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Bala Shark Question

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Ryan, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    One of my Bala sharks eyes are kinda big and bulgy, is it just the fish or is it sick?
  2. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    well i found out he had Tuberculosis. And he was basicly dead, so down the toilet he went. Is it ok to just have one Bala shark?
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Sorry about your bala.

    What made you come to the conclusion that he had tuberculosis rather than popeye?

    And no, it's not really a good idea to keep just one bala. HOWEVER, your tank is too small for them so you shouldn't get any more until you get a 100+ gallon tank.

  4. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    I have a book on fish disease's. Their was a pic of a fish that looked just like my bala shark. Its fins were all messes up kind of like "frayed". Also it could not swim right at all and just stayed in the bubbles floating around.
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Did you ever get your water parameters under control? It very well could have been combination of popeye, finrot, and nitrIte poisoning.

    Generally with fish tb, you would be seeing open sores, bent spines, dropsy, and lumps.

  6. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    Yes I did get them all undercontroll. The levles were high for about a week. Also my dwarf gouramis 2 of the 3 are up in the left corner by the filer, havent moved in about 8 hours and seem to be "dead to the world" they arent breathing hard or fast. Is that anything bad?
  7. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Just to be sure, please post your parameters. It's still sounding like you're having nitrIte problems.

  8. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    NitrAte: 30 ppm (mg/L)
    NitrIte: 0 ppm (mg/L)
    Hardness: Soft
    Alkalinity: 120 (KH) ppm
    PH: 6.8
  9. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Well, your nitrAtes are a little high so you should do a water change.

  10. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

  11. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    Im thinking it is NitrAte and or NitrIte. Other then water changes what can I do to help them out?
  12. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    If there's high nitrItes it means either the tank has gone through a mini cycle for some reason or there's not enough filtration. Really, the best thing to do is do lots of water changes until the mini cycle completes or if it's a filtration problem, get another filter and do water changes until the new filter is seeded.

    High nitrAtes means you have to do more water changes. Or if it's getting up that high and you're already doing weekly water changes, your tank is overstocked so really the best solution is to either get rid of some fish or get a bigger tank.

    And I've never used that particular test kit. But tests like iron, phosphate, and calcium aren't nearly as important as ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte.


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