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another idiot

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I found this statement on a rescue site:

    Idiot. She gave up her dog because she threw up FOAM? For pete's sake. :x
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH good lord! What next!!!

    "I gave up my dog because it was breathing!" Please!!!! I swear, some people are just plain idiots! I maean what are they doing with their children!!! Jimmy!!" You've been bad! Look what you did, you looked at me! I'm going to have to give you up for adoption!!!"
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Sounds to me that Darby's mom was the one making her sick. She probably screamed at her every time Darby went near her new carpet. She's more than likely making the rest of her family sick, too!
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL, probably! Or maybe it was the chemicals in the new carpet making poor little Darby sick. Either way, she's already been adopted so she's better off!

    (Oh, Darby is a Yorkie, btw)
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that is ridiculous. especially if you think about how most new carpets come with somesort of stain protection and or warranty for some time, don'T they? I just can't believe she had her for 4 years then gave her up, I couldn'T do that with my pets. Hopefuly DArby is better off now!
  6. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    :0010: Jamiya, you wouldn't believe the reasons I've heard of since I've been doing rescue!!! A lady in Mobile returned a dog that she adopted from the Animal Rescue because... and I quote: "It wouldn't fit my lap!".
    This is the honest to God truth!!! ... and believe it or not, this lady had good references, so she was an approved adopter!!! I guess you can never tell for sure, can you?

    (And BTW, even a Great Dane would have fit in her lap!!!!)
  7. MollysMom

    MollysMom New Member

    People are unbelievable!!!

    If I went by that person's standards everytime Molly did something "not quite perfect", she'd have been gone a long time ago. (Barfed from over-eating once, barfed from eating grass once, barfed from chewing on my daughters old flip-flops once...which we actually thought was kinda funny...(nasty smelling, nasty tasting or what?).... .got the squirts from eating an acorn.....tears up every piece of paper or tissue she can find into a million pieces all over the house, bloodied my daughters and husbands nose from playing too rough (hmmm...she doesn't do that to me...could it be because I tell her NO? :roll: ), left a doodle gift in daughter's room...bottom of stairs...and on the rug.)

    I can't believe people who expect animals to be perfect. Humans aren't, so why would animals be?
  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Hmm pheobes ear sometimes flops to one side and I have to flip it back over, guess I should get rid of her! To the pound we go!

    This is rediculous! I cant believe some people.
  9. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    hmmm interesting. obvioiulsy someone has a serious problem with foam. personally i don't really care. if my dog throws up she goes outside to throw up more, while i clean the carpet and then she gets a drink and comes right back in. strangness...
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    yea lately Luther has been getting light brownish("biscuit" colored) spots on his fur. When I got him, he was totally white, I wanted a totally white dog, anyone want to trade (just kidding)
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My husband had a tantrum when I was out of town, because Bonnie threw up tuna fish and it was "gross." For pete's sake. I was so steamed at him! Here I was, spending every waking moment in either a hospital or nursing home and he was complaining because he had to clean up a little vomit?!

    She did it to me a few weeks later - tuna fish mixed with raw EGG, right on the carpet. Twice! Apparently, she needs to vomit twice in close succession in two different spots on the carpet. And the raw egg made it all nice and extra slimey!

    Rather than get rid of her, I chose to stop feeding her tuna, LOL! :roll:
  12. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    LOL that probally would be te better choice. my parents freak out whenever one of our pets get hurt. If we have to give meds or clean a wound, that's my job. especailly with my horses. our cats like to throw up grass all the time. i get to clean that up too. lol
  13. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I remember the second date my fi and I I went on and we ended up going back to a friends house to drink, she had just gotten a pit bull puppy and (obvisously) didn't know how to care for it. This dog had chewed through the kitchen tiles threw the garbage every where, pooped peed puked everywhere her house was DISGUSTING! Oh and she smoked and had ashtrays all over the floor knocked over from his waggily tail. When we walked in we were all pretty suprised at how gross it was and she acted embarassed about how trashed the place was. So my fi ad her date started cleaning it up. Later that night I asked my fi if Luther were to ever make a mess that big if he would clean it up for me, he said of course, and I told him wow I think I love you. Now if Luther pukes or has some sort of accident, he says, Liiiilll someone made a mess I think you need to clean it up! The things boys say to get a gilr!

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