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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by puggleowner, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Hi everyone- it is midnight right now and my husband and I are very worried because Cameron seems to have hurt her tail. Neither of us noticed anything that would have caused this, but all of a sudden she was walking around with her tail down instead of curled like usual. Then we noticed that she kept biting at her tail. When laid her down to examine her very gently, we noticed that she would suck in her stomach everytime I touched a certain section, but I didn't notice any blood, bites, sting markes, etc. Now we are trying to sleep but Cameron is obviously bothered by her tail- she keeps moving around and getting up and being fidgety. I called the emergency vet but it is all the wya on the other side of town and is 100.00 just to look at her- money that we do not have right now! She isn't wimpering or anything, but obviously is bothered by her tail. Any suggestions? SHould we take her to the vet anyway or wait until morning when our regular vet opens? Could she have pulled a muscle or something? Any responses would be greatly appreciated!!
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    It could be that she has fleas and they are really bothering her on her tail.
    I think she will be fine until you are able to take her to the vet in the morning. Best Wishes & keep us posted.
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oh puggle... I don't have an answer for you, but wanted to send some TLC. I just went thru a little trauma w/my little fella and I know how worried we all can get....... ((((((hugs))))))) I'm sure Cam. is going to be fine. Hopefully Gina is on the right track!
  4. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Thank you for your responses- Ijust wanted to give an update that Cameron was feeling 100% better this morning! I did some research on the internet last night, and read about a condition called "limp" tail that occurs after a dog has been swimming in cool water. They said that the tails muscles used to swim plus having a cold damp tail after swimming can cause cramping in the tail, kind of like a leg cramp for humans, and can be uncomfortable for for a day or two. Well, Cam had just been swimming in our lake yesterday, and it was pretty cool with the colder fall weather approaching. IT also said that giving an anti-inflammatory can really help, and we happened to have 2 left over from when Cam got stung by a bee, so we gave her one last night, and she was back to her old self this morning, with her tail curled high :) Unfortunately, though, mom and dad got very little sleep and had to go to work all day :(
  5. rudysjoy

    rudysjoy New Member

    Glad to hear that the situation is better this morning. If Cam went swimming yesterday, I know the water must be really cold after all the cool nights we've had. Sorry to hear you didn't get much sleep last night..... you should crash when you get home tonight (everything you need to do will still be there tomorrow!) It's no fun to be awake and worried all night, but I guess it will always be that way when you have babies around.

    Note: I'm not sure where the emergency vet is located now in GR. Are they still on the corner of I196 and College or Fuller?
  6. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Wow, tail cramps! That's a good thing to store away in the old memory bank for future reference! I never thought about it, but I could see where it's possible. I know dogs use their tails a lot when they swim...Glad Cameron is feeling better!
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that is just crazy, I can't believe that is an actual condition, poor cam! But I guess limp tail is better than park bench synmdrome, a conditional commonly found in hoemless people (this is for real, my friend had it!) it is where you get drunk and pass out on a park bench and bc of the way you lay it does nerve damage (a bit more than that, but that is the simple vesion)
    I am glad cameron is doing better!! remeber to wrap Cam's tail up next time she goes swimming, so it doesn't get to cold!

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