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Cat urine problem, please help me!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Pacofish, Sep 20, 2004.

  1. Pacofish

    Pacofish New Member

    My cat has had an occasional problem with urinating on my bed since I got her about 3 years ago, shes now 3 and 1/2 years old, to give you an idea of how long i've had her. Since I've moved to this address 8 months ago, shes been urinating on my bed more and more. There are two other cats that have lived with us since we moved in, but my cat has her own food bowl, her own litter box, and basicly her own room. At first i thought it was dissatisfaction with the new environment, but for this long of a time? I recently took her to the vet to rule out a UTI (coincidently it is not a UTI), and was sold feliway spray. I was so exited about the prospect of a urine free bed, that i ran out and got the comfort zone diffuser as well... Since the application of feliway a week ago (which has been used just like the directions say) , my cat has urinated on the bed every night... Please help! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you
  2. luna

    luna New Member

    maybe if you put a litter box in your bed room your cat will use that instead.
  3. Pacofish

    Pacofish New Member

    Actually her litter box is no more than 5 feet from the bed in the same room.
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

  5. luna

    luna New Member

    oooooo. well maybe your cat thinks that it will get more attention that way even if that just means a finger shake and "bad cat"
  6. vene

    vene New Member

  7. Pacofish

    Pacofish New Member

    Funny thing, I've even gone sofar as to put a tarp over the whole bed when i leave the house, she actually crawled underneath the tarp to pee...
  8. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Does your cat stay in a room by herself while you are away??? What is the size of the room....do you spend time with the kitty....

    Animals have a way of letting us know when they are mad at us, cats especially. My cat Hunter, blocks the door to try to keep me from leaving for work...he will poop on the floor if there is even one thing in one of the TWO boxes that he has to use.

    Your kitty may not like the litter that you are using. There are lots of things to try...
  9. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Oh....and where all that was going...When I was in graduate school...and not home a lot. My 7 year old cat would sometimes pee on my bed. There were lots of times that I was gone for 12 hours easy....day after day and was busy reading when I got home.
    I didn't have a huge place...so she didn't have a lot of room.....
  10. Pacofish

    Pacofish New Member

    Actually the room that she stays in is not very small, i dunno by feet, but its a big room. As for the being gone i think that may be part of the problem, I'm an EMT so I'm out of the house for 24 hours a day three times a week.

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