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Off topic - talk me out of it

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Sep 18, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    man am I glad I live in the country!!! Are you absolutely sure it was them????

    If so Then send that lettter!!!! I would however at the bottom, put "if it wasn't you that reported me, then please forgive me, if so then all applies!!!"
  2. Jules

    Jules New Member

    People only complain about this kind of stuff when their own lives are so boring so they have to worry about what everyone else is doing!!!
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yeah, I want to tell them that if they have so much time on their hands, they are welcome to come over and give us a hand.
  4. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    I totally agree with the sentiment of your letter, but I would go over in person since you called them cowards for not coming over in person. Or add a line to the letter about how you wrote this instead of coming over as they seem incapable of human interaction. Our old neighbor was such a jerk about the lawn. I swear I saw him out there with a level and finger nail clippers hovering over his lawn! Bleech! It's GRASS people!!!!
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My husband used to think I was overreacting about these people. But I used to stay at home and I SAW them! So one week he was off for a few days, and when he saw them go out multiple times in one day to pick up any leaves that had fallen since the last time they were out, he had to admit I was right and they are crazy.

    They recently had a bunch of work done on their front yard and had a new driveway poured. Man, that was annoying. It took FOREVER and was all loud and stuff. And people kept parking their cars in front of OUR house when there was still room in front of theirs. You can bet I am reporting that the next time they do it. It drives me nuts! And they will usually cram a car in the street in between our houses where there is barely room instead of putting it on the other side of their driveway - I think it is unsafe because it's hard to see around it when backing out. I'm not letting that one go by next time it happens, either.

    So anyway, they still have big patches of dirt with no grass. I was thinking of reporting them for not having grass planted by now - but then I saw them watering the dirt....so now I am wondering if a 2am trip with some roundup (weed killer) would be a fun thing to do. Then they could puzzle about why their grass isn't growing. :x
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh your devious just like me!!!!!
  7. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Jaimya- MEOW! Saucer of Milk, Table two! Be careful, you just gave thousands of people your motive! (lol)
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Of course, Jamiya is not my real name. 8)
  9. Angie

    Angie New Member

    'Oh, Dear... I wonder why our beautiful grass is not growing' Lol!

    When we first moved in our house, the neighbor called the cops because my dad was hammering. (Working on the house of course.)

    They also called the cops on my brother for listening to the radio, during the day, outside. Wasn't even loud.

    The neighbors on the other side of us, never use their drive way. They are too lazy to get out of the car and open the gate, so they park in the street. Sometimes in front of our house. We have 5 cars in our drive way, so sometimes I myself have had to park onside the road a couple of times. The cop woke me up at 5 am and told me I had to move my truck. Funny how the neighbors can park on the side of the road when they have an entire drive way with not one car. Doesn't that just tick ya off?

    That would be halarious if you waited until like 3-4am and threw a bunch of leaves all over in their yard! lol
    Even though I would never do it... lol
    That would be extremely funny if they stepped outside and right into a big pile of poop!

    (Just so you all know, I could never do any of these things! lol Would think about them, but never do. )

  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hahahaha!! That would be hilarious!!

    Last year, they put up this sad little temporary fence thing in between our yards in the front. I think it was supposed to deter leaves from blowing from our shamelessly unraked yard into their immaculate one. My husband just laughed and said they will eventually figure out that most of the leaves that blow into their yard come from the OTHER side!

    The "fence" really didn't do any good and it was an eyesore. If it ever goes up again, you can bet I am reporting it.
  11. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I can just imagine them in their front yard picking up leaf by leaf.

    We don't really get leaves in our yard. But our grass does get a little high sometimes. But not to the point where it looks horrible.
    I have to admit, our yard is not the cleanest. Mostly because my dad is a total pack rat.
    But I never heard of such a thing where you could get in trouble for not cutting your grass or needing to paint the trim? on your house.
    Thats just sillyness. I can understand if the grass was over a foot or two high.
    But come on, some people have lives!

  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well hell, my grass starts getting high. I just let the horses in the yard!!!
  13. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    you guys are too funny!! maybe youshould make fake crop circles in their yard with the roundup or in the middle of the night (might be hard to do) get Bonnie and Nala to pee in their yard, doesn't girl dog pee mess up the grass? Have fun! finally a reason to be happy Ilive in Germany, no complaining neighbors!
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My officemate suggests bamboo. Apparently it grows very quickly and is very hard to get rid of. I'm looking into it. :)

    I called the city inspector guy and he was really nice. He said the complaint was about weeds in the side and back - ummmm. They were looking over our fence and complained about that?! Why the heck do they just not look if it bothers them?! The front was fine. *sigh*

    So since he was there, he had to cite the paint because it is a city code that you can't have bare wood showing. He suggested we just slap some paint over it and be done with it - then we are in compliance and can "do it right" later on our own timetable. He said he's not picky and it was all because of our neighbors.

    I didn't send that letter. But I'm thinking of trying to word something really nicely about how sorry we are that we didn't realize they are so lonely and bored and perhaps we can suggest some hobbies other than peeking over our fence to keep them busy. Muahahahaha!!

    Or maybe I'll just plant bamboo....

    I was also thinking we should plant a tree in the strip between our property - something that produces a LOT of leaves. *hums*
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Jamiya!! I'll buy the tree!!! Get a magnolia tree, they have HUGE leaves and they fall off year round!!! Plus they ahve big whilte flowers and these cone thingies, they fall off too and emit a nice "odor" when the flowers fall off in the hot summer!!!!

    Bamboo is a horrible thing. You think weeds are bad!!! These things multiply like rabbits on crack!!! ANd once they start, they'll never stop!

    Or a CHina Berry Tree!!! Those are the nastiest things in the world!!! little tiny leaves a LOT of Little tiny leaves all the time all over the place, and those annoying little berries year round that stain the grass purple!!
  16. rudysjoy

    rudysjoy New Member

    Glad to hear you didn't send the letter. I like the new letter idea much better!!!! The other letter showed your anger and frustration...... the new idea shows their stupidity. Maybe you could ask them if they would like you to put a few windows in the fence so they don't have to stretch their necks so far.

    A Weeping Willow is always good - it doesn't just drop leaves, it drops branches too. (Really messy!!!!!) Oak is good too - they drop leaves year round. Plant a whole row of trees!

    Glad you can resolve you problem so easily.
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LMAO. Thanks for all the suggestions! :lol:

    I am going to go over in person and ask them why they didn't just come ask us to remove the weeds rather than immediately calling the city. That should embarrass the crap out of them. It's not like they've ever asked us to do something and we refused. They just sit over there steaming about something that does not matter to us until they are so mad they send a note or call the city. Why not just ring the doorbell and tell us?? Everyone knows we can't read minds....

    Even my 10-year-old daughter knows that if she has a problem with someone, the first thing you try is talking it out with them. If that doesn't work, you move on to other things (like calling on a higher authority) but for pete's sake. Adults should know this.
  18. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Where do you live at?
    I never heard such a thing where you can't have wood showing. lol

    omg, if they spent that much time worring about somebody else yard, they could have cut it themselves.

    My boyfriend and his parents cleaned their next door neighbor yard before bc there was junk everywhere and nobody had been there for a long time... i think thats how it went.
    But they were just being nice and helping out.
  19. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    We're in a suburb of Kansas City.
  20. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    what do they do with log cabins? that could be alot of wood showing? just kidding. My ex bf used to live(before we dated) in a suburb of Kansas City, but now I can't remember what it was called, but I remember he went it school in Lawerence and his daughter lived in a town that was like Eureka or something like that.

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