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2 year old Maltese......still not potty trained :(

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Brenna, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. Brenna

    Brenna New Member

    I just moved in with a friend of mine and she has a two year old maltese that isn't potty trained.......we bought the wee-wee pads for her, and she'll poop on it, but she pees buy it.......we move the mat so its ontop of her spot when she does this, but i am confused because i thought these mats were supposed to attract the dog, and it doesnt seem to attract her. i know that when she was a puppy she was trained for the mats for a little while but it got messed up obviously. any advice would be greatly appericated!!!!!
    thank you
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Sounds like you are off to a good start. Has she ever been trained at all? A 2 yo is going to be a little harder but it can be done. With my new puppy if she peed in a spot other than her pad we could put her pee on the pad (just flip it over like a towel and it will absorb it) She needs to be taken out several times a day, after eating (20 min or so) after naps, after bed time. Has your friend thought about crate training her? This worked wonders for my new dog and I had never done it before. The theory is you get her a crate big enough for her to stand up, turn arond and lay down. No room for her to pee inside. And everytime you take her out take her outside. I put my puppy in there at night and when we are not going to be home. When she does goes outside its important you praise her alot make a big deal out of it. Sorry to jump around and I hope some of this helps. I am sure more people will come on with more advice.

    Oh also do not yell, hit or anything like that when you catch her going where she is not supposed to. This will not help things at all and will just push her back.
  3. canine_specialist

    canine_specialist New Member

    Post Removed by Admin **

    canine_specialist is somthing you are sure not.
    Please refrian from posting at Auspet. Your advice is utter nonsese.

    Thank You
    Auspetian - Admin
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Canine_specialist do you actually know anything about animal care and training as from your posts i dont think you do.

    It is never to late to train a dog and with persistants and patience she will be able to house train her dog.
    Why would she want to tie her dog up for 3hours after its been fed do you do this to your dogs..

    Either letting your dog out or taking it for a walk after waking, Feeding and play time no matter what the age of the dog and praising him/her when they go potty outside helps.
    Not giving food and water or treats before bed also help reduce accidents in the house.

    The more a dog is praised and rewarded with either treats or being hugged and petted for doing something good the quicker they learn...

    Again if you cant answer a question properly please dont answer at all..

  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Yea I have no idea what canine_specialist is talking about so please disregard their advice and listen to charmed and 4dogs. The stuff will help! good luck. and just remember what they say at AA, it is never too late for a new beginning!
  6. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Any dog can be trained .
    Toy dogs ,espically the maltese can be a little stubbrn at it ,but with time spent teaching it can happen .Quality time is important in training a dog to go potty where you want it as it is for anything else
    have you tried puppy litter ,get an open cat litter pan (notthe ones with the tops on htem ...take the puppy litter box then and surround the litter pan with it ,then each time after eating /drinking playing hard ...other ,make sure the dog goes to the pan ,usually ,if htey are already going on a pad ,then the litter they will go to .
    Some pads have that smaell and attract very well the dogs ,some of the cheaper brands do not have the smelll hte puppy /dog needs /hitting and missing the pad /litter is a common thing ...it happens ..
    the main thing is to stay focused ,praise highly ,even give a treat when they do it right ...prasie ,patient persistance and knowing that mistakes will and are made will eventually win hte day .
    Good luck

    As far as a maltese being dumb ...far from it ...they are great little dogs with loving and giving attitudes ..just be patient ...
  7. aussylover

    aussylover New Member

    In reply

    :) Don't let anyone discouage you because it can be done! just love patience, I have a friend that has a 2year keeeshhound that's not potty trained either and we are trying to help her potty train her dog to and we told her about the crate training. She was yelling at her and rubbing her nose in it oh it was terrible, I was steaming at her :x :x . So now we got her going right now and it's working!!!! :eek: :eek: Hang in there. Aussylover :p :p

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