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You will never believe this!!!! I can't!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. All this time I was thinking all the strays were being fully spayed and neutered. Come to find out they aren't!!! The males testicles are fully extracted. But in females they don't alway remove the organs! They just tie the tubes!!!! Can you believe this! Guess how I found out, you'll never believe it.

    Hanky Spanky is pregnant!!!!! I thought it safe since I"ve had her soooo long and she's been spayed that I could let her and Smokey play. Well, I knoticed him "humping" her occasionally, but I just took it as a dominace thing, since I've never seen her come into heat. Well apparently she did, and he bred her!!!!

    I knoticed her nipples swelling the other day and her abdomen was like a little grapefruit. SO I took her to the vet, and yup 5 puppies are inside!!!! I opted to terminate the pregancy but he said she's too close to her due date to risk it. He advised to just let her go through with the litter and hope for the best! He didn't perform the spay. I had another vet do it. He was on vacation when she was old enough to spay, and I didn't want to wait two weeks. I guess I should have!!!! But she's two and a half years old, and not once have I ever seen her come in heat!!!!

    SO I called the vet that spayed her, and asked what kind of job did he do? How could she possibly get pregnant. He said he usues a cheaper and safer method of spaying. Just clips and ties off the felopian tubes. I said, WHAT!!!!!!
    Here all this time I was thinking she was spayed like EVERYONE else. Nope. Soooo I called my regular vet and asked him how he spayed and he said he does the full extraction. There fore ther are no mistakes. He said alot of vets use the other method, its cheaper, and safer.

    So from now on, makesure your pets have the FULL extraction during a spay.

    Poor hanky spanky. She's such a hyper dog. Her tummy isn't big at all. You can barely tell. Except for the last four nipples are slightly swollen around the mamorary glands.

    SOooo I'm an expectant grandmother again!!! GRRRRRR.... I will be seeking legal advise on what to do with the vet that spayed her. I paid $135 +tax and meds. THinking I had the proper thing done. I also was told that its not all that rare that bitches get pregnant after a spay like that. THe suture they use can come untied,......exposing the ovum to be fertilized.

    OH, why does everything have to happen to me????
  2. Rene

    Rene New Member

    poor sams i would take legal action against that vet also how dare him not tell you. I forgot what kind of dog is hanky spanky again?

    well being a grandma isnt soooooooooo baaaddddd lots of work but not to bad.

    i was just thinking smokey is a busy little guys isnt he lol
  3. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    OMG Sams, I just can't believe a vet could do that and not inform you! It should be your choice which method you want! And to call it "safer", well, what about now?! Can he assure you that your dog will be "safe" during this unplanned pregnancy?!? AND it definately does not sound "cheaper" to the pet owner! I don't think you should be responsible for ANY vet bills due to the pregnancy, and the vet clinic should be giving all 5 of those puppies there first shots free of charge. Well, I guess that's this weeks dose of stress for you! Do you ever have a day when you're trying to find a home for someone? Good thing you have a heart of gold!
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    oh yeah. A bitch in heat can get pregnant from smelling him!!! he he heh...

    No seriously though. She's a Shephard/ Terrier mix Picture Rusty'd color about 45 lbs. With Nala's build. She's beautiful dog.

    I now know I can't do anything right. Go figure. I try and give Smokey a "Safe" friend to play with. And think, she can't get pregnant, he won't hurt her since she's female, all is good. NOT!!!!


    SOooo who wants a puppy??!!!!???!!!
    If anyone is intrested in one. Send me some info about yourself. Your family and pets, I'll send you an application, and photos of Hanky Spanky. You all know who Smokey is. And I'll get started.

    All will come with proper care and vacs, you all know that.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    awww Sam, poor Spanky, I would go thru small claims court for both the the spaying and future spaying costs and whatever costs you incur on her and the pups. You can get up to $5000. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise after Char.

    we know spanky is in good hands

  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I don't know. Oh don't get me wrong!! I will be taking it to court. He will be paying ALL costs for the puppies, and the next Spay for her!!!! Of course I'll be using another vet! I'll be keeping ALL reciepts for the puppies. Each one usually costs around $100 per pup to raise until 8 weeks. I'll be making sure EVERY penny is accounted for! Especially when the small town newspaper gets word of this!!!! He's not all that popular of a vet these days. I had her spayed about tow years ago when she turned 4 1/2 months and came in her first heat. I had her spayed right then and there. Thats why I didn't wait until my vet got back. I was scared THIS would happen!!!!
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    Thats unbeleiveable! I've never heard of this type of surgery being done to a dog. I'm sorry Sams.
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    now youve got me all worried. heaps of dogs are always trying to hump kuma and at certain times she smells awful, like shes on heat. she had a heat before we got her spayed so we know what the smell is like. :0024: we once saw the vet about it ages ago and they said maybe part of her ovary was left behind etc etc, but now im worried they didnt take anything out of her! they didnt me tion anything about what kind of spay she had done.
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that is just crazy I have never hear of that before. I'll ask some friends of mine in Vet school which they are learning. I am sooo glad I have a boy dog!
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh yeah. Granvel called me this morning ( i was getting ready for work) and tells me a tire blew out on the truck. Come get him so he can get a new one, It was too heavy for me to pick up. So I go get him, take him back, yada yada, and I get back to the house to clean up and get ready for work, and I knotice the screen door was ripped about 14 inches long...hmmmm....I hear barking and carrying on.....I opened the kitchen door and the trash is EVERYWHERE, things on the counter on the floor, flower scattered all over the place, and two sets of dog prints going down the hall....white litte foot prints and hairy dog foot prints! Hmmmm.....
    toilet paper strewn out, trash everywhere, toothpaste all over the floor and chewed up!!!! Then something falls and breaks in the back of the house, So I ran back to my bed room and Hanky Spanky and a new friend are on my bed!!!!!Hanky had a pair of granvels underwear out of the hamper chewing on them, and this Black Chowish looking dog is looking up at me wagging his tail!!!!! He had this expression like
    "oh HI!!!! Glad your home!!!! Now you can play too!!!"

    Soooo I had to fight to get them out of the house, quickly clean out the quarentine kennel, find out how Spanky got out, and fixed the kennel so she couldn't do it again!!! Now theres the matter of cleaning the house and fixing the screen door!!!!

    Ugh....What ever possessed them to do that!!!! Hanky knows that BAD DOG!!! SHe's not allowed in the house when she had free roam of the yard!!! I think the other dog was dumped, got in the house and then she heard him, somehow broke the bottom of the chain link kennel and went in to join him.

    I tell ya, pregnancy hasn't slowed her down one bit!!!
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I bet those pups will be adorable.....and FROM HELL! :) With the personalities of their parents, it sounds like they are going to be T-R-O-U-B-L-E! :lol:
  12. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Souns like your going to have a run for your money Sam, With the puppies and spanky. Hope things slow down so you can enjoy them just for a few minutes. I also have never heard of a spay that way. WOW. what a dingy vet. also sounds like you had a day from hell. that;s what i call bad days anyway. it's times like that you want to set back take a deep breath and hope someone cleans it up LOL. don't happen that way here either but we can hope.
  13. aussylover

    aussylover New Member

    In reply

    :?: sam I've worked in vet for several years and been there during surgery, I've never heard of that kind of surgery before! Sounds like they were taking your money (doing an half ass job) If I was you I would sock it to them good that's not fair to the animal and you!! I'm so sorry to hear that all this happen to you! Now it makes me wonder about taya because I had her spayed at the animal shelter low cost spay and neutered clinic. thanks Aussylover
  14. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Geeze Just when you are getting ahead, and no recent dumpies. Unless I missed one or two lol. I would go as far as making him pay for future vet care shots, and spays on the new puppies since they wouldent be here if it wasnt for him. This is horrible. I had never heard of this but you never know with people these day. Its scary if you cant trust your vet/doctors who can you trust? Man I wish you had a vet like mine out there. HE is in it soley for the dogs not the money. His visits are only like 12 bucks. With shots and nail clipping I took two dogs to him and it was like 35. Plus he is great with the animals and takes him time and listens to my crazy worries. Comes out in the middle of the night for anything big or small. Oh sorry to ramble I just love him. Well good luck with the new ones and good luck to Hanky her little trouble making self! When are the new ones due?
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Where in Virginia do you live, 4dogs, if you don't mind my asking?
  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH my regular vet is just like that!! He's WONDERFUL.
    I've been doing myhomework and calling all kinds of vets, they think i'm nuts! (their right!!!) Anyhow. SOme say they've never heard of it, other say it USED to be used but shouldn't anymore because of the problems, ahem....

    Soooo I called my lawyer, he's drawing up some paperwork. I guess I'll find out what happens whe he responds. I'm sueing him for malpractice, purposly giving false information, and theft.
    For the maximum allowance of $5000.00 allowe dby the State of texas in small claims court.

    I've also written an article for our local newspaper. When they print it. I'll clip oit out and put it in next months newsletter.

    Thanks yall.

    Yes I got a new dumpee. He's a black chow/shephard looking dog. Sweet, but VERY shy. He's gotten in the house a few more times. (he knows how to get out of the kennel, and once I put a lock on it, he scales the 6' high chainlink!!!)
    He broke through the bedroom window this mornign. I woke up scared to death!! It was dark, and this black figure comes crashing through my window! I just knew I was being robbed an the house was being broken into. Me living in the middle of no where at that!!! But it wasn't. Just the stupid dog.

    Soooo it took me 15 minutes to catch him, hold him down and check his entire Hairy body for cuts, scrapes and stuff. NOt a scratch on him...but the window, now thats another story.

    I don't know why he insists on coming inside! He's broken the screen door, broken a window to get inside, and learned how to open the kennel. I don't get it! SO I put a tarp over the top of the kennel this time. Perhaps that will deter him from going over the top....
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    He just loves you, Sams. He wants to be with you! I don't think either of my dogs would be okay left outside and would probably hurt themselves trying to get in. Nala, in fact, has broken our storm door hurling herself against it to get inside. I'm betting your new guy was someone's inside doggie.

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