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my turn to freak out

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Rene, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    well i'm here at work and my neice is at my house visting my mom and she let jasmine out of my room and jasmine is bleeding not really bad but spots so i called the vet they said bring her in right away (i'm 1 1/2 hours from home) so amanda took her for me. The vet just called me back and said she did ultra sound and her uturas (sp) is a little bigger then it should be but it is contracting which could be why she expelled blood. the vet also did a CBC blood panal (wont know the results till tommorrow) and her boobs by her back legs are brusied. She also said i have to watch her very very carefully for the next 24 hours if she dosnt act like herself i have to take her back right away so they can do a full blood panal. right now she is just checking for calcium and stuff. I give her a calcium tablet everyday and she is eating puppy food. The vet is worried that she might be getting diabetic i guess it happens in small dogs. I also have to try to not let the babies nurse on her lower part. My poor little girl i knew she didnt feel real well cuz last night i could not get her to stop barking then sebastain would bark i swear all night long barking.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Did you take her back to the vet to insure there were no puppies still in the uterous after she had the first three? Always besure to have your female and all puppies routinely checked after birth. She may have a uterine infection. Thats also very common in small dogs.
  3. Rene

    Rene New Member

    we did do ultra sound while pregnat and also x ray to be sure there were 3 the vet also looked at her last monday (when puppies went in) and she also did ultra sound today so hopefully everything will be fine.
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Oh Rene Im sorry I hope everything is Ok with the little sweetie. Keep Us Posted.
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I must say nipples do get sore from nursing. I know :shock: Was the blood blood red or was it brown or greenish.? Hope she's alright.
  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    my neice said it was both :?: red red and brownish red but also mucasy (sp) i will be home in 1/2 hour cant wait to see her
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Might be an infection. Hopefully worst case scenerio would be to spay her.
  8. Rene

    Rene New Member

    grrr stupid computers i could not get on line Jasmine seems fine i think she might be in heat again we will get the blood results tommorrow in the mean time i have brought the babies out in the livnig room with the sides of the play pen up when she wants in i put her in but she can get out by her self when i go to bed i will put them back in my room. besides the bleeding she has been non stop barking so i was thinking what has changed well i brought some of my moms boxes from the garage in (for her to un pack) and they are sitting around maybe jaz thinks i'm moving or something i dont know i just wish she would stop barking well she does when i hold her then sebastain starts barking i swear i cant' win around here it's always something. I'm also wondering when the puppies eyes are going to open geez it will be 2 weeks tommorrow i heard 10-14 days well tommorrow is 14 days and i see no progress. when the vet calls tommorrow i will ask about that as well
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    They are doing fine Rene. Calm down!!!! Jazzie very well might becoming back into heat. Be sure to keep Sebastian away. They have been known to breed right after a neuter job!!!

    Its also natural for a dog to kind of "leak" for about a week to two weeks after whelping. That may be what it is too. I know CHar kinda bled this mucasy like snot stuff for about two weeks after her litter. As long as it isn't a constant flow, she'll be ok. But have her checked anyway.

    She may be getting upset from all the moving around. Its best to leave the pups in ONE place and let momma roam free. She may not like being shuffled back and forth. I would leave them in your room, and let Jazzy in and out of your room during the day.

    Their eyes will open around 2 1/2 - 3 weeks. DOn't rush it!!! They haven't fully devleoped along with their ear canals. When they do open their eyes, keep them in a darkened area, no bright lights. Their eyes aren't developed right away after birth like humans, thats why they remain closed so long. They will appear to be a milky blue color. Thats normal, and they won't be able to see well at all. After a bout a week after they are open, they should be clear and able to see. They will also be mobile after that!!! Their ear canals should be opening now as well.

    KEep us posted, and relax, it'll be ok!!! Just have the vet do a once over on her to be sure!
  10. Rene

    Rene New Member

    the vet just called and said some of her cell count (didnt say which) are a little high but it is normal just haveing babies she thinks the discharge is normal also she says it's the uterus contracting which is normal she said if she is not perfectly back to herself on friday we will do a full blood panal so we will see. Thanks Sams i really thought something was wrong with the babies also i heard (cant remember where) that their eyes should be open already plus i'm excited i want to see those cute little eyes :lol: but i wont worry anymore since they are only 2 weeks old :oops: if i leave the babies in the room she wont go in my room when i'm home i think she is sick of being in there when i brought them out she sat with them i think she just wants us all to be togather lol
  11. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Rene, missy did that passed brown yucky stuff after her last babies and some blood . vet said it was normal just like sam said. as long as its not black or green. also they open eyes just like she said. she maybe barking to warn the other animals to leave her babies alone. I usually put mine in a crate and put a blanket over it so the other dogs can't come nose around them. Good luck with jasime and the babies. I always get mine what i call a pit shot the vet calls a cleaning out shot after they deliever.
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    That must be "pitocin" - the drug they use to induce labor. It makes the uterus contract.
  13. Rene

    Rene New Member

    My vet told me about that shot the other day she said if jasmine isn't back to normal then we will do that on saturday but she seems fine now

    thanks guys for all the help and listing to me

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