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Bailey Update

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by MonsterBailey, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member


    We just got home a few minutes ago.... I am staying home from work tomorrow, so I'll write more then.
  2. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

  3. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Yay!!! :eek:

    Welcome home Bailey! Keep us posted Monster on how he's doing :D
  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    :eek: :eek: i'm so glad to hear he is home how is he doing. I was thinking about you all weekend but couldnt get to the computer i had to babysit my neice i'm sssssssoooooooo glad my kids are grown its really hard watching a 2 1/2 year old i'm out of pratice i guess lol

    let us know how he is doing and what you find out.

    hugs to bailey
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Bailey is home!!!

    :eek: My baby is doing wonderfully!!! ......He got home about 10:00pm last night... and slept like a rock. There has been no frowing up (so far).... KNOCK ON WOOD. He's just really really tired. :| Everytime he sits still for a long period of time, he's out! LOL.... I was trying to take a picture of him (cuz his little legs are all shaved, and they look like pencils! LOL...) and he was FALLING ASLEEP AS I WAS TAKING THE PICTURE! :)

    He's eating good -- very very good sign! He had his morning bowl of baby/bland food, along with two wonderfully tasting pills (yummmmmmm amoxicillin and anti-nauseau stuff!!)...and scarfed it down!

    We still don't know 'for sure' what happened or caused it. There is still the possibility that he got into something he wasn't suppose to, but I HIGHLY doubt that cuz it would have been strewn all over the house. Like I said, they usually don't get into the Ajax, clean it all up and then put it back in the cupboard, right!?!? Anyhow, the doctor feels it was probably the incident with the pig's ear. Probably too-big-of-pieces that just decided to have a field-day in his little belly! :cry: The best news, tho, was that they re-tested his blood and his bilirubin levels were down to normal and the pancreas/lipase levels were a little lower also. So, I can stop worrying about him having liver disease or pancreatitis.. :cry:

    Sooooo.. it looks like our Bailey Boy is on the mend! :p Bless his heart, I practically smothered the little fella with hugs/kisses all night!! :) hehe....

    :kiss_heart: :kiss_heart: :kiss_heart: THANK YOU ALLLLLLLLLL FOR YOUR THOUGHTS!!! :kiss_heart: :kiss_heart: :kiss_heart:

    Here he is this morning (sporting his new soft/harness that mommy bought to make him feel better!! LOL) Do ya see how he's almost falling asleep?? Notice his pencil legs?? LOL


  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    i'm really glad you ruled out the liver thing i didnt want to say anything before but my nala had liver disease and lived for 3 years of course on lots of meds and she had her good times and bad times. I'm soooooooooooo glad it's not that. what a relif you feel i bet.

    hugs to bailey he is such a doll
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Bailey looks SOOOOO much better than he did in his other pic!!! :y_the_best: You're right, his legs look too funny...good thing hair grows back pretty quickly!!! :lol:

    Sounds like the poor little guy had a rough few days, but it's WONDERFUL to hear that he is on the mend and is back home with mommy and daddy!!!!!!! :eek:

    I worried about Bailey all weekend after I read the news that he wasn't doing so hot, but it just makes my day to hear that he pulled through just fine and was a brave little boy!!!

    Thrilled to hear the good news, thanks for the update!!! :D

    Sending LOTS of hugs and kisses to you, Bailey, GET WELL SOON!!! :kiss_heart: :love_y_t_much: :kiss_heart: :love_y_t_much: :kiss_heart: :love_y_t_much: :kiss_heart: :love_y_t_much: :kiss_heart: :love_y_t_much: :kiss_heart: :love_y_t_much: :kiss_heart: :love_y_t_much:
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Thanks guys.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're the best!!!!!!!

    and rene, GOOD THING you didn't say anything to me... I was already a nervous wreck from reading about possibilities.....eeeek. Sometimes the 'net isn't all that good for us, huh? :)

    How are those babies doing!!?? time for updated pictures
  9. Rene

    Rene New Member

    your right sometimes the net has to much information. Babies are doing great (getting fat) their eyes aren't open yet still but they are only 12 days so we will see i'm getting pictures developed tonight and if my computer will work i will post some tonight

    so happy for Bailey he must still be doing good. poor little guy sure gave us a scare.
  10. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    One of our Cocker Spaniels that my family had when growing up, had liver disease, and we had to have him PTS after his quality of life diminished to nothing. Such a great little fellow he was, loved him to death, and miss him dearly!!! :cry:

    When Monster mentioned that Bailey's bilirubin levels were a little abnormal (abnormal bilirubin levels are associated with liver problems), I got really nervous, but didn't want to say anything, or jump to any conclusions. So, when I heard that all was well, especially with Bailey's liver, needless to say, I was TRILLLLLED and quite relieved!!!!!!!! :y_the_best:

  11. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    ya know, mybabyshih.... when I didn't hear from you or get your great medical advice, my heart sank... I was thinking "she knows something!"

    While the vet was clear to me that things were just "tiny bit" and "slightly" elevated, it still worried me. I was soooooo thrilled when she told me that his bilirubin was normal... I actually cried. Ya know how us parents are! LOL
  12. Rene

    Rene New Member

    I was praying that it would work out for the best I just lost my Nala last march but in the end it is better for her she got way to sick. she had fluid in her tummy after they drained 13lbs out of her she waited till i got there to pick her up and she passed i still miss her dearly. When jasmine had the babies i swear they look just like my nala it's funny how yorkies can look like little rotties.

    so glad bailey is doing good i love those pics of him he is such a little doll
  13. Rene

    Rene New Member

    how is our little baby doing now? did they figure out what it was for sure
  14. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    That's precisely why I didn't say anything for a while, Monster!!! When I read that Bailey wasn't feeling too well, and then that his bili. levels were a little above average, liver problems was the first thing I thought (among other problems). Then you mentioned some other levels were a little abnormal as well, and I all these diseases and other health-related problems started popping up in my head, and I definitely didn't want to bring those up to you only because abnormal levels (of whatever they might be) aren't always a sign of a MAJOR problem. And that's why it's important to not jump to conclusions until all tests have been run, and progress has been evaluated. I've been primed to always look for the worst, and take into consideration all health-problems when things aren't "normal." Having done that for so long, it's really hard for me to take my own advice in not jumping to conclusions right off the bat, thus, I refrained from saying anything (and since nothing had been confirmed, I didn't want to make you worry).

    So, yeah, that's why it took me so long to say anything, but I figured I should at least send you some words of encouragement and wish the little guy luck. Believe me, I would've responded sooner had I not been afraid to come back and read something was really wrong...I apologize! :(

    But, he's all better, and that's what counts (and makes my day that much better)!!! :D
  15. MicroMuttMom

    MicroMuttMom New Member

    Oh dear, Bailey's mom -- I've been busy with school so haven't checked the board for a while, but here I am adding my good vibes and best wishes to all the others. I had a diabetic cat a few years ago, so I know how tough it is to leave your critter in an animal hospital. Hope your baby is better soon - Stella sends hugs too!

  16. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

    monster.. i'm so sorry to hear bailey wasn't feeling well.. glad he's back home..
  17. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    When monster told me to look at the auspet board and see about Bailey ,i did and was like mybaby and others .I kept my mouth shut because the less said the better and I was afraid it would be his liver .
    I am soooooooooooooooooooooo hapy it is not .Please give Bailey a big hug for me ...I will send him a neat toy to help take his mind off his illness ...in about a couple weeks ...looks like he has his contest sewed up ! ! ...
  18. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    well, I'm not counting that "chicken" yet, malti... I know you have some votes to weed through from the first couple of days.

    However, I know that Bailey will be HONORED if his the November winner!! :) I know it's thoughts of that, that got him through his hospital stay! LOL.....
  19. doggielover

    doggielover New Member

    Little Bailey is such a cutie, I am glad to hear he is doing better!

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