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Cat "infestation"

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by luisfreak, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. luisfreak

    luisfreak New Member

    Hello everyone.
    I have a problem and I hope you guys can help.
    We live across the street from an abandoned house. The lady that used to live in it used to feed stray cats. Before she moved, there were about 5 cats that used to come to her house to eat. Now that she has moved, she comes everyday to feed them, except it is not just five, its 13! (that's as many as I have been able to count). They live in the yard of this house and they come to our house frequently to eatl my mother in law's birds.
    Before I call animal control (I would hate to do that, since I don't really know what they do to stray animals, so I would hate it if they put the poor animals to sleep), I would like to know if anybody knows a good way to keep them away from our yard. Is there any kind of spray (non-toxic to cats or humans, of course) that will keep them away?
    I will probably have to call animal control anyway (or someone will),because the females keep having kittens, so it will escalate into a major issue very soon. But in the meantime, what can I do to keep them away from my yard?
  2. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    can you call around to see if there are no kill shelters...or a feral cat program? sometimes they can trap them, spay and neuter, then release...but that wouldnt really take care of your problem with them eating the birds. hmmm...i imagine other people will post with more info.
  3. luna

    luna New Member

    the only sure way to keep them out of your yard is to find homes for them or call animal control. i think it would be better to find homes for them.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    unfortunately you gotta do what you gotta do - hopefully there will be a no-kill or rescue group nearby that'll help, but help you will need. Just making sure they don't get into your yard won't help these kitties at all - they'll just keep reproducing and most likely none are vaccinated so they'll end up spreading diseases amongst their colony.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

  6. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    get the poor things fixed or something... else there'll be more then 13.. :shock:

    good luck with this problem tho... :y_the_best:
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Are unspayed, unneutered cats like roaches? I heard for every one you see, there are 12 more in hiding? :shock:
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :-& :shock:
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: :y_the_best:
  11. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    W00T!! right on Mary!! thats pretty startling!
  12. SugarLovesPits

    SugarLovesPits New Member

    you need to call animal control, I don't want to sound harsh and I also hope they won't have to be put down but the bottom line is there are worse ways to die. Being humanely PTS is definately a lesse evil then say being hit by a car or poisoned by a local moron. Also the last thing that needs to happen is more breeding! That will only create morre unwanted kitties that probablly will get put down eventually. So please do the right thing and in your heart know you will absolutely be doing what's best for those kitties :y_the_best:
  13. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    as much as i hate to read that last post...i think i agree....its awful to think about doing, but ultimately it is the most humane. unless of course you can find homes for all these cats...but they are feral it sounds like. maybe some of them will be rescued and taken to a no kill shelter...the no kill shelters go around to pounds and rescue some of the animals...

  14. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i agree with Sugar and Lynn here... gotta stop the cycle somewhere..
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    Luisfreak, any updates?

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