! And then you can move from there to teaching him to put it in a basket on command - and he will be cleaning up his own toys!

    Now if only I could train my kids to do that....
  14. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I took Shianne out one day to see if she would fetch.
    I made her sit and threw the toy and she went right to it...
    Came running back to me...she was running so fast, I thought she was going to run me right over. She turned last minute and kept going.. Ran all over the yard with the toy. I called her over and when I went to grab it, she ran. So I went to her and we had fun. I chased her all around the yard. She thinks its a game and she likes it so I don't worry about the fetching.
    She stops, starts chewing on the bone and when she hears me comming, she looks out the corner of her eye, grabs the toy and runs!
    Its so funny!!!
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, Nala likes keep away better than fetch. It's unfortunate, since it's MUCH easier to tire a dog out with fetch!
  16. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Shianne tires herself out! LOL.
    All I have to do is let her out in the backyard and she zooms all around the yeard. From one end to the other then big circles, stop, sniff, more back and forth. Shes nutz I tell ya! Nutz!
    I just stand there and watch her. Right then left, right then left lol
    No kidding!
    I never seen a dog more hyper than her.
    No exaggeration.

  17. aussylover

    aussylover New Member

    In reply

    :D That's a great idea with his toys, some of his toys have a name and he knows that! A toy box Really Really sounds like a keen idea because Simon toys are over I mean all over the house, mainly in the living room floor where he scatters them! I have to agree as far as teaching him to pick up his toys and put them up when he's done lol lol lol lol :0017: :0017: Nothing like in the middle of the night stepping on a sqeakie toy which scaries the tar out of me :shock: lol lol I love taking Simon out-side because he becomes spazz-oides and runs all over the yard really fast and I tell him where's ruddy the raabbit several times which gets him all excited more. After I tell him to get ruddy the rabbit and clap my hands he runs more! then him and taya start playing. It's crazy I love it though Aussylover :y_the_best: :y_the_best:
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    he he he he he... yall should baby sit Hanky Spanky. She is the hyperest dog you'll ever meet!!!! She's like that constantly. Thats the main reason she's still with me after 2 1/2 years after I found her (newborn) on my back steps. She never stops, and people think its cute, but gets annoying quick. That dog tires me out LONG before I can even make her loose her breath. I wish I had just a 1/8th of her energy.
  19. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Okay Angie and Sam, I think I got you beat, with Wylie on hyperdog,

    Sam yea it was cute at first, like you said, and its been 6 long years, but I love her to death! shes my sweetheart, at 6:00 am she is standing at the back door with her frisbee, and she does this until we go to bed, geez, I leave my back door open so I can play with her as I walk by, and I could play fetch for hours but it just not the same as the run. we take her for her runs and its like she gets this high, and those endorphins kick in.

  20. aussylover

    aussylover New Member

    In reply

    :) Simon has this thing where he gets this boost of energy at 5:00am and sits on the side of my side of the bed and barks at me until he wakes me up and then he takes off down the hall into the living room and torments the cats, he barks at them chases them all around the house intil one them plays with him. As soon as I get up (nothing like getting up at 5:00am) lol lol lol and let him out boy he's rearing to go some more lol lol lol! I couldn't wake up at 5 and have his energy! :p :p :p aussylover

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