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Help-What to do????

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by mellied, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. mellied

    mellied New Member

    I need some insight here from others as to what you all think I should do. My parents neighbors a couple houses down have a pit that they keep locked up in the garage ALL THE TIME, I seriously have never seen the pup out of there. And this poor girl cries (I mean cries LOUD) all the time, day and night........it is driving my parents insane. The owner says she is pregnant and a mean dog so they keep her in there.............whatever. I don't know what to do, it hurts my heart to hear her cry everytime I go over there but I dont know if it is something our APL or humane society would look into.
    What do you guys think?
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Have them call and make a complaint.
  3. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    You, or your parents, can make an anonymous report to your local humane society. They should check into it and see if action needs to be taken.
  4. mellied

    mellied New Member

    I feel like the town cryer. I just turned in a family that lives behind me for starving and severely neglecting their doverman mix, and I had to give my name, phone # and addy to do that. It was worth it though, that dog had mange so bad over its hind end that he had no hair left.
    I am just so afraid they are going to go take the dog (the pit) away from the family and put it to sleep....although I can imagine that would be better than letting it suffer like it has :cry:
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    What is your towns policy on pits? In some places they do put pits down, but in a lot of places they dont and they will adopt them out just like any other breed. Thats why the shelters are full of em, they dont put them to sleep. You can also try and contact some rescue/foster people to step in and save the dog. But I think in this case putting it to sleep is in its best interest and the best interest of the public.

    "Mean" in this case is probably people aggression. People aggressive dogs should be culled. Whats better for a dog being neglect/abused or being put down and not having to suffer like you said. Recues won't adopt out man biters and hopefully most shelters wouldn't either. So if the dog gets PTS thats the right thing to do and what the owners should have done themselves. I don't understand PREGNANT and MEAN, these bright people bred a dog they know has temperament problems.

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