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Peeing in his sleep

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by mtee1958, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. mtee1958

    mtee1958 New Member

    I have a 9 week old puppy. Every so often, when I wake him to go outside at night, I notice his leg is wet. Can he be peeing in his sleep? He doesn't wake up and cry to let me know he wants out. I am trying to get him up to go every 3 hours. This goes against everything I hear about dogs not liking to lay in their urine or waste. Is this just a young dog with very immature bladder? He is on Albon for coccidia. Could that cause it? It does not happen all the time.

    Thank you -- I'm new to this group.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    he may verry well have UTI. I would have a vet check him for it.
  3. MollysMom

    MollysMom New Member

    Do you take away his water at night? We take away Molly's after she has had her evening walk and taken a drink, around 7-7:30. I take her out to potty right before bed, and then she sleeps quietly in her crate (without accidents) until my alarm goes off at 6:15 (She's a bit older tho, 15 weeks).
    I'd ask the vet about UTI...
    Welcome to the forum! :p
  4. mtee1958

    mtee1958 New Member

    yes I take the water up around 6:30. He goes outside right before bed. It's not a daily occurrence. How the heck do you get a sample of his urine? Poor little guy -- all these things going on -- but he's friskier than heck! He's smart and fearless and beautiful! We just need to get all these pesky things under control. I halfway hope he does have something -- then I know how to help him and housetraining will be easier.

    Ideas for getting a sample?
    This is a wonderful site -- I am so glad I found a place to help me with all my questions. My vet is patient with me - so that 's helpful as well.

    Thank you all.
  5. mtee1958

    mtee1958 New Member

    he was flown here and of course during the trip he had to pee and had to do it in his kennel. Do you think he got use to that? Everything has been cleaned and we even got a new kennel.
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    if the vet doesnt want you to use a sterile container you can put a disposable bowl under your dog when we pees. its pretty easy, ive gotten a few samples off my dog in those silly little specimen containers, and shes a girl too so its harder to, uh, get it in the 'fountain'.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yeah, just follow him around with a little container and slip it under him when he goes. It's pretty easy! Much easier than with a cat. :shock:
  8. mtee1958

    mtee1958 New Member

    you are right - it wasn't that hard -- so now I wait for results! I may be back with more questions then if he's healthy.
  9. mtee1958

    mtee1958 New Member

    well, he does have a UTI -- so hopefully, that will help with all the frequent urination! Thank you everyone for letting me know I should be looking for that!
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    That should help clear things up! My pup had a UTI when we got her as well. We noticed her peeing just a little bit a LOT of times in a row (fortunately she usually did this outside). The antibiotics cleared it right up.
  11. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    Is it really a good idea to wake a puppy up at night to go potty? Wouldn't this train him to wake you in the middle of the night once he is house trained? Just curious. I have never woke Danni up but she does wake me once in awhile at night to go out. Most of the time she sleeps right through.
  12. mtee1958

    mtee1958 New Member

    He was usually waking up after 3 hours or so -- but a few times he didn't wake up - and I found his leg all wet -- he was peeing in his sleep. I figured that wasn't good at all. But now we know it was the UTI doing it. I don't wake him up now. But if I hear him getting restless and it's been close to 3 hours, I let him out to go. If it's only been an hour or so -- I ignore him. I assume this is what I should be doing? From what I've read they usually can't hold it more than 1 hour per month of age + 1?
    How old is your dog? Since he just started on his meds, I know the problem still exists, so I don't want him to be peeing in his crate.
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It sounds like you are doing the right thing!
  14. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    ditto to what Jimiya said, normally I wouldnt wake him up, just when he gets restless like you said, but he does have a UTI so he probably needs go out more often and I would get him up until he is better.

    Mixbreed they once ethey get older their bladders are bigger and they canhold it, so it doenst train to get you up at night. you do want to make sure they go before bed time and no water for a few hours before,.

  15. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    Danni is quite a bit older. She is about 4 months old. I was just curious if I should wake her up. I'm glad you found out about the UTI.
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Heck no! Don't wake her! "Let sleeping dogs lie."

    The only time I would wake a pup to take her out would be if you are going to bed and know she will be up soon anyway, then I would wake her and take her out before you go to sleep. Otherwise - no way!!

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