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Help! One of my newborn pups wont feed

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Lukistar16, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. Lukistar16

    Lukistar16 New Member

    My female chihuahua recently had a cute little litter of 3 pups. However, one of the pups wont feed from her. Is there anything I can do to get her to eat, all she does is cry and we're trying to keep her warm as best we can. Any advice would be helpful, thanks....
  2. kira1386

    kira1386 New Member

    i would say if you can, try to get a thing of puppy formula for new borns...i think its called newborn(not sure if it still is or not) and the itsy bitsy bottles that you can get and try to feed the baby with it, and maybe if she starts to eat and really takes to it, drop a little on mama's nipple and direct her to it, intice her kindof to it. kind of teaching her how to nurse i guess?
    not to sure if it will work but i hope she warms up to something! good luck!
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi firstly if you rub your little finger in the pups mouth on its pallate to make sure it dont have cleft palate or anything like that.

    Then take the puppy and hold it on a nipple while holding it on the nipple squeeze mums mammary glands to help the milk come down this way you can try get it on its mum as soon as possible as the mothers milk is important for the first week after birth.

    If this does not work then you will need a young animal feeder bottle and some puppy formula which over here is called Whelpi or Lactol This is the closest you are going to get to a mothers milk and you will need to make this cool it to body temp then feed every 1-2 hours depending how hungry the puppy is.
    You will also have to stimulate it to goto the toilet if mum wont do that either but i think she will.
    You can put the pup back in with its litter mates after feeding this way pup stays warm if this does not work you will have to keep him/her warm at all times.

    If all else fails there is tube feeding and that is best explained and shown to you by your vet.

    But i would try the holding the pup on the nipple a few times first it maybe that it just dont know how to hold onto the nipple..

    Weigh the puppies twice a day and right down there weight and this will give you a guide to which pups are not gaining much weight and which are the greedy litter mates.

  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    mike, i think you need to change your screen name to like puppyguy or pupexpert or something. You always know what to do! But I guess, you should, its your job sorta.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Just glad i can help when i can.
    Shame i am not having much luck with one of my pups Zeus he still wont walk on a lead and when i tried walking him he jumped up and bit my arm and broke the skin think he realised that biting me was not going to make me stop making him walk on his leash as he started to walk then sat down and would not move heheheh

  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    ohh are you ok? how has your family been lately? (wasn't it you with the sister and all)
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hiya lil i am great thanks yeah my sister was the one who had the epileptic seizure while out with her newborn baby.

    She is doing well and callum is now 14weeks old and is gaining weight really fast health visitor says he is above average for his age so my sister is pleased all is going well, They have her epilepsy under control so she is happy about that lucky she has alot of people around her so if she needs help the family and her boyfriend is there to help out.

    Hope you well.

  8. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    oh callum is such an awesme name! I am glad to hear everything is going well!

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