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Lesson # 987532.1447b(2)a

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Never hold puppy between your legs while feeding. Especially with a skirt on!!!

    Long story short. I'm sitting here at my desk and I've got a bue skirt on. Well I was feeding the puppy and not paying 100% attention to him....he decided to tinkle all over me!!! Little buggar has some volume to his bladder! I got up and put him away, now it looks like I peed in my pants!!!!

    Don't really have to encorage him to tinkle. Everytime I feed him he does this!!
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Babies do that too, Sams. :) And with boy babies, you have to toss a towel over them as soon as you take the diaper off, or they will shoot pee onto your wall and everything in between.
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH man. I was soo embarrassed this Past Sunday. We went to visit his grandmother before she went back in the Hospital for more Chemo on Monday. His cousin had just had her baby and brought it home Saturday. She brought it over, IT HAD NO TEETH!!! I freeked out! I've got sooo much to learn before I have children....apparently you have to bottle feed them longer than 6 weeks.....
  4. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    Sams, that is too funny! I once had a cocker spaniel pee on my leg at work! I was in the middle of doing a haircut, and a coworker brought in her new pup. I'm like the pied piper for dogs, so of course he runs right over and jumps up to say hello, peeing all down my pantleg. I had to finish the haircut with no pants (wearing my long color smock) and hiking boots...real pretty!! Jamiya: I got my sister good with the boy baby thing! I had been babysitting since I was 12, but my sister had NEVER cared for a baby. A couple of months before her wedding, she decided she better start babysitting my nephew with me, as they planned to start a falmily right away. The first couple of times she just watched what I did, then decided to try it out for herself. I had never told her why I put a towel over him when I changed him, and apparently she never noticed. Her first time changing a diaper, and she also had to wash the curtains when she was done!
  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    sams that is to funny when my son was a baby i was in the kitchen and heard his dad yell oh sh** you sob i ran in and donald was peeing all over him (thats what he gets he's a jerk) it was so funny all i could do was laugh.

    My baby boy peed all over the vet when i took them to get their tails docked lol i've been lucky so far but we will see they are still young lol
  6. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Also wanted to add, pay close attention when you pick up a puppy as it may already be peeing and not stop and finish on your foot! This happened one morning when Pheobe gets out of her crate in the AM she has to pee right away, well my daughter got her out first and didnt let her out so when I got in the room I was trying to rush her outside. Well too late she had already started! UGGG! And I had sandles on!
  7. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    With human baby boys. You also have to tuck there little thingy's down when you put there diaper on. They will pee out the top. Something no one bothered to tell me when I had my son. I had two little girl's before him. Next I have to potty train him. Not sure how to do it.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    A tip - potty train your son by having him sit on the toilet. He just has to learn to hold himself down so it is directed into the toilet. My son didn't even know it was possible to pee standing up until he was like 7 or so. He never does it, except in public restrooms. As a result, I have never had the nasty, horrible bathroom problems most parents of small boys have, where they "miss" and pee all over the sides of the toilet and the floor (not to mention the splash factor even if he is on target).
  9. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    lol Jamiya, that's funny. Missing and splashing. Sounds messy, ewwww. I never would have thought to teach him to sit. He will be two November 4th so there is no big hurry. My girls were easy to train, but from what I have heard about boys he is probably going to be a little more difficult. Having a boy after two girls has been diffrent. He is much more active and rough. He is a silly, loving, fun little boy and I wouldn't trade him.
  10. Rene

    Rene New Member

    LOL Jamiya i tried that and his grandfather had a FIT let me tell you his dad left when he was about 10 mos old ( i alreday had a 5 year old girl) so when it came time to potty train him i had no idea what to do (never watch his dad go) I had to work and the daycare i wanted them both to go to would'nt take him unless he was potty trained (he was 1) so while i was looking for a job and at home i would sit him on the toliet and read till i was blue in the face then he would finally go I would make such a big deal out of it he would want to try again (he was mostly potty trained by 1.5 years old) but the bad part is since i'm not a guy after he would pee i would give him toliet paper :roll: how was I to know. His grandpa had a fit oh my god he will be embrassed in school how could you do that to him i was what did i do??? he stands now (on a step) :roll: it was to funny so i guess i learned something also. but my son does wipe off the toliet after he uses it eveytime and puts the lid down lol (he is the only boy in the house) humm he is 13 now how the heck am i going to teach him to shave his face :shock: i dread that day :)
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I know it's shocking, but my husband pees sitting down! Except for public restrooms, of course. He does this because it is less messy, and because he didn't want our son to squirt the bathroom! And Rene, he also uses a small piece of toilet paper afterward - but then again, my husband is a bit compulsive about certain things.

    Our son was no different to potty train than our daughter was. I was home full time, and I refuse to do the "sit on the potty for hours until they go" thing, and I also never had my kids on any kind of a schedule. When they were about 3 years old, I would explain about the potty and switch them directly to regular underwear. The first time they forgot and wet their pants, they were very uncomfortable so they didn't do it anymore. Both were essentially trained in a day this way.

    With most things that have to do with children, if you just wait until they are old enough to understand, they learn things right away. People usually feed them solids too soon, potty train them too soon, wean them too soon, etc.
  12. Rene

    Rene New Member

    i know i potty trained way to soon but unfortuinly i had to work being a single mom and day care was just to expensive if he was in diapers so he wore pull ups but rarley had and accident I wanted this daycare b/c it was the only one at the time i could find that would take both my kids.
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Of course, Rene! I didn't mean to imply you did things wrong - I hope I didn't offend you! In your situation you had no choice. Life sort of sucks that way sometimes. :?
  14. Rene

    Rene New Member

    you didnt offend me in anyway and yes life does s**k sometimes my saying is if it wasnt for bad luck i wouldnt have any luck at all funny but seems so true sometimes.

    I really wish i could have spent more time with my kids, well i guess i did every evening and every weekend they both did soccer my daughter was on a comp. team and i couched my son's team 2 times.

    where does the time go now they are 18 and moved out :cry: and my son is 13 (going on 50 lol)
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH man...and I'm just getting started!!! Not even married yet, but working on that!!! lol

    I think the way people raise their children is their business. Just as long as its not hurting or influencing bad things to the child. I know family members inmy family that just b***h and raise all kinds of heck about "how he/she raises her kids and OH look at that, can you believe they let him/her do that!! How awful, why I would never do that!!"
    that kinda cattyness....

    I know absolutely nothing about babies, or how to raise them, what they eat, wear, things like that. But when the time comes, I'm sure you'll all be there for me!! lol....
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I can point you to a couple books, Sams. It's amazing how a lot of the advice you received sounds a lot like bad dog training - "you can't let them do that or they will be spoiled" - "just put him in his crib and let him cry" - blah blah blah. I knew nothing when I had my kids but I followed my heart and common sense (and some wonderful support groups like La Leche League) and everything turned out fine. :)

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