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Neighbor poisons, puts out large traps for cats/Advice

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lamb, Sep 26, 2004.

  1. lamb

    lamb New Member


    I understand that the law requires that all cat owners including myself keep your pet from going onto other peoples property. My wife and I moved in here about two years ago and we have heard gradually form neighbors that one of our neighbors has been known to poison and kill animals that go in her yard. She has a bowl out full of what she calls 'slug poison'. Can slugs jump into a bowl? Cats in the neighborhood run to her yard for some reason which she has completely covered in tall bushes and tarps, and come back either throwing up or coughing blood.

    We try to keep our cat inside, but today our cat smokey got out and somehow got into her yard. My wife was very upset as we looked and saw to our horror that this woman had installed a 'cat trap'. This is an iron device about 4 feet long and a littlee under a foot wide with tuna in it. She has a 5.5 foot fence and so the only way that cats get in is by jumping over. I immediately called 911. I know it seems silly to someone gettig this call, and that 's how it was acted upon. They told me that they would not send an officer and directed me to aniimal control who sent out an animal control officer. I'm sorry, but I'd rater be thought a foool for calling 911 than see my cat caught in a cat trap. Maybe this woman is friends with the Laurelthirst people who poison animals. What can you do? Animal control let me know that people can trap animals on their property, and it's very hard to prove poisoning (1 case in the last few years gone to court). Any thoughts about strange people like this? What would you do?

    Additional information....

    Neighbors cats coming back coughing blood
    Sets giant trap with tuna in it to trap animals in front yard
    Cameras at every corner and every window
    Neighbors say that dead animals have been found in garbage
    Ajacant neighbor says police went in and found guns in her house
    Racist comments quotes
    6ft fence and no trespassing sighns
    Tomatoes are dying and we are not able to grow anymore,
    we believe she is spraying poisioning, and poison has killed a foot of grass on our property
    Have young children and pets in our yard

    We are suing her for poisoning our property, as we can prove this, but don't know what to do about the rest. What would you do?
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm really sorry, what a horrible situation. I think if I were in your situation I would probably move if possible. If not possible I would do everything in my power to keep my pets out of her yard. In the meantime, I would talk more with animal control to find out what would be needed to prove that she is poisoning pets and I would patiently wait to collect evidence against her. If people have seen dead animals in her garbage cans maybe some pictures could be taken if this is seen again. I would take lots of pictures and collect statements from other neighbors and then go to animal control again. Best of luck.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I would keep the cats inside and call every law enforcement agency you can.
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    I'd move as quickly as I can but I'd contact all the authorities as well including getting a local newsreporter involved.
  5. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    This sounds like a member of the KKK! (Kitty Killing Kult)
    Up here where I live, in the actual richie/really nice part of town there's a gang of teenage boys that steal people cats and string them to trees so they can torture and mutilate them, and on halloween night they spend their Trick-or-Treat time setting people's cats on fire!

    Sadly, there's nothing we can do about it either! I make sure to tell everyone in the neighborhood to keep their kitties inside! I hope something good comes out of suing these people! But isn't it against the law to kill domestic animals? Especially if there's proof when someone has found their bodies in trash cans?

    Please keep your kitty inside!!
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    This just sounds like an awful situation! :cry:
    I don't know what I would do, but I agree with Vene on getting a local newsreporter involved.
    I think you should follow trough with this, and don't give up until someone stops this crazy woman!! :m3:
  7. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I would contact your local Animal Control office immediately. This is deliberate cruelty to animals and is punishable by law. It is also a risk for children.
  8. luna

    luna New Member

    you might want to think about putting up a very, very high fence if it is not possible to move. you could probibly get the athorities to go after her if you tell them that the traps are baited, becuse that means that she is luring the cats in so that she can trap and kill them. i would reccomend hireing one of those private detectives to gather evidence that you can use in court. and take a sample of the stuff in the bowls to get it tested and find out if there is poison in it that way animal control cannot ignore it and say that there is no evidece of poisening. you should also get nabors whose cats have been attacked and go after them together. good luck winning your case
  9. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Wow. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I think it's a pretty sick thing that woman's doing.

    First off, as an immediate suggestion- if you're worried that you will have a cat slip out of your house, can you use different doors? I've read that people who have cats that like to try and escape can use different doors to get in and out of the house. Their theory is that the cat can't be everywhere at once and you can keep them on their toes.

    Secondly, I wish I remembered where I heard this... but where I live, it is ILLEGAL to have substances out that can harm animals. (Like, you cannot have antifreeze sitting in a puddle on a driveway). It's one thing to say that animals can't go into other yards, but sometimes it happens and they should never die for that. So, even though where I live, animals aren't supposed to be in other yards, it's still not legal to have harmful substances out.

    I agree with all the suggestions to contact people. Do you have a local Humane Society or ASPCA? Could you get them involved? They may have resources to investigate.

    Good luck in whatever you do and keep your cat as safe as possible!
  10. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    I have no suggestions to offer other than what other people have said...but I feel I just have to say,

    WHAT AN EVIL group of people!

    Karma comes back to haunt people such as that!
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    A good friend of ours live in a very nice neighborhood- woody area and everything but their neighbor is scarrrrry! Their neighbor poisoned their turtles and now she's worried sick about her kids. I'd be too. Unfortunately, she had no proof that her neighbor did it. That neighbor's trees died between the border and somehow he managed to blame her and she was forced to pay for the damages because the timing of the landscaping she placed coincided with the trees' death. We adviced her to move but she loves her property and other neighbors and friends and family near her so she now opted to have a 24 hour surveilance around her house. I wonder if you can set up surveilance on her and get proof of her poisoning the cats and disposing of them?

    If you do sue her, won't she retaliate against you and do even more evil deeds? Just a thought.
  12. Mechanix

    Mechanix New Member

    One thing you can try is get your own cameras, my friend owns a retail store and he picked up an good system for under $100. I would do that and catch her in the act.
  13. lamb

    lamb New Member

    Should see the new 'cat trap' she put out front

    I doubt anyone here has seen anything like this...

    A bonafide cat or small animal trap in this lady's front yard. Check it out ..theyr're arent' many people this malicious in the world I don't think. Has anyone else seen someone put out a trap for your pet?

    Check it out at

    7238 N. Central, just to the left of the porch...
  14. kittymama1951

    kittymama1951 New Member

    Have the same problem here

    I have just found out that a neighbour is doing the same thing .... he states that it is a humane trap and that he takes the cats to the shelter...... and that he is only protecting the birds that come to feed in his yard.... but too many cats have gone missing in the last couple of weeks... and it is truly breaking my heart.... I have contacted the authorities and unless I can prove that he is harming the animals there is nothing they can do :x
    He knows that I am watching him now and hopefully he will rethink his actions
    Best of luck to you..!!!!

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