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stars glorifying fighting

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by honeybears, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I usually post on the other dogs forum, but his has got me riled up. I just received my Best Friends Anmial magazine and there is an aritlce on "Should dangerous breeds be banned. YOu can read it online at www.bestfriends.org under their september magazine issue.

    It says hip hop starts like 50cents and snoop dog show pitbull fighting in their music videos and so this is glorifying to people that listen to them. I cant believe that would be allowed as dog fighting is illegal,

    And Outkast cds have in their cd jacket pitbulls for sale.

    And a famous football player just got busted for dog fighting and they confiscated 80 dogs from his properties

    And Nike has a comemrcial showing to dogs fighting over a pair of tennis shoes.

    It sounds like dog fighting is going mainstream which is sickening

  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    DMX and Jay Z also have videos with Pit Bull fighting. The dogs are not really fighting so its not illegal. Murder, rape, prositution are all illegal but are featured in movies. In the movie White Fang a Pit Bull also has a fight with White Fang as well as other dog fighting seens-such as a St Bernard. Back in the day they fought all kinds of dogs up north-the time around when the movie was set probably. Illegal but its not real, so its not illegal. Murder, theft and drug dealing is illegal but thats what these rappers sing about, its freedom of expression and theres nothing you can do to stop it. Many illegal acts are depicted on TV, but sinces it not real and only TV they can show it.

    Outkast selling their "Pit Bulls" term used lightly there, isn't at all illegal. It also has nothing to do with dog fighting. They are some big time puppy peddlers who can sell their dogs at even more outrageous prices being celebrities. Some one who bought a dog from them wanted my friend to give (trade) them one of her puppies for a future pup off the Outkast bred dog. Needless to say she said hell no. She didn't want one of those "Pit Bulls" and wasn't trading a very well bred dog for some future pup thats just bred to be bred without rhyme or reason, they just wanted to get a bunch of dogs and breed them to make money.

    I also saw the Nike commercial, ridiculous. I was shocked.

    Things like that and DMX/50Cent/Snoop/Jay Z its all bad. Its making kids think that dog fighting is cool and everything else. They want to immulate these rappers already, dog fighting is just one more thing for them to do. Although I know that most these kids don't really fight their dogs (which is good), they do still buy Pits for the wrong reasons because rappers talk about fighting them and they buy them just to be cool, brag about how tough their dog is and then when its boring and they move onto somethng else they just dump the dog. Also these kids sometimes breed their dogs and they just keep getting in worse and worse hands, including those who will fight them.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member


    "I also saw the Nike commercial, ridiculous. I was shocked."


    "Things like that and DMX/50Cent/Snoop/Jay Z its all bad. Its making kids think that dog fighting is cool and everything else. They want to immulate these rappers already, dog fighting is just one more thing for them to do"

    makes sense the dogs are not actually fighting, but emulating, and these kids think it is cool. so bad

    I also saw the Nike commercial, ridiculous. I was shocked."

    I have not seen the commercial, so If you are shocked I would be too

    I did a search on this and it looks like the commercial has been pulled. the HSUS said they had the most complaints out of any commercial on this ever.

    Nikes was response was the rottwieller and and pit were the only available dogs at the time, right, like they would have used a poodle and a dachsund, if they were the only ones available, who are they
    fooling :(


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