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Happy 5 months!

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Piper's Mom, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Piper is celebrating her 5 month birthday today! I am wondering where she is in relation to size compared to your dogs. She is still averaging 2 pounds per week in weight. How old will she be when she has finally stopped growing? Right now she weighs 35 pounds. I knew she would grow fast, but not this fast! :shock: Here are a few pictures from last night:
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Wonderful pics! I LOVE seeing pics of Piper, she's one of my favs. They reach maturiy at about 2 years, when they hit about 18 months I find they really start to fill out more but not grow so much in weight or height if that makes sense.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Awwww She's beautiful! Determining weight in a growing puppy is so hard to say. If she is already at 35lbs at 5 months then it's likely she could get up to 60lbs or you just never know she may only reach 40 or so. When Punkin was 6 months old she weighed 32 lbs and now at the age of 1 year she weighs 53 lbs so she gained quite a bit in 6 months. However Bluebelle has been approximately the same weight since 6 months of age. And poor Pinky she is destined to be a fatty! LOL she gets lots of exercise and is not overfed but she still has a very plump look to her.
  4. someday

    someday New Member

    Piper is getting so cute! He looks really happy.
  5. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Thank you ... I love getting to see pictures of other people's babies, too. We have some very beautiful dogs in this forum!

    She's not a fatty, she's like me ... SHORT! :D

    I think Piper and Punkin have similar faces. I was reading the previous post regarding the three basic sizes or categories that Pit Bulls fall into. I think their facial features can probably be categorized as well. But, I think they are all beautiful. A female we had while growing up had this look. We had a male who looked more like Bluebelle. I love them all.

    She smiles a lot! (Probably because she knows she makes her Mom so happy)
  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I think so too, there are a lot of different faciel features and a lot kind of share the same look. At the show there were several who had the same facial features and expression as Val. Then there was a few with the Bull Terrier head look to em.
  7. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    thats an adorable doggie! I've never seen a pitbull with boxer colors like that. Thats so cool!
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    awwww shes so huggable!
  9. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Thank you. Piper's father was a beautiful solid white and her mother was light fawn. The whole litter was adorable! Her coloring is often a conversation starter. I even had an argument with a man at Home Depot when she was @ 10 weeks that she was in fact an APBT and not a Boxer. He left shaking his head telling me to believe what I wanted, but it wasn't true. My husband and I had a great laugh over it!
  10. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Maybe this would make an interesting topic? I think I'll start one to see.
  11. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Lol I remember that story! People are so funny sometimes it shows how familiar they really are with breeds. Brindle/white is just as much a "Pit Bull color" as it is a "Boxer color"..lol At least if they see her they think sweet boxer and not vicious Pit Bull. I had an arguement with some one that my Boxer wasn't a Pit Bull. The fawn one with a black mask, they were convinced she was a Pit Bull and I was just lying because I didn't want people to know. especially since she had a docked take she must be a pit bull...lmao

    Here is Val's 1/2 sister b4 and after ear crop. Looks kinda like Piper.

    Most of the original colby dogs were brindle and white. Most still are brindle and white...lol But there is other colors tan and white, black and white.
  12. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    annnnnnyyywayyy . she is clearly not a boxer. HTH did he argue with you about what YOUR dog was. I had a lady tell us that our TOY fox terrier was a Chihuahua, im like err Nooooo but close! :p

    pitty babies are so dang cute. dare i say the cutest kind of pups.
  13. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    OMG - Val's 1/2 sister looks like she and Piper should be sisters. I can't believe how similar the markings are, down to the ears completing the colored circles on her face. BTW - they did a nice job on cropping her ears. Thank you for sharing those pics.

    And I agree - Pitty babies are the absolute cutest!
  14. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    I have a question about that but im going to start a new topic so we dont get off topic here.! everyone go look!
  15. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah I thought they were marked very similar, except for vals 1/2 sis not having brindle on both sides of her face. Her ears do look good, he always does a great job on the ears, Val's breeder that is he did Vals before I got her. I got her sister (who was seal) uncropped, then later i got her and he had did her ears, so glad because they look great on her. It really makes some dogs look so nice.
  16. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    I've been browsing your website True_Pits, and I have to tell you that you have some great looking dogs!
  17. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Thanks for checking them out :D

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