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The different faces of Pit Bull's

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Piper's Mom, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    I would love to see a discussion on the different facial shapes/features/heads of the Pit Bull. This isn't a topic I've seen discussed. Post some pictures, educate me and have some fun - PLEASE!

    Thank you :y_the_best:

    Pipers Mom
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Here are some pictures of my girls. They are all so different each one has their own personality.




    Izzy (RIP)
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I'll have to get some more pics. But here is some. I'm not sure how you can classify them. There are some who have very distinct similar heads, but some who all look fairly similar.

    Val's head
    Its more her eyes and expression are kind of distinctive, I've seen some other dogs with this same "look", but its hard to tell from pics.

    Santana's isn't really too unique, just kind of an average head.

    Tigra's isn't so broad in the cheeks and her muzzle a tad longer in proportin to her head.

    ven's neice. She's missing a stop and doesn't have a wedge. Its more round, looks like her daddy but with her moms colors.

    Big round head, more like the mastiffs in his blood.

    Ven has the nice cheek bones and perfectly proportioned head. Its great now that its proportioned to his body, as it used to be huge...lol until his body caught up to it.

    I'm not really sure about Muse, she's has a narrow muzzle. But I dont know how much she'll change has she grows.

    Val's sire has a big, ol' head.

    Inferno got the same head, same build and everything. Looks just like his daddy but a dif color.

    Twister kind of got his daddy's head too, definatly a george head. You can see it as a pup.

    Santana's sire Creed has a broad head, but he's also big and his build and bone structute fits his head.

    Creed littermate ro/santanas uncle There heads are somewhat similar.

    Santana's g-dam (Creeds dam) had a head like Santanas. She actually has a lot of her grandma's traits. The head is very similar in shape and she always throws nice heads to her pups.

    Ven's sire has a broad head/muzzle. He's proportioned but actually pretty big, hard to tell from this pic. I was almost in aw when I met him and put my hand on his big head. I thought he was a smaller dog then he turned out to be.
  4. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    I'm working on pictures, too.

    Here is another picture of Piper - she is such a ham. I think she has a sweet face/head. Her expressions are very animated. My husband wishes she had the blockier (?) head that her father had. He was handsome.

    This is a picture of one of the males I grew up with. His name was Bud. He was a pup we kept from our female's litter. The original picture is a Polaroid (anyone remember those?) so it isn't copying to digital very well. If I can get better quality pics, I will post them of our other two pups. Anyway, Bud was massive and not the best example of a Pit - he weighed 100+ pounds and did not have a great temperment. I think even with the poor quality, you can still see his head.
  5. goob

    goob New Member

    Pics really aren't the best way to tell how exactly what a dog's head is like, as the expression a dog is making, or the angle of the photo can make their structure look different than in real life, but here are some of our two...

    Haley has about what I'd consider a normal pit bull head, except she's a bit lippy (not really noticeable in pics, but her lips are real flubbery, there's always little bits of food stuck in there :roll: )


    Mushy face

    I don't have any pics from when she was younger on here right now, but her face/head have changed a lot since she's matured... she had a bit snipier muzzle before, it's widened out, she has more mass and bone to her than when she was young, back then I wondered at times if she wasn't mixed with jack russel.


    Hello Squirrel face

    Straight on


    Monkey face

    She really doesn't have too pronounced of a stop though, and has a longer than average, snipey muzzle too


    One of Goo's most recent pics... the "come down here and play, little squirrel" face
  6. jrbuddha

    jrbuddha New Member

    my dog...

  7. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    That dog and baby is so precious :)
  8. Angie

    Angie New Member

    HEY!! Winnie should use that baby pic (with dog) for her report!

  9. jrbuddha

    jrbuddha New Member

    thank you :)

    here's another pic
  10. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Aw so sweet :eek:

    That is one vicious pit bull, baby killer!! Ahhhh!!...lol
  11. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Jrbuddha.....would it be alright with you if I used those pics of your baby and your pit for a visual aid for my pit bull speach? I'm trying to show people how wonderful these dogs are, it would be a great visual aid! Thanks agian Angie for the idea!
  12. ngkon

    ngkon New Member

    There is a big difference between a pups head and their adult head. See Busters pics below. I have noticed that a lot, not all, rednose dogs have very similar heads.

  13. Angie

    Angie New Member

    No problem winnie! :eek:
  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I think so too, I think Muse's head will change a lot from puppyhood to adult. She's already starting to make some changes, head and elsewhere, very slight but I can certainly notice it.

    It only makes sense that not all rednose dogs are going to have the same head, as nose color doesn't dictate size, structure, head, ect of a dog, its more bloodline and parents that do that.

    Is your dog OFRN bloodline? He is a very, very handsome devil! :eek:
  15. ngkon

    ngkon New Member

  16. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Oh yes they do. Yours is a dead ringer for an OFRN. Thats why I asked..lol He's got a very pretty head.

    I'm sure thats where my dog gets his pronouced head structure, but its not too big and its not blocky.
    Just like his dad, he has a bigger head but he's a bigger dog so it fits him. He's got a broader skull and more pronounced jaws. He's in the last pic in my above post, but you can't really tell how he looks from the pic. I have more pics I need to upload.
  17. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member


    I dont like the way this picture makes her head look.

    Its interesting how different angles make the head look completely different.


  18. jrbuddha

    jrbuddha New Member

    go ahead! :y_the_best:
  19. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Thank you for all the time each of you has put in for this topic. The pics are great - I'm trying to look, read and assess your statements. Forgive my lack of knowledge, but what do the terms "snipey" and "stop" mean? I think this is very interesting and I want to understand what I'm really looking at. What a great looking bunch!
    By the way - tell Haley her nails look great! :0)
  20. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    PipersMom, The AKC Defines those terms in this way:
    Snipy A pointed, weak muzzle, lacking breadth and depth.

    Stop The step up from muzzle to back skull; indentation between the eyes where the nasal bones and cranium meet.

    A dog with too much of a terrier look can have a snipy nose much like a bird dog.
    A great example of stop: a White Bull Terrier (spuds makenzie, Target mascot) doesnt have one. an american staffordshire terrier should have a well pronounced stop.
    Refer to the profile picture of my femal above. I hope this helps and I hope I described it well.

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