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Soon to be 11 weeks old...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by EternalFlame, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    well, he'll be 11 weeks on wednesday... he's still only the size of an 8wk old lol and we think he's only 1 pound. deffinately not more then that.

    he's into everything lol i SWEAR u'd never know he was blind.

    anyways- my question- comment- whatever lol

    i'm hoping it's just his age- a phase if u will that he's going through.

    but at this age is it normal for them to not be real affectionate? he wont hold still for lovins, u pick him up to cuddle and he'll tootsie roll away...

    however, sometimes he'll crawl up by us on the couch and sleep behind us or in the crook of our legs... or on the bed once and awhile sleep by our head. (it's rare but has happened)

    he's super good coming when called.. usually have to only say his name once and he'll come pounding in tail stick straight. too cute lol

    sorry- back to my question. are other ppls kitties at this age much more affectionate? or should i expect he's just not gonna be one of those 'lap cats' that wont get out of your face?
  2. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    Simon's gonna be a year in November and was NEVER lovey. If I pick him up he squirms to get down, and will twist himself around like a pretzel to get outta my arms. Molly's going to be two and she's the same way. I can imagine them saying, "ewwwww. let me GO! GROSS! She KISSED me!!" :kiss_puppy:
    Seems like mine hate me (unless I smell like salmon) until they're at least five. :shock:
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    LOL's. Sounds like toddlers to me!
  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    :mrgreen: yeah vene would know too! ;)

    today he's been following me all over the house then finally curled up beside me and fell asleep.

    i think it's just a phase for him right now. :) *sheepish smile* just been so long since i had a kitten. heh
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    I think it might be just a phase Eternal Flame. Kittens are always wanting to play....maybe he's just to busy thinking about playing to cuddle much. I don't remember Bean being very cuddley when he was a kitten....he was a maniac but he definately became more affectionate as he grew up.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Enjoy every moment with Raz EternalFlame. They tend to grow up too fast. I know you've been taking great pics! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  7. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i'm still waiting on the growing part.... lol Raz is still pretty small for his age i think. but YUP!!! affermative on the pictures! the baby book is growing- thats about the only thing lol
  8. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    My kitties are almost 5 wks old (they will be on sunday!) and they're all very lovey. They come and sit up on my lap and even sleep in my bed sometimes. (They don't seem to really like the momma cattoo much). I think it all depends on the kitty! They're such individualists!
  9. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    darkrabbit> this is very true. i think Raz is gonna be 'the little man' acting all tough like he doesnt need sookins and lovins.

    where as Lex wont get out of your face. :roll:

    it's just so haaaaaaaaaaaaaaard! Raz is so tiny and cute an fluffy and soooo ---- *squeals* u know? u just wanna squeeze the craps outta him he's so cute.
  10. vene

    vene New Member

  11. luna

    luna New Member

    my cat shadow is 4 yrs. and she hates to be picked up and kissed. the only time she becomes a lap cat if if your eating :mrgreen:. she does sleep with me at night but if you move she leaves. i'm not sure if it's because she was abused before we got her or not. i know she was abused because the top of her tail is crooked from where it broke and was never set. anyway he might want more lovin' as he gets older.
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    Our first kitty Pooky was born with a broken tail. :roll:
  13. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    vene> lol i agree! course.. being his mommy and all, i must say he's still much more cuter. *nods decidedly*

    born with a broken tail? geepers... musta been pretty squished in there or something...

    luna>i guess all kitties are different... hehe i hope he gets more loveable.. but if not thats ok. he'll have to be paitent while i love over him in the future.lol all there is to it. :mrgreen:
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    That's what Pooky's vet told us. It didn't bother him though. He was a constant spaz. LOL's ! :mrgreen:
  15. luna

    luna New Member

    ooo i didn't know that they could be born with those. :0011:
  16. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Booger will tolorate me holding her for about 5 secs occasionally, or if she has a view of something that she's curious about. Then it's SQUIRM SQUIRM SQUIRM. But if I'm in the recliner, she'll hop up and curl up against my legs or on my lap when sitting at my desk. But doesn't like to be picked up and held. Nope.

    Booger is 6 months old, btw.

    I just think that some cats are just more cuddlers than others. Like a personality traite.

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