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Update ** She Jumped Out Of My BF's Car!!! (page 3)

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Polar's Mom, Sep 20, 2004.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    actually I have my own message board and everyone is allowed to speak their own mind and opinion and of course allowed to disagree. Just because they don't agree with you, I guess they can't express theres, only you can.

    You were the one who twisted my words. You got offended or upset by my statement but you don't care if others are offended by yours. Well thats nice. I guess it your right not to care if you offend others or the way they care for their dog.

    I told the honest truth when I said. "Following that logic really doesn’t mean that very few are pure bred, it only means that their is a chance that any dog isn't pure bred. "

    I'm not twisting words, it means something totally different then what you said. Now I can't express my opinion and explain what I mean and think?

    I never said people on here had show dogs? Some people even have rescued crossbreds. But it is an open forum if I want to talk about DOG SHOW standards which is the standard for the BREED then I can. Actually I'm not the first one who started mentioning it, it was spencerpits who first did and I went off that. So it is an open forum and we can talk about dog shows and standards all we want.

    Most people don't have a dog that meets standards, they have pets. My Boxer looked nothing like a show Boxer, she was a little wider and didn't have small bone frame, she had shorter thicker legs. Does that mean she wasn't pure. I don't think so, although I dont know if she was. She just wasn't a standard Boxer. I'm not going to be upset because some one else has a show Boxer and mine doesn't meet the standard.

    Their dogs don't meet the standard as in DOG SHOW. Their dogs may be the typical byb pet. I never said they weren't the typical house pets, its common and commonly known that most pet buyers buy from bybs and thats the typical pet. Your really the one turning this around all because I said certain APBTs are not pure.

    Well then you ARE CORRECT in that. If you take dogs from any same litter and you give one the advantage yes it will grow bigger and meet ITS full potenial. Just like you can stunt a dogs growth by not feeding it right. However you can't make a dog reach beyond its full potenial.

    Maybe you don't understand but dog showing is the standard. There is actually two standards. There is the ADBA with sleek/slender, true/classic pits. Then their is the UKC standard with more bone, stocky, a little bigger. These are both two standards and they are the standard and it is the standard. Even if THEY are not shopping for a show dog there are a high number of people who have both types of dogs that "fit' in this standard however have many faults and are not show quality. They are still slenderly build, they just may have cow hocks, straight stifled or whatever. Look at the APBTs on this board how many of them are out of the standard, huge dogs. And how many are fitting into the standards? Most are fitting into the standards. Check out the past pics, NOT MINE, but by other posters and thats what typical pets look like.

    The show dog world, the real world...whatever. Most people don't put much thought to it and pick up newpaper and buy a pet. Of course they want both parents too be pure. Do my research? I don't agree that 80% Pit Bulls for sale are stocky, however I never said stocky dogs are not pure and the UKC standard Pit Bull (yes SHOW DOG) is stocky. Do my research, well there are a lot of bybs in my area, a lot of people breeding pits and buying pits. However they don't have stocky dogs or 100lbs dogs. Their is one couple with a beautiful, stocky, seal female. But thats the only one I can think of. The people I know buying Pits are not looking for anything specific like a dog out of too stocky parents or out of two slender parents. They just buy what they see. There is nothing wrong with stocky dogs anyway and most are beautiful. However there is a difference between them and some one breeding fad dogs whether they are pure are not, even if 99% of the dogs being bred were some sort of fad dog has nothing to do with the issue, so there are a lot of bybs out there.

    Well I have made up my mind but you put words in MY MOUTH.

    Those massive, RIDUCLOUS one are not pure.

    Big APBTs are big pure bred APBTs.

    However no dog has a 100% guarantee that it is pure.

    yeah thats my opinion and should be able to say it freely.

    Different topic, well it is an open discussion forum and this threat wasn't about purity at all. It was about some one posting pics of their beautiful all white pit. Who to me doesn't look like a big stocky, 100lbs, super huge Pit Bull. Close closer to the typical pets I see. I can't honestly say she meets the "show dog standard" because she may or may not have SHOW faults, but to me she's pretty and looks like a "standard pet" that I know. Which I didn't really think there was a standard to byb or accidental litters, until you got me looking at all the pet bulls I know.
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Lol now Im a now it all, because I have a different opinion.

    Guess the same could be said about you. Since you seem to know that all "pit bulls" are pure, that pet owners seek out stocky dogs, that 80% for sale are stocky. Which has nothing to do with massive ridiculous ones at all. Difference between stocky and massivly ridiculous.

    Someday I think you got me right, except not all Pit Bulls just because they are large have mastiff or something in the line IMO. But there are a lot of lines who do have mastiff or something else thrown in. There is breed type (two standards) and thats supposed to be the reason for breeding because your dog meets this standard, of course with any breed there will always be bybs. When they breed them away from the standard of course they are still pure, they'd be just like my Boxer. Or like my friend GSD compared to all the byb ones, I was taken aback when I saw her beautiful standard GSD, even though he's just a pet he's bred to fit the standard and not your typical byb GSD. I think Bronxthepit is maybe looking at something to argue over and trying to twist my words. Yes there was some miscommunication, like about the feeding subject. And about the massive ridiculous dogs, I never once mentioned stocky dogs, but some how it got turned into that.
  3. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    sorry all
  4. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    I think Polar is beautiful!
  5. someday

    someday New Member

    Oh yes, I meant to reply to the original topic of this thread...hehe...Polar is a great looking dog! Very pretty!
  6. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I like Polar too!
    She looks very healthy ...
  7. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    sorry! how rude of me!

    Yes polar is adorable!I almost got a white pitty but the breeder's wife wanted to keep it! Then later sold it! :cry:

    oh well! im in love with the babe i got.

    Pit Bulls rule!
  8. Polar's Mom

    Polar's Mom New Member

    Haha, no worries guys :)

    So it seems that Polar sees my bf as the boss... (understandable because he's a man and has a much deeper voice) Problem is that (as weird as this may sound) I think she sees me as another dog. She obviously likes me, gets really excited when she sees me, cries if I don't come say hello. But when I do go outside she jumps up on my (like right up to my face) and nips at me.... plays with me as if I'm another dog. I know it's not an aggressive thing, but she actually bites me pretty hard. I yell NO, or OFF, turn my back to her and she just keeps jumping and nips at the back of my arm. I've tried putting my knee up, but she still jumps and sometimes loses her balance and flips right over landing on her back on the ground. It doesn't seem to faze her at all but I feel terrible when that happens. She also absolutley loves playing fetch with me, but will rarely chase the ball if my bf tosses it.

    I find I'm a little nervous when I first go outside to see her because I know she's going to jump up... I definetley don't want to fear my dog. Any females on here dealt with this? Any suggestions?
  9. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    my year + old (see the "My kids" topic), use to be like that with my wife.I've had her since she was 4 weeks, so to her I was mom AND dad at the same time. then 6 months later my wife moves in. Not only another female, but one that was getting alot of attention. She challanged my wife ALOT in that way as well as just plan out ignoring her and not listening to instructions from her. In her eyes it was ME , her THEN my wife. The key is to assert whos the boss. you might be doing what my wife did....yell NO or go to discipline but shrink back while doing it...basically becuase she was scared of getting jumped or bitten. What i did was have my wife discipline her with me always present and then back her up whether audilbly, visually, or physically. with time my wife got more comfortable an stopped being afraid and my dog started to learn that challanging my wife was bad and meant punishment. after some time we didn't have to smack her bum, and audible warnings were enough and nor did i have to be present. she is still atached to me at the hip but she accepts my wife as another boss and craves attention from her now to.

    No behavioral specialist required.Just a little time and TLC. :)

    Just compare it to getting a new stepparent..and your 18. It'll take some time but everything will be Oooooookay.

    hope this helps,
  10. mellied

    mellied New Member

    Ah, Bronxthepit, this is our exact problem in our family. We have two dogs, a mut (1 1/2) and our pit (11 months) and neither of them look to me as an authority figure. The mut is MUCH better than the pit, the pit could care less what I have to say. I have been at a loss as of what to do, as soon as my husband walks out of the door it is like a light goes off in his head "I can do whatever I want because I do not have to listen to this lady". He is my buddy and I he thrives on my attention (I take them with me running almost daily so we are pretty close) but he just doesn't accept discipline from me.
    So what you are saying is I should have my husband there with me while correcting him?
  11. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    Yes starting out i would def. suggest it. If refuses to listen have your husband correct him and then you correct him again. He'll learn. your husband has to teach him that he has to listen to you to. Pits aim to please so once he learns that it does NOT please daddy we he doesn't listen to mom, he'll come around. Pit bulls are the sweetest dogs but can also be the most stubborn :) . They are really cocky even as small as puppies. remember show lots of LOVE!
  12. mellied

    mellied New Member

    He is definitely stubborn, thats for sure. And you are right, he has been like that since he was a small pup. I will try what you are saying and see how it goes, I hope it works because it is frustrating. He listens so well to my husband and then nothing for me, but I am the first one he comes to for loving.....imagine that.
    My husband is more forcefull with him though than I wish to be, or is that how I have to be if I expect him to listen.
  13. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    We have a very similar problem in our family. I have had Piper since she was 4 weeks old, too. I am fortunate enough to work part-time, so I have had a lot of one-on-one with her and she looks to me as her primary parent. She listens to my husband just fine, because he has always made her do what he asks. However, Piper does not show my 10 year old son the same respect. She jumps all over him, nips him, ignores him if she wants and basically acts as if he is her puppy playmate. I have taken him to obedience class with us hoping to show him how to get her respect, but he isn't consistent with her, therefore she is not consistent with him. I have worked with the two of them together, intervening when necessary, and it does seem to help. I believe (through this experience with Piper) that consistency with reprimands and much, much praise are a key factor in any behavioral issue. My obedience trainer advised us to take Piper by the floppy skin on each side of her head (not hard, just firm enough to get her attention so she will look at you), say her name, then tell her "No, _." For the nipping, we were advised to place our hands over her mouth holding it shut for a few seconds while looking her in the eyes and telling her, "No bite!" firmly. We were told if you don't have the dogs attention, don't give a command. If you give a command, enforce it immediately. If you don't enforce each command, your dog will quickly learn that obeying your commands is optional. I'm not telling you this is the very best method or the only method to use, but it is working very well in our home. Piper is a work in progress, but I am very proud of the progress she has made!
  14. Polar's Mom

    Polar's Mom New Member

    Thanks for all the insight... I'll definetley try having my bf reinforce my commands and the getting her attention by holding her jaw when she bites or the sides of her head when she jumps. I really do hate to put my knee up as she sometimes connects and gets winded for a sec or loses her balance.

    ... I went over in the am to see her yesterday and bent down to give her a pat and a kiss on her forehead... she head butted me in the nose so hard I'm suprised it's not broken :|
  15. goob

    goob New Member

    Polar is very cute :)
    This is actually very common in dogs taken from their litter at a young age (8 weeks is generally considered the earliest), pups get their first lessons in bite inhibition (when it's ok to bite, how hard is ok to bite, who is ok to bite) while with mom and their littermates during the time after weaning up until about 8 weeks of age. Dogs that miss out on this are generally (not all dogs, but in general) more mouthy than dogs taken a few weeks later, and may be more rude and lacking in manners in general. It is harder to teach an older dog bite inhibition (and will be doubly hard since she doesn't actually live with you, but is only visited, so your visits are especially exciting), but can be done with patience.

    Instead of just telling her "no" when she tries to jump on you or mouth, beat her to the punch. If she knows "sit" or any other commands, tell her to sit when you come in, and pet her/give attention only when she's sitting. She can't jump on you if she butt is planted on the ground. If she gets up, turn around and walk away. Don't make a big production out of it, you just want her to understand that treating you like a jungle gym (the lab x mastiff I used to walk used to actuall try to climb up me and mouth my arms, not something you want a 100lb+ dog doing to you) will get them nothing but an end to their fun and visiting with you. Same with the mouthing. The instant she touches tooth to you, walk away. You can use a "marker word" to let her know she messed up if you think it will help her make the connection for these too, a simple "oops" or "too bad" does well. Some dogs don't seem to be able to control their mouthing entirely, it's part of how they let off stress (even greeting someone is stressful, good stress, but stress all the same), so for dogs like this, you may have sucess in handing her a toy before she starts to mouth you, then praising when she mouths the toy rather than you. If she starts to mouth before you get the toy to her, tell her "no" or "off", replace yourself with the toy, and then praise when she's got the right thing in her mouth. We took in a horribly mouthy dog last spring (she could've just seen you 5 minutes before, and she'd be tryign to pull your pantsleg or shoe off, she was so excited), and used redirection (giving a toy in place) to get her to stop mouthing. Within a month, there was marked improvement, and 3 months after starting, she'd run and hunt down a toy to hold before greeting someone, just so she wouldn't mouth them. She also learned to sit, rather than launch herself at us for a face to face greeting. It sounds like your girl would do well with redirection, and she'd probably really benefit from having something to channel her energy into.

    Having an authority figure there while you correct your dog will usually work so long as that person is there to police, but most dogs are smart enough to remember when they've gotten away with things, and who the "pushovers" are in the house, and if you rely on a "police" to keep things under control, you're setting up for an incident to happen one day when there's no police there and the dog knows the person they're dealing with can't back themselves up. It's even more dangerous advice when you consider that many dogs (including most APBTs) are large enough and strong enough to overpower some of the people in the house, if they felt the desire to. I've only met a few APBTs with the temperament to actually challenge a person to that extent, but advice like that is pretty dangerous if someone gets themself into the wrong situation with the wrong dog.

    There are ways to establish yourself as boss of a dog without exerting physical force and dominance, but rather by controlling the dog's resources. These are generally more effective than physical dominance methods, and allow anyone gain the dog's respect and submission. Here's one example of such a program: http://www.pbrc.net/training_nfl.html

    Mammoth pit bulls? Cute french mastiff mixes, definitely not APBTs :lol:
  16. mellied

    mellied New Member

    I realized this morning what my biggest problem is with my Gage. One of the big things we do not allow ot of either of our dogs (pit or mut) is rough play in the house, this is the major issue I seem to have problems with. When my hubby is around they are really good about it and if they start and he tells them to quit they quit on demand. Well not me, they act as if I have said nothing continuing to rough house. Gage is worse than the mut about it, he is very active and wants to play on a constant basis but we feel there is a time and place for it. this is where I struggle, getting him to quit and listen to me.
  17. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    I haven't read everything in this thread, so excuse me if this has been discussed, but you sir - need some educating on breeding in general. If a dog has healthy parents, g-parents, etc (ie: a good pedigree) the chances of that dog being healthy are greatly increased. And breed standards are in place for a reason. Good structure generally decreases the likelyhood of certain bone/structure disorders. In other words, a dog with a good pedigree and good conformation generally equals a healthy, typical dog. I hate to have to say this, but get a clue.
  18. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Another area where you need some education on dog breeding: if done right - by experienced breeder, in-breeding can be an extremely useful tool. The pup I recently aquired is in-bred (daughter to father). My pups sire (grand-sire on the bottom side) is an extremely impressive dog, and by doubling up those genes, I'm hoping this pup will be just as, if not more impressive. Of course, it can definitely go the other way - if you take two related dogs that are substandard, the resulting litter is likely to be disasterous.
  19. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    We are so not going into this again. :roll:

    Perhaps you should've 'educated' yourself and read everything in the thread 'first'. That sub-discussion was dropped and for a good reason. :y_the_best:

    It's not going to get anywhere. We'd matters well start debating with people who think pits should be banned. Your opinion is your opinion,no more no less, and thats basicaly it. And sitting and writing post telling people to "get a clue" def. would 'not' help get your point across. If anything I'd just consider you someone who needs to learn how to speak to people like an adult and not a teenager.
  20. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Opinions are opinions, but then they shouldnt be portrayed as facts.

    I agree with spencerpits inbreeding is an awesome tool, but that wasn't really the point. Its what most people look for, and I think most people look for non-related dogs (not inbred) because they don't understand inbreeding and wouldn't want an inbred dog. It may be for the best since inbreeding can cause a lot of problem and they may be avoiding some of the potenially worse possible dogs.
    Most people buy from bybs and getting an inbred dog from a byb, not good at all.
    So I think its possibly true that most people are not going to look for a dog thats inbred and a lot would probably stay away from them. However it seems to me that people in generally mostly dont pay close attention anyway they have no idea if the dog they are buying is inbred, linebred, scatterbred, outcross, ect most dont ever see a pedigree before they buy or ask any sort of questions about breeding. What I've noticed they generally do is look for a certain color of pup they want, buy the cheapest pup they see, or the first litter they find, things like that is what I see them doing. Not too often do they ask if the dog is inbred, a certain bloodline, ect. Almost always the first ? is color. Most don't do their research on anything.

    Here is something I think is a little funny is I had a friend who would look for a certain bloodline, the thing was they didn't know anything about bloodlines or the bloodline they were looking for. They would learn of (not about) a bloodline, they would simply overhear some one saying a bloodline or see an old ad that said a certain bloodline then they really wanted that bloodline without knowing anything about it...lol They just had to have that line. It was kind of crazy.

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