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Back to the scared kitten..

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Daniellea22, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. Daniellea22

    Daniellea22 New Member

    okay so i had mentioned before that GiGi stays under my bed atleast 10-15 hours out of the day. We just got her monday night so maybe im being inpatient but i just wanna play and love the little beauty. just a little run through...she is around 9 weeks old. at 4 weeks she was found in a box near a dumpster at a college in PA. she was found with her 2 brothers and one sister. she was placed in a foster home where she stayed until we just adopted her monday night. Now i have a 4 year old male cat. he is neutered and he isnt really interested in picking on her, he just wants to eat her food 8) BUT i have them seperated for the most part besides when he gets into my room or something. Now several people have suggested puttin her in my closet (its a BIG walk in) with her liter box and food. and then going into the closet and spending time with her. Now my hubby is afraid all of our clothes will smell like cat urine ..gotta love em :roll: anyways ill do it if u all think its a good idea. Any suggestions will help. Maybe im just too anxious and i should let her come out when she is ready. this is just hard for me cause my last kitten was sleeping on my head the first night i brought him home!! thank you to any one who replies, in advance!!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    something I've always found helpful in such a situation - is go into your bedroom and sit on the floor - lean against the wall or your bed and read...quietly slowly methodically but read out loud. First the kitten has a chance to get used to your presence and your voice, once she starts to get used to these she'll get curious. Let her come out and don't try to coax her but let her sniff you or just sit and watch you - then maybe talk to her in your same reading voice.

    Patience will be your friend while waiting for this babe to overcome any fear or hesitation.

    My Zeus was like that too - he was brought to the shelter, with his smaller brother, at 7 weeks of age listed as a stray. You have to wonder what their kitten lives were like prior to being found. Zeus at 2 is still very fearful and runs at the sign of any company...but he loves his meowmy - and I just love that big fella (he's in here with me now). But if my son or husband came into the room Zeus would be gone.

    Just have lots of patience and let the kitten come to you
  3. Daniellea22

    Daniellea22 New Member

    okay sounds good to me! i do occasionally lay on the floor on the side of the bed in which she lays and i talk to her and i hear her little motor going. i also noticed she doesnt like to be held or kissed. ive tried to gently kiss her head and it seems to set her off. honestly i dont know how affectionate her fosters were. they seemed too be into " their 3 labs" more than the kittys cause the husband was allergic to cats

    im just so used to my older cat, shady, he is a big ole tough guy. he is like a dog, he greets people when they come and has to check them out

    thank you as always :D
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I agree with Mary on sitting around in the bedrooom to try and get her used to you. What I have found to be very helpful with my little feral kitten is playing with him. Doing this has made him so much more comfortable around me. I bring out the fishing pole toy and swish it around and he comes out of hiding to play....its like he just can't resist it. I also give him some canned food daily and sit near him while he eats it.
    Just be patient....I'm sure she'll warm up in no time.
  5. Daniellea22

    Daniellea22 New Member

    as i sit here at the computer GiGi is sitting on hubbys stereo speaker :p she is watching my son play with his hotwheels ..gosh she is so pretty :D

    now she is trying to slide under the blinds in my window, i would get up and pull the blinds up for her but she will run...okay now she is climbing onto the desk..maybe she IS coming around! :eek:
  6. vene

    vene New Member

  7. Daniellea22

    Daniellea22 New Member

    you all are too kind!! :lol:
  8. luna

    luna New Member

    one way to keep your closths from smelling of litter box is to put an air fressoner in there, like the protable ones that don't have to be plugged in. if you move her food into anouther room that will help whith your other cat eating it. i have the same problem with my 8 yr. old cat buster eating 4 yr. old shadow's food. shadow was really shy for the firsts few weeks when i got her, but she came around and sooner or later GiGi will too!

    :m27: :qm2:
  9. Daniellea22

    Daniellea22 New Member

    she seems to be doing better. for some reason she adores my hubby! she lays and just stares at him its so cute. and the thing is, the foster mom who had her, her hubby was allergic so it isnt like she was all lovey with him. i wish she was downstairs running around and playing but she doesnt even try to leave, which could be a good thing. she was tested for FELv at 5 weeks and was neg but im testing her again at 12 weeks. its just so hard keeping shady out of my room.do you think the felv test she had at 5 weeks is accurate?

    thank you btw
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'd wait the full 12 weeks. One can never be too safe.
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    It's recommended to re-test at 12 weeks:


  12. Daniellea22

    Daniellea22 New Member

    that was very helpful info! thanks as always!! :y_the_best:
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    Sorry for the long paste. I meant to copy only the last paragraph. Should've checked my post. I had to leave to feed my hungry family! :mrgreen:
  14. Daniellea22

    Daniellea22 New Member

  15. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    oh my....look at that little teeny one
  16. nern

    nern New Member

    They are so adorable! The little stiped one seems so tiny compared to the others..what a cuite.

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