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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Fostersmom, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Fostersmom

    Fostersmom New Member

    I have a 5 month old Aussie puppy. I was gone from Friday to late last night. He was with my boyfriend, who does live with us and has the whole time I've had the dog. He was so excited to see me he peed himself last night (he does dribble on occasion when he's happy to see someone) and was whimpering against me all night unless I was physically petting him. Well I got up this morning and went to work, and when I came back for lunch he had pooped on the floor in front of my chair and on my couch! Is this in retaliation for going away, coming home, and then going away again? It's just so weird--he RARELY poops in the house.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It's not retaliation in that he is trying to get back at you. It could be stress, however, due to him being insecure about whether you are coming back. It sounds like separation anxiety to me. There are several on this board who have dealt with this - they should be able to recommend some things to do!
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    It does sound seperation anxiety, how did she act while you were gone? I would do a search ehre as there has been tons of good info on SA that might help you

    good luck

  4. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    I feel your pain!!!! If we go away overnight, we usually lose a chunk of drywall somewhere in the house! My husband's best friend is living with us right now, and they absolutely LOVE him but...We went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago, and were away overnight. They spent 90% of their time with him (they've snubbed others who have DARED to take our place) and he thought all was well. We got home, and he said to look in their room. Behind one of the doors, there was a huge chunk of the wall gone! I know with our girls it's just a stress thing-Where'd my people go? Why aren't they coming home?
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    My parents watched Wylie Jake and Midas while were were on vacation they alwasy do at our house, well, they went for a walk and left the front window open, which I do all of the time and she freaked because she wasnt going with them and jumped thru the screeen after them! She has never done that

  6. canine_specialist

    canine_specialist New Member

    Maybe your boyfriend forced him to do those bad habits. Poor pup. Telling him to poop anytime, anywhere cause he is too lazy to take the puppy out for a walk. Just fire away. As I read in your post, your boyfriend lives with you? Then I assume that he is a deadbeat and a freeloader. He probably abused your puppy , its worth checking. I just cant imagine what the poor pup went through with your boyfriend, the ordeal of being punched, not fed, being kicked. :x
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Who said anything about her boyfriend hurting the puppy, I am going to sound mean here but i dont care before you shout the odds please get all the facts people like you really annoy me as you seem to think you know what goes on in the household.

    Puppies and older dogs do things like this from anxiety not through being hurt they also do it if the animal needed to go out before the owner left the home this is why its always best to keep goodbye's short and always let your pet out to go potty before leaving the house.

    So Canine_Specialist if you knew anything about dogs then you would know all this so please if you cant answer with respect and ask for more information before shouting the odds then please dont answer at all.
    We are here to help and advice not jump to conclusions and start shouting accusations...

    Also P.S i do know what i am talking about i have years of breeding and animal care under my belt....
  8. Fostersmom

    Fostersmom New Member

    OK Adam and I have been together for 3 1/2 years, we own a home together that we each put the down payment on, and he loves that dog as if it were our child. I believe it was just anxiety, Foster is fine now. Just that first day I got home did he act out at all. I appreciate all the advice I got here, but please refrain from calling my boyfriend a deadbeat. Thanks!
  9. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi fostermom glad that all is ok again.
    Do you have any pictures of your furbaby sure we would all love to see him :eek: :D
  10. Fostersmom

    Fostersmom New Member

    I don't have any pics online but I think I managed to send you a few at your aol address, charmed.
  11. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi thanks for the pics those are adorable i want another puppy now but with all my pets i dont think i could handle anymore just yet hehehehe..
    Again thanks for sharing those with me

  12. Fostersmom

    Fostersmom New Member

    Hey it's my pleasure to share him! I will send you a few with him like he is now--he's so tall! He already outweighs his parents but he doesn't look chubby or anything, just all legs. What breeds do you have?
  13. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    the above posters are right ...I do believe it is seperation anxiety ...When we leave our pets (whom think we are theirs anyway ) they have a problem with it ...so they show you ...I have a Silky that does that when i leave him ,first thing he does is poop on hte sofa .Never had one to do that beofre ,but Giz does ...Whan i am home he never does it ,just when I am gone for awhile ,he knows it is wrong ,cause he always lets me know he did it ...but I seem not to be able to stop him from it ...So ,now when i leave ,I just take him with me ...LOL ! At least I don't have poop on hte sofa ...
  14. Jas

    Jas New Member

    That is a horrible thing to say and assume. I agree with Mike, this kind of talk, unless you know the facts is highly inappropriate. Your assumptions make you look very foolish - please take the time to think about what you are posting or don't bother.

  15. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Great job, mods......
  16. Fostersmom

    Fostersmom New Member


    I went and set him up a dogster acct, now everyone can see him! Thanks for all your kind words, Jas, I'm not going to let it bother me.
  17. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Hey Fostermom, glad the troll didnt bother you. We get them from time to time on here. Anyway I tried to go to your dogster page but it said
    "Whoa where'd that dog go" dont know if Dogster is messing up or its the wrong link. Anyway looking foward to pics and welcome to Auspet.
  18. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Seems like there are always a troll somewhere ...Don't let the types like that get to you .Be strong and always give it to them ...I thougt the poster should have been banished and post taken off myself .That was rude and crude .,totally out of line
    I loved the picture s by the way ...cute as a button that baby is ...Glad you are okay ...

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