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Brand New Pics

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by True_Pits, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I got pics from Nationals. Here are a some of them. There are a lot so they'll have to load.

    1st place CH of CH

    2nd place CH of CH
    I really loved this dogs color!!!

    Ven 2nd place So proud of my boy!!!

    This is Belle sire: A/A Dirty White Boy (Sire of Santana's ucles-Whiskey, Brute & her dam Pantera) Dam: Ginger (out of Ven's sire and the dam is Santana's g-dam)
    Belle pull
    She got 3rd

    This is Feebie Bellie sister
    She took 1st

    ACE Whiskey pulling easy he tok 1st
    Double bred A/A Dirty White Boy

    This is ACE Kasey Sire if Villines Ace Super Nova Dam CH ACE Venus(Venus is another daughter of Satana's G-dam and a littermate sister to to her sire)
    Kasey pulling cant remember what he placed

    Kasey's sister
    ACE Katie pulling 3,787
    ACE Katie pulling 3,900+
    She got 1st

    A lil white female

    ACE Miss Madness

    It really turned out great for weight pull. 45-55lbs females it was 1st place Katie, 2nd place Madee, 3rd place Belle. Katie & Madee have the same sire (ACE Super Nova) and Kasey & Belle have the same g-dam (CH Angel.)
    For the males class Kasey placed something.
    The next class for females Feebie took 1st and for males Whiskey took 1st

    Hope everyone enjoys!
  2. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Wonderful pics, and very impressive dogs. Wish I could have been there. Where was it located?
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    When do you think you'll be able to start showing?

    This years Nats was in IL
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Congratulations you must be so proud! :eek: Great pics by the way.
  5. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Not nearly as soon as I wish. I just started a new job. My training lasts at least 2.5 more weeks, and then I'm not sure what store I'll be going to. During my training I work a minimum of 50 hours a week. It usually ends up being closer to 55 or so. No telling what my schedule will be like after training. Anyway - it seems like I have to work everytime there is a show anywhere near me, and long distance travel (beyond a few hours) is almost out of the question right now. Honestly, it'll probably be another year (when I'll have some vacation time to use) before I am able to start showing. In the meantime, I'll have plenty of time to work on obedience and maybe even some agility at home.
  6. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    feed those cute babies!!! :) they are really skinny you can see their ribcage!
  7. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    A duh! Thats what a conditioned dog looks like its also part of their anatomy. A fat one will still show rib and just have a fat stomach and be over fed. And I cant very well go around the show feeding other peoples dogs, I'm sure I'd be DQ for ruining their well conditioned dog who couldn't place or one who dies of bloat on the track or doesn't pull well because its fat. God I'd feel terrible if that happened. Of course I'd never do anything like that, I'm a good sport.
    But image some one making that 1st place CH of CH dog fat to knock out the competition....lol That'd be too funny. Too bad some one didn't do that in my dogs class...j/k That did happen to his sis once though, not to her competition but too her:(
  8. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I know your dogs are 'skinny' because they are conditioned.... but I could never have Shianne look like that. I mean I don't want her to look like "A fat one" with "a fat stomach and be over fed".
    Thick but not with a fat belly. Like Bluebelle. She is what I like. She is what looks healthy to me. Right or wrong, its my opinion and its what I like.
    Shianne is my first dog and I didn't really know much about size when I picked her out. She is too big and strong for me! If I were ever to get another dog, I would try to find one that I think (or hope) would turn out to be on the smaller side. If Shianne were shorter, of course she would have the wider or stockier look. I perfer Bluebelle's size rather than the taller, more slender size.
    But then of course I don't do confirmation and weight pulls with my dog nor would I in the future.

    Some of these are a little too fat, in MY OPINION.

    BUT this is ALL MY OPINION.

    BTW, does this dog look mixed?

    Rage: http://muglestonspitbullfarm.com/images ... _14_lg.jpg
  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    That is your opinion Angie and I respect it. I also have to agree with it. If you have a pet you shouldn't condition it or worry about conditioning it, there is no reason too. But I also agree that they shouldn't be fat and overfed because thats not healthy. I saw a dog this weekend that was very fat, she had a huge stomach, fat hanging off her sides/ribs and it looked like she had pups (but hasnt been bred) just without any milk but she was sagging. She was a cute little thing however, just too bad she was so fat. There are also some people with large dogs who over feed them brag about there weight, don't ask me why. They'll get a dog that was 70lbs not fat, not skinny, not conditioned just a normal 70lbs dog and have it weighing 90lbs.
    Yo do also have to take into consideration the anatomy of the dog, some if you start seeing their ribs and they were starting to look sleek would be because they were underfed when they are build bigger/wider and not supposed to look like a slender Pit Bull. Just like those trying to get their dog to be more stocky or things like that by overfeeding them. Works both ways with people doing this silly thing.
    I think Shianne looks good and healthy and you have no reason to condition her and you're right. We're both right..lol All I did was feed my male and play with him before, i didn't start showing him until he was 2 yrs. He was just my big baby (still is) and was kept like I would keep a pet. Not until he was about 20 months did I start to condition him and since then he's never put that fat back on, even when I dont work him and let him gain weight. Its all in what the dogs purpose is. I think owners should work their best to keep their dogs fit and healthy and do whats best for their dogs depending on the situation.

    The kennel you posted well I'd have to say IMO isn't a good kennel at all. Bybs and peddlers. They were also one of the kennels that spondered the online auction, there was a thread about it sometime back. They basically auction their dogs off the highest bidder without concern where the dogs go as long as they get their $3000. Kind of like a puppy mill, but only dealing with one breed. The fatter they keep their dogs the more they can say they weight. I can't say for sure if that dog Rage is mixed, but I know their was something about their male Lobo being mixed on a few message boards. Also if a dog is mixed, it may be harder to keep weight off. One thing is they grew slower if they were mixed with a mastiff because they are a large breed so they would stay puppies for longer and secondly you can't get a mastiff in the same shape as an APBT. She doesn't necessarily look mixed herself, just looks like a bigger, wider and fat pit. But if Lobo is mixed then you don't know how many others they might have who are. Mixed or pure they aren't very responsible breeders.
  10. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I agree.
    Some people think that overfeeding their dog will make them look 'good' because they get so huge when they really are just fat.
    I think that some dogs structures are not meant to have all that weight.

    My brother's male, Tank, is about 75 lbs. He is NOT fat and I dont think that he is 'skinny' either. In MY Opinion, he is the perfect weight for his structure.
    http://photobucket.com/albums/v489/Loui ... =Tank1.jpg
  11. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yup, I've seen your brothers dogs and they look like they are healthy and at a good weight. My females sire is about 60lbs lean and conditioned, although he is bigger then most of the standard APBTs he looks great at that weight. He's usually about 65lbs chain weight and even though I like dogs 30-40lbs I think he's perfect and looks great and at the proper weight. I'll have to post a picture of him.


  12. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Aww, hes cute :)
  13. Angie

    Angie New Member

  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I like the dog in the last pic? Which one is that?

    I forget, did your bro ever decide on a name for that pup???

    I forgot to say my female is 31lbs..lol She's a small one. half the size of her sire. Think she is a throwback, her dam is 45lbs. her and her sis are smaller, but her sis is built akward no conformation there. Her other sis is about the dams size, built really well. I'm not sure what size dogs she'll produce? My friend is trying to scare me saying she can produce a 60lbs dog, which of course I know she can. I just hope not..lol Thats just considering her dams sire was 75lbs and not purebred so she could spit out some dogs like that.
  15. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Well, Tank is in the last picture but if you are talking about the red puppy?
    That is a male that he is selling.

    The one he is keeping is chocolate and white female and he named her Gypsy. (The one that is a picture by itself, cryin to get out of the tub!)
    (Above the red one ..that you like?)
  16. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Congratulations ... you have a lot to be proud of! :eek:
  17. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah i was talking about the very last one that was an adult, so thats tank ...lol The one you were talking about. Pretty dog.

    Yeah saw the one crying, so Gypsy he decided on. I think I saw all the puppies from before.
  18. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I think Tank is a beautiful boy too. He looks so happy in that picture!
    He is very sweet... I think I posted this before.
    Usually when we take him out to the Lakefront, people are scared of him, I guess because he is the biggest of the bunch. But really he is just a big baby.

    Yes, he did decide on Gypsy. Wouldnt be my choice but its his dog. :|
    I probably would have named her Maple. Second choice would probably have been Grace (Gracie) or I don't remember the other one I liked.

    He does have two puppies left that he is selling. His friend is not sure yet if he is going to get the chocolate one. And the one that had the red one gave it back because I think the guy and girl (couple) that really wanted him, one didn't want to help clean up. He is beautiful pup though. I need to get a better pic of him. He is like a red brindle color but its kinda faded looking. He is the smallest. He also likes to play on his own and get into things. He just needs some training. When we were around our family for the hurricane, two different couples were thinking about getting him. They loved him to death and held him almost the entire time. He loved it.
    My grandmaw held him and was singing some Hank Williams song to him. So I asked her what she was going to name him (just playin) and she said she didnt know. I told her to name him Hank because thats who she liked.
    Shes very old though and the pup ripped the skin on her arm when she went to set him down. (his little toe nail must have pulled it)
  19. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    If her dam's sire was not purebred, then she is not - so why would you breed her to produce anything? Maybe I misunderstood the post.
  20. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I haven't bred her yet. But I'd breed her in order to produce more dogs of sound temperament, health and conformation. Despite the fact that her dam is a weight pulling dog and sired by a dog who has whopper in the 6 gen twice. I won't breed back to whopper/eddington or any other inpure bloodline, but some people would rather go the other way and instead of diluting the mastiff adding it back in. The ADBA should have done something about it in the beginning and people wouldn't be dealing with these problems. It makes me so mad! I had another dog who had whopper one time in the 6 gen and 2 AST in the 6 gen! It drives me insane. And besides Whopper they have that new Dagger stuff.....Ugh

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