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The Bull and Terrier Breeds...

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by MaxKellyAST, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    The white bull terrier, oldest breed of the pure bull and terrier matings
    There are the Colored and miniature variations of this breed.

    Seems more closely related to our modern day american dogs than the bull terrier

    The newest addition though accepted earlier than the staffy bull by the AKC.

    I dont want to argue about this american pit bull terriers comformation or this or that. This is just a really cool picture!!!

    Photo courtesy of colby's site. Circa 1895,Colby's Bobtail Bob
    Whelped: 1895
    Sire: Colby's Nick
    Dam: Colby's Wasp

    Reputed to have won 20 battles, which may have been a record. He was bred to more than 20 bitches and some of his offspring were A.K.C. registered.

    and believe it or not.......
    the beloved Boston Terrier.

    Thanks to the wonderful breed registry AKC for the photos and all they do to maintain, and promote the wonderful world of purebred dogs!
    If ive forgotten anything or misquoted please add too, im a chump just like anyone else......
  2. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    PS.. Absolutely not to take anything away from the very hard work of the Greenwood family of the ADBA or the UKC registries whos hard work and dedication handed the AKC a near masterpieace of selective dog breeding, signed, sealed and delivered...
  3. goob

    goob New Member

    It's interesting to note though that the Bull Terrier didn't actually have the current egg head until well after it originated. I have a book somewhere on the breed's history, and it's remarkable how similar the early 1900s BTs were to APBTs of the same time period. Then slowly the BT evolved into its current form.
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Don't forget the Olde Boston Bulldogge
  5. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    Thought Id refresh this topic since it recently came up again and the AKC just revamped the website.

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