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Anyone own a Shorkie or know anything about them?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ntengwall, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    I was thinking about a shorkie (shih tzu/yorkie mix) and was looking for some more information on them.
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    No I don't know of anyone with one. Cute though.

    Hey have you gotten the chance to go to the ren faire yet. Its going on now in your town. If you go, go see the Bullseye booth and ask for Pam, tell her you know me from online. She knows I go to dog forums, so won't think it odd or anything.
  3. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Never seen one but is cute though .
  4. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I have never heard of that mix before.. I also answered your IM :D
  5. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    Ive never actually seen one either but they are cute
  6. Tangible

    Tangible New Member

    LOL..me either....I actually posted earlier today...I just didn't see this post and honestly I didn't know what they were called..shorkie...now that is funny. I wish I could find someone who owns one. :)
  7. babs

    babs New Member

    i am new owner of a shorkie pup

    i bought a shorkie 3 weeks ago......and its the most lovable dog ever.....she is only 11 weeks old and is completly house trained and even plays fetch and drops the ball at my hand.....its the most intelligent dog i have ever owned.......and she is only 2pounds 6 oz.......what a honey!!!
  8. JudesMom

    JudesMom New Member

    Proud Parent of a SHORKIE

    Im in Olympia WA. I have a gazillion pictures and stories about my Shorkie, Jude. He is now 4 and a half months old. He is VERY intelligent. Learned Fetch and Sit in about 10 minutes. He was a breeze to Potty Train. (6 days until he figured it out) He truly is the most unbelievable dog I have ever known. He loves to snuggle- I sneak him into restaurants, movies, meetings, etc. He is VERY laid back. DOESN'T SHED AT ALL. And he is quiet- no yapping. Never chews on anything except his toys...And he has the most lovely natural smell. Kinda like bouillion...It is bizarre. He truly is an ANGEL dog. I also own his sister (well she is my mom's, but we live together so it is like she's mine) She is almost as good as Jude. She doesn't smell as good, tho, needs baths like a normal dog. She definitely took after the Shih Tzu Mom, whereas Jude took after daddy. Right now they are both 4 pounds. Bailey (the sister) is also more active. She is hyper, but in the cutest way. Inquisitive, curious, happy little girl. Jude is a Mama's Boy to the extreme, but he will also go exploring with me out in the woods. He is the best thing in my life. And that's saying a lot cuz I am very spoiled. (o: There are some pictures of him here http://www.myspace.com/mistchaz
  9. Dessy

    Dessy New Member

    I am wanting a shorkie and I want to know how did you get your shorkies trained so quickly? did you trained them to go outside, scratch on the door or go on a pad? I like that they seem easy to train, how true is this?

  10. Dessy

    Dessy New Member

  11. ktbird

    ktbird New Member

    I have an adorable Shorkie!

    I have a Shorkie named Austin and he has been the biggest joy of my life! He was extremely easy to train and has never caused me stress... truly the best dog ever!

  12. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hi and welcome :D

    :D Very cute dog.
  13. kristen41583

    kristen41583 New Member

  14. KaleKini

    KaleKini New Member

    Yes I have a shorkie, she is a doll and a joy. Here is a little info about a shorkie. I think it runs true telling about this breed This cute little teddy bear of a dog is a cross between a Shih Tzu and a Yorkshire Terrier. The hybrid Shorkie will stand between 6 to 10 inches tall at shoulder height and weigh between 5 to 11 pounds. To understand the temperament of a Shorkie, you first have to look at its founding breeding parents. Shih Tzus are outgoing, friendly, affectionate and charming small dogs. They make great apartment dogs and companion dogs for the elderly. They like everyone but are easily intimidated by toddlers and young children. Shihs do fine with older and more considerate children. They make great traveling companions and are friendly to most people. They are very difficult to housetrain. Yorkies on the other hand are lively and opinionated. They play hard and have limitless energy for a toy breed. They get along well with most pets but can be intimidated by small children. They make good watchdogs and will bark at strangers. Yorkies make good apartment dogs but need early socialization and obedience training to control barking. The resulting hybrid Shorkie is a fairly independent breed that is intelligent, lovable, affectionate, sociable, and cheerful. The sweet and playful Shorkie is a little more laid back than the Yorkie and likes to cuddle. Shorkies still seem to dislike warm weather, probably because of their long and thick coats. If their coats are allowed to grow out, expect to spend a fair amount of time grooming them. You will have to groom the Shorkie daily and spend a fair amount of time on tangles. Most Shorkie owners usually opt for a short puppy cut or Schnauzer trim which is easy to manage. Some Shorkies take after the Yorkie and are very low-shedding breeds. Most Shorkies are somewhat difficult to housetrain. Shorkies are good apartment dogs and don’t need a lot of exercise but are happy to accompany their owners on daily walks.
  15. WendyM

    WendyM New Member

    A friend of my mum has a dog like this. I never knew what it was called. She has had no trouble at all training her puppy to go outside and the puppy seems to be very obedient at a very young age. She is very sweet.
  16. KaleKini

    KaleKini New Member

    Wendy, Loved the pictures of your Baby

    Wendy, your baby looks like mine. She is so pretty. I wish I knew more about this breed. for instance illness, what they eat what to watch for ect. I have had Fiona since the end of Aug, 2006. My daughters neighbor gave her to me. she is so much fun. She is the best travel dog. I take her every where with me. She will be 1 year old in may. :D
  17. candy_kisses

    candy_kisses New Member

    ~Here is my Shorkie Shu Shu. She is around 7-8 lbs and will be bred to my Pom and have Porkie puppies.~

    OOPS it wont let me post pics until I made 10 post...haha be back once I make 10 post with pics!
  18. candy_kisses

    candy_kisses New Member

    you can see my Shorkie at w w w DOT slide DOT com /r/cLmytVTJxT92rQu37GpPQgUl4J2JMgjB

    if you copy and past this and take out the DOT and replace with a . and then take out the spaces between the words then you can see my Shorkie Su Su
  19. marcielady

    marcielady New Member

    I have a shorkie and love her to pieces! Mine weighs about 8 lbs. Her mom is 6 lb shihtzu and her dad 3 lb yorkie. She has a a great personality and behavior. Let me know any questions you have and I will do my best to answer.
  20. Caroline617

    Caroline617 New Member

    We love our shorkie

    We have a 5 month old shorkie. She has a great temperament and gets along really well with our 2 year old Boxer and my 2 year old nephew. Shorkies are very playful dogs but also love to just lounge around. Grooming isn't that difficult either, it just takes 5min a day to brush her coat. I have always had large breed dogs but this little shorkie is just as much fun! :D I would definitely say this is the best small/toy breed.

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