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Rene ,hope you are doing fine and so are your babies

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ilovemaltipoos, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    If you need any help ,just ask ! Okay ?
  2. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Thanks Malti so far so good they only bad thing is i'm getting attached to them :m13: espically my little boy he is such a doll and the runt. he acts just like his dad he sleeps on his back it is so cute.
  3. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Lord ! I know htat feeling too well .I cry until I have to use ice packs and a valium to make me sleep when I send off a baby ...
    I spoil them so much ...What they want ,they get ...if they wanted the Brooklyn Bridge ,heck I would go find an Indian to get it from ....LOL ! Heck ,I am 1/4 American Indian ...I more than apt own a foot or two of it anyway ! LOL !

    Right now with mine ...BB's will start whinning everytime they hear me ,wanting to be held and Patty's is just a about 8 days old and don't even have their little eyes open ...But when I am with them they just snuggle with me ...Then Junes' little girl and my boys (Poodles ) are spoiled to high heaven ...Lilly will run as fast as little 4 week old feet can do and sit on my foot until I reach down and pick her up ...
    So hard to know they have to go ,so hard ...
    But you will find in it you ..Those are some cute babies there !
  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    AAAWWW i cant wait till mine are running around i just recently started holding them and petting them this is Jasmines first AND ONLY litter she was very nervious so i left the babies be and paid attention to only her Now she still gets nervious but she lets me hold them and snuggle them but as soon as i put them back the get the bath of a lifetime lol
  5. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    When I take mine to the vet with their moms ,Dr Williams will be examining the puppies and the moms will be washing the puppy and Dr williams the whole time he has one in his hands .He says he has never seen such good mothers as I have .they pet and kiss my vet as much as they do their babies when we are there .It is truely a sight ....I know when Honey had her first litter and we took her to the vet with the pups ,she growled when a lady came in with another dog ,but other than that one time ...none have ever even acted as if it bothered them that I or robert or my vets hold the babies .Of course at the same time we hold hte moms .My vet says love for them is why ,they know they are loved ,their abbies are loved and they do not fear any would be hurt ...He loves my babies as much as I do I think ! LOL !
    The main hting is whne you are holding the babies ,hold Jasmione too ,let her sit in your lap while you are snuggling with the babies ,not only makes her feel better but then she knows that you love her just as much ..and it helps her anxiety that you have her babies .
  6. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    hi rene! how are your babies?? i'm glad to hear they're doing well.
    i have kind of a dumb question about yorkies, but i just love yorkies with the gold faces like yours! all of the puppies i've ever seen have black faces with like gold spots though, like just their nose or a part of their ears are gold and the rest is all black. are they just always born like this and the gold grows in later, or do they stay the same color? i was always curious... :oops:
  7. Rene

    Rene New Member

    gwen13 i'm not really sure this is my first time but i know Sebastain and Jasmine have really change colors since i have had them sebastain is black and gold but he looks really blonde to me his bangs are really blonde and he has some silver in him also. jasmine is mostly black on her body her arms and legs are gold (well she is registared as tan??) and her bangs are silver. I also will tell you that my baby boy was born all black he is 2 weeks old now and starting to get his golden color on his paws, his eyebrows are starting to change and a little under his neck. both the baby girls were born with black bodies and golden markings. (they looked like little rotties color wise) and as i have learned on this board NO question is a dumb question. Kindness_001 is a Yorkie breeder mabye she will pop in and let us know about the colors but i think it's basicly the same with all breeds their color changes lots in the first few years.

    hope that helps
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Rene... Malti is a regular ole pro at those baby-caring things, so you can probably get some great advice from her!

    Don't forget to keep 'em warm! Are they eating really good? It's almost time for pictures again, ya know! LOL :lol:
  9. Rene

    Rene New Member

    yep almost time i have taken a few I was going to take tons when their eyes opened but sams said not to get them in alot of light at first cuz their eyes are still developing so i'm waiting a little bit but it will be soon i promise they are getting cutier everyday they are really trying hard to walk around now and their little legs are so wobbly it's so funny and cute.

    wish they would "squeak" all day and sleep all night lol
  10. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    hehe... wouldn't it be nice, huh? :)

    and I agree... don't overdo it on the pics, just for us.... I just love seeing puppies! and my goodness, little yorkie puppies have the cutest wittle faces in the world :lol:
  11. Rene

    Rene New Member

    I also am taking tons of pictures and weighing them once a week so their new owners can see all the changes. and i'm hoping whom ever the new owners are will send me some pictures as they grow. I bread my cat once and sold her babies that was in 1995 and 3 of the buyers still send me pictures of them i love it they grew up to be beautiful cat unforuntily i lost the mom about 1 year ago she was only 7 years old i think she drank some bad water behind my new house. I did keep one of her sons because i knew that would be her last litter ssssssoooooo hummm maybe i should keep my little boy in this litter :shock: but he is such a doll it's going to be really hard my son and my mom also are saying we should keep him but i have enough pets. My son wants to keep him and put him in dog shows (i'm not sure how to get started in that). but we will see (3 dogs and 4 cats ggggggggrrrrrrrr thats to much)
  12. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    hehe.. you're turning into a regular ole zoo, rene :)
  13. Rene

    Rene New Member

    At what age do i start feeding them caned food? is it 4 or 5 weeks man i'm going to vegas in 2 weeks i'm going to miss 5 days of their little lives :cry: my mom and my daughter will be here with them so i feel good about that but i'm going to miss the little squeakers.

    and my mom is not helping me at all she keeps walking by the babies and saying oh there is my little boy pretty soon he is going to come and snuggle with me :roll: lol
  14. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    i don't feed canned food ,so i do not know that answer .I feed Eukanuba small bites for puppies and my 3 and 1/2/ week old Maltipoos are now eating some of it ...they get in hte bowl and eat a bit ,then go to sleep in it ...so funny ...Today I was in there playing eith them and 2 kept raising teir paw like "See me too ' it was so cute ,then washed hands ad changed shirts and went and snuggled with Patty 's 3 ,then washed hands and changed shirts and pants and went and played with lucy's poodles ...Linda came over and held her baby boy for awhile and played too ...I am going to try and put some picts of them on here soon ,maybe a dogster on the three poodles ...cute as buttons they are ....
  15. Rene

    Rene New Member

    how cute you sound like you have alot of puppies right now. do you moisten the food for them or do they eat it dry?? and what age do you start to give it to them?
  16. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    They sorta start eating out of mom's bowl when they are ready to eat on their own ..I feed my moms the same food too and I never moisten it .I don;t have that many .I haven't had any new litters in about 4 or 5 months ,since May the 1st ...until now and just these three litters .I don't breed hundreds of puppies ...I maintain a certain litter amount and never breed my moms over once in a year and sometimes some of them every two years ...so ,usually in late fall I have a few more litters and then again in the spring ,but i try always to have only a certain amount of litters ...I like trying out different types once or twice to get feedback on what that cross is like ,but my mainthing is my maltipoos ..

    Now with your yorkies ,they may not get their teeth in as soon ,so they may need a little wet food mixed with the dry ,but i have only had to do htat on really small babies a couple times .I would say try a little at about 4 weeks ,but never pull them from mom until she weans them herself ...She will let you know when she does not want to feed them anymore at all .
  17. Rene

    Rene New Member

    sometimes i feel like she is weanning them already when i'm home she doesnt want to be in with them she wants to be with me I will sit there with her but if i get up she follows but they are still growing so i guess it's fine she knows what she is doing i'm just a worry wart lol
  18. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    She just wants to be with you cause that is what she is use to .and she needs the extra attention ,but she does need to stay as much as possible with those babies ...Like i have my moms gated in an area in the house with their babies ,i let them follw we around everyday some ,but i make sure it is when the abbies are sleeping really good and are warm ..As the puppies get older I gate in more room for them and mom and then continue that ,but with Sam and the rest in the house i cannot just let the moms roam around with the babies not gated in ...Of course Buttons would theink they were his (he always does ) and try to sleep with them and then the cats sleep with them when they can ...drives me nuts sometimes ....LOL !
  19. Rene

    Rene New Member

    this morning i left my room for a second (babies are in a play pen) i had the sides up so i can leave my door open i went down the hall came back and my kitten butters was in there looking and sniffing the babies i thoght jasmine was going to eat the cat lol Once they start walking around i will gate them in the kitchen or something but for now they are in a baby play pen jasmine can get out but i have to put her back in and yes i have been giveing her and sebastain lots and lots of attention Jasmine and the babies are locked in my room all day while i'm at work (well my mom lets jasmine in and out) then when i get home i put the play pen in the living room with us and jas lays on my lap while i watch tv and sebastain wants so bad to get in there with the babies also i showed one to him and he licked it so cute
  20. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    A yorkie will change coplors till its 3 years old. they are born black/gold.

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