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Scared New Kitten

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Daniellea22, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. Daniellea22

    Daniellea22 New Member

    Hi. i am new to this forum. let me tell you a little about my past few weeks.
    In the beginning of July i took home a kitten from a friend of mines home. Her cat had babys. well He was the most adorable kitten EVER. anyways on august 23rd he started to slow down on eating and he was looking feverish. he was sleeping more than usual etc. so i waited a few days and then took him to his vet. well to make a long story short just last thursday we had to put him down b/c he had FP. I havent taken too well to this. My heart Hurts for him and i miss him dearly. this has truly broken my heart.
    My two year old son on the other hand just cant get over it. he gets frustrated cause he thinks Rocky is hiding from him. So my hubby adopted a girl kitten lastnight from a shelter. she was in a foster home with her 2 brothers and one sister. Anyways to make a long story short. she has diarhea already. Just what i need right. and so she goes to the vet tomorrow. I think its probably worms but who knows. Also she is afraid of everything. I pet her and she purrs but she doesnt wanna come out from under my bed. any suggestions?
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    did you do a thorough cleaning in your house before bringing in the kitten? I hate to be the bearer of bad news and heartbreaking news but I believe FIP is highly contagious and I think it hangs around for awhile. Please get the kitten checked out quickly to rule out the possibility of this.

    Also take a stool sample as the "dire-rear" could be coccadia which is an internal parasite that can be passed on to kittens from their mother and it can make a kitten really ill. Usually the course of treatment is Albon and it will take a few days to clear up - but a fecal exam will need to be done in order to know what it is (please don't try to treat anything with OTC stuff).

    Get the kitten's health taken care of before worrying about having her adjust to your house - it's possible if the kitten isn't feeling well she'll continue to hide.

    sorry just reread your post and I see you have a vet appointment tomorrow - I'm glad you're not waiting. Please let us know how all turns out.
  3. Daniellea22

    Daniellea22 New Member

    thank you i will definately do that. And yes we thoroughly cleaned the house. we have a 4year old cat too so the whole time rocky was sick we were cleaning hard surfaces with bleach and i think ive become the lysol queen too lol. I just dont think i could deal with another sick kitten. i was so stressed out and depressed about rocky. i mean my hubby only meant well by bringing this kitty home and i would never not love or take care of any animal so yes i am bringing her tomorrow to the vet and hopefully will get this cleared up. thanks again!
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    last year I fostered a family of mom cat and 5 kittens and mom had coccadia and WHAT A MESS. And stink - it was horrible. When I got her to the vet she had poohed all over the carrier (and my legs) in my haste to get her to the vet I'd forgotten the sample - luckily she provided one in the carrier :roll:

    good luck tomorrow - I'll be watching for an update
  5. Daniellea22

    Daniellea22 New Member

    o gosh that did make me laugh a little. sorry about that. i can only imagine how frustrating that was. See it isnt like she is pooping all over the house. actually all that i have seen was just once this morning when i woke up and it was very runny in her box. since then anything she has done she has covered. i talked to her foster mom and she said that the kitten we adopted and her sister both had the diahrea but it had just started over the weekend and she thought it was becasue she had treated them to some wet food of some sort that had a gravy to eat. She also said the 2 boy kittens werent having this problem. That seems a little too good tho to be true on my part so im leaning more towards the worms. well i guess in all honesty im hoping its just that. thank you!!
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Another possible cause of the diarhea could be stress. I'm glad that you are going to the vet to get this checked out...please keep us posted.

    Its pretty normal for kittens to hide at first in a new home. I think within a few days she will feel more comfortable and won't be hiding so much. Good luck.
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! Your kittie's behavior sounds normal to me except for the diarrhea. It's always good to have them checked out by the vet. My Monty hid under the bed and in the closet for a couple of days when we first got him. Hubby weaned him cold turkey by making both the bedroom and the closet unavailable to him. He then warmed up real quick and is now the best kitty we have! I'm so sorry for your loss. :(


    I guess I didn't follow the guidelines with Monty: :mrgreen:


    Good luck with the vet visit and the introduction to the household! :p
  8. luna

    luna New Member

    your kitten may just need some time to get used to her surroundings first and thats whay shes scarred. when i got shadow she just stayed in one corner for the first two weeks except to eat and use the litter.

  9. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    It sounds like perhaps parvo. But I'm no expert. All I know is that it takes a thourough cleaning and wait at least a month before bringing in another kitty

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