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dog food?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by kxp2234, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. kxp2234

    kxp2234 New Member

    My roommate and I have a peek-a-poo, Kelso. wonderful dog!!! he has dry skin though and itches a good bit. the doctor said to feed him more fatty, greasy foods. is there a dog food that is particularly good for peek-a-poos with this problem?
  2. Tangible

    Tangible New Member

    Hmmm....I had a Maine Coon cat...*no longer with us...*..but he had dry skin and I gave him cod liver oil..and I'd put some on his dry food...that worked out great! And I am sure that'd be a great way for you to treat your dog as well..since it is those types of fats (Omega 3) that work to help dry skin conditions. That is if you dog enjoys the flavor....worth a try! :) Just phone your vet and ask. They may have some you can buy. If not just hit your local food store. That's how I bought mine. Or just check out a pet store....it just may cost you more there???

    HTH! :)

    ps...here is a link so you at least know I do know what I'm talking about..lol...
  3. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    He could have allergies, it's pretty common in dogs, and that would explain the itching and dry skin. Did your vet identify the actual problem? What your dog eats does have a lot to do with his skin, he might even be allergic to his own food. What are you feeding him?
    I noticed with my dog that once I switched her to an all natural premium brand dog food her fur improved a lot within a week. She never had any skin problems but her coat looks beautiful since the switch. Here is their website if you wanted to check it out http://www.karmaorganic.com/
    Innova is also really great too, their website is www.naturapet.com I'm in the process of trying both products out on my dog to see which one is better, and which one she likes best, but either one would be great for your pup. Let us know how he's doing.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Indeed it probably is food related. I went thru about 4 different brands before we stopped with Innova. My terrier mix had terribly itchy skin. He drove me nuts with the clanging of his tags. He stopped his itching after being on Innova. Its worth trying, remember when you switch food to add some of the old food with thenew for about a week so's not to upset the stomache.
    Saddly most vets don't say much about diet, they are really willing to give allergy shots and meds but never really say, your dog needs to change its food. Mine never has. Try a food change. If Innova does not work for you, then try out california Natural( which is made specifically for allergy suffers) but he could just be allergic to preservatives or something not needed in his food he eats now. Plus in the less expensive foods they put cancer causing preservatives in. you don't want that in there. Check out the naturapets site and read whats in your dogs food. what do you feed your dog by the way. There are alot of good foods out there. Being that they are higher quality ingrediants, you need to feed less. So even though they may cost more you still fed less. It all works out good.

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