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putting 2 lovebirds together??

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    ok i got a new lovebird last wednesday and i have had my old lovebird (keyera) and the new bird (tweety) cagese next to each other so they can meet w/ each other but cant touch anyways i have alos let them fly around the bathroom together they r perfectly fine... now tonight i put keyera and tweety in the same cage not the ons they have normally been staying in though totally different one and twetty attacked keyera well they got close and wer feeding each other and the tweety snapped and went after keyeras legs and behind and chasingher aroudn the cage since that they were together maybe 5 min if that and i took them and put them back in their old cages where they were seperated and now keyeras goin nutts trying to get outta the cage to get to tweety... my ? is what should i do? how long shoudl i wait to put them together if at all? also anyone know any good sites on making bird toys etc..?????thanks....
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hiya most birds when you put them together will fight to establish who is the boss so to speak.
    If you have a male and female this also could be him wanting to breed and the female not being ready has ran off and he has chased her.

    If there is no blood from fighting then the only way to tell if they will get on is allowing them to stay in the same cage and watch them you may find they will be fine if after 30mins to 1hour they are still fighting seperate and leave them to it in there own cages.

    here is a link to a site that gives great idea's on toys and games for birds.

  3. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    thank u.. i dunno what the sex is of thsi new lovebird that i have but i know its bigger then my other one... keyera is nice to theother one its tweety thatgoes after her... the new one is doing the lil head dance (what i call it) bobbing its head up and down etc...soooosee i havent left them in the cage long enough 4 them to draw blood on one another thats what im scared of is one getting hurt badly... but ill try it again tonight and try to not be such a baby when they nip at each other...and thank u so much 4 the site ill check it out right now :eek:
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hiya if he is doing the head bobbing and is generally displaying showing off then you have a male as its only the males that bob there head as this is his way of getting the females attention and the chasing and biting is him trying to breed with her.

    Keep us posted of how they get on.

  5. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well i still havent put them together yet im being a chicken i guess :oops: ....i really dont want them to breed since its a blckmasked and a peachfaced but.... i might wait i might be getting 2 more lovebirds next week along w/ 2 quakers...but i think im gonna try putting them together now and see what happens....ill write back when i see how they do if i dont freak out and take them apart again...lol
  6. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    ok well i put them in the bathroom together to let them get tired out and they did really well twetty did the whole head dance and they just sat there talking 4 ever and then finally decided to get close and tweety picked at keyeras feet but she got him back and after that tweety would keep moving close to keyera and she would move away finally she gave in and sat next to tweety and then tweety would put his head on top of hers and rub heads and on her chest etc... he started grooming her then he would get mad he would put his head on her chest and she would just sit there so he finally bit her to get her to groom him soooo i let them ait 4 like 30 min and now they r in the cage together... tweety is making a total mess taking a bath splashing water all over me (im right next to the cage) thats the first time ive seen him take a bath since i got him a week ago.... hes done now keyeras taking one...they r not going after each other anymore sooo i guess illl see what happens...
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi thats great news it does sound like you have a male and female only time will tell but it does take a few days for new birds to bond and you do get a few squabbles.

    Good Luck and i hope it all turns out well.

  8. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    thanks 4 the help... i think i would of chickened out and never put them together if u woyuld have never told me that thankx :eek: ... they spent the night together in the same cage last night and i woke up all night checking on then didnt go to bed till 3 am and woke up every housr...lol anyways they have sat right next to each other all night and today when the light came on tweey bit her one time on the foot but no blood and now they r being buddies so i think they might be ok aftre all....lol man after all the stress i went though w/ those 2 at first now they r friends.. imagine that... :oops:
  9. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Glad all is going well.
    Like i say its the same with all animals once a new one comes into there space there is always some fighting or pecking and aslong as no blood is drawn and you watch them then all should be well.

    I always leave them let them sort it out between each other and it usually works out but if it gets out of hand then i seperate them and leave them in different cages.

    I have a new cockatiel and only had him about 2weeks and him and one of my females i bought him for had alot of arguments with the female chasing him around the cage and trying to pull his tail out, THey are fine now Meeko my female still has little snipes ate him but other than that they are best friends now.

  10. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    birds r something im kinda new at i have had birds in the past buts always just been 1 and then just recently bout a year ago i would have more then 1 but it always differend from parakeets to cockatiels to lovebirds etc... but never to where i had to put any birds together this is the first time ive had 2 introuduce birds to each other 4 them to live together type deal... the parakeets always came w/ mates when i got them sooo....same w/ the other birds... so thats one thing im learning....

    as far as keyera and tweety now they r doing great no more fighting just once all day today over the bath tub...
  11. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Glad everything is going well, Now that you have learnt how to introduce birds thats one more thing that you know how to do.

    The more questions you ask the more information you get that you can keep as reference for the future or to help others with there problems.

  12. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i know i am still forever going to the library to rent out books on cats dogs birds vet care etc... (as i am going to school i need that anyways) but i just enjoy reading bout animals any kind wild animals or pets... what can i say my 4 cats 1 dog and 3 birds and myson r my life... and possible 4 more birds to add on... and when and if i do get them im sure ill be posting again w/ ? about them as i have never owned any quakers.... so i better prepare ahead of time...lol anyone know and good sites bout quakers??
  13. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

  14. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    thankx ill check those sites out now!!! :eek:

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