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puppy question

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by nakoma_star, Sep 28, 2004.

  1. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    hey everyone my puppy will play with other dogs but other then that she isnt playful at all ive had her about a month she is 7 months old now and she just doesnt like to do anything at all she is a wolf sepherd mix and she was abandoned with her mom brother and 2 sisters when she was a newborn and never had human contact for 6 months of her life until the dog warden found them she loves everyone here she just seems blah wont play or do anything what can i do to get her more happy and perky and playful? its really frustrating me
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Dogs don't automatically know how to play. If she's never had human contact, she doesn't know how! Just be patient and keep showing her and she should catch on. Hopefully someone else here has more experience and can give some better advice!
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    THis is a common sign of neglect and in most extreme cases where the dog hasn't had any human contact until it was older (like yours) its a good sign that she's not accepting you in to her "pack". What you need to do is spend long quality hours with her. When ever you greet her, always have a treat on hand. But make her sit or do a trick for it. I know some people disagree with me on this one, But eating at the same time near each other is also a bonding tool. Once she knows that she is doing everything with you, she'll feel a bit more comfortable. Just don't feed her from your plate!! You'll only encourage food obsession, begging, and her thinking of you as a food source.
    You should sleep together, HEr on the floor next to your bed, or in a crate in your room. GO walking together, things like htat.

    It takes time and so much effort to get a negelcted dog to bond. There is always that fear of being alone, and by spending less time with her you will only (in her mind) make her feel like she's not part of YOUR pack.

    Get what I'm saying????
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    She can also sense your frustration, so take things slow and let her move at her own pace. Celebrate the tiny victories. It takes a lot to overcome bad experiences.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I agree with what everyone has siad, it just takes time, Wylie was a stray and wnated nothing to withus, it took her over a year to warm up to us and now she loves us like crazy and attention

  6. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    thanx guys although i must say i thought there would be more people responding than this what ever happened to all the helpful people?!!! :cry:
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi you have to understand that since she has had no human contact for 6months its going to take her time to adjust and to trust people properly.

    For 6months of her life all she has ever known is her mom and littermates so thats the only way she knows how to play and thats interacting with other dogs.

    Plenty of love and playtime with her will help bring her out of herself but again this takes time and patience.

    Sam has lots of experience with abandoned animals as she has had alot dumped on her doorstep so her advice is golden :D

    Mike :eek:

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