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A prayer in respect of a lost loved one....

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    This came as a shock to me today. A yound lady age 16, who rides horses with me and Kristi and was such a wonderful person, passed away.

    The story.
    She loved horses, dogs, rabbits, you name it she wanted it and loved it. Kindest of heart, beautiful and intelligent young woman. Had the prettiest brown curly hair and deep dark eyes. That smile could brighten anyones day. She learned to ride with us, rode with us all the time. LOVEd to groom, pet and do whatever she could to get a chance to go riding. We would trail ride from Kristi's house all the way to mine, pick up Sassy and ride back. Swim with the horses and joke around.
    For soem reason she thought she needed to go on a diet. THe girl could have been a model to begin with! SO in school she had a seizure. very shockingly. She was rushed to the hospital, and no cause could be determined why it took place so suddenly when she's never had one before.
    That night when she got home, she was afraid to go to sleep. She stayed up all night long convinced that if she went to sleep, she wouldn't wake up. TIme rolled around for her to go to school so she took a quick shower. The bus came, and her brother banged on the door for her to hurry up, but there was no answer or noise, but the running water....
    The 11 year old brother got scared thinking she had another seizure and broke down the bathroom door. What he found was her slumped in the tub. The ambulance came, but there was nothing they could do.

    A wonderful soul was lost. Such a young a beautiful person. Krystal Fulkerson will forever be missed, loved, and though of.
    Krystal, every time we ride, you'll be right there with us!

    Tomorow will be the funeral. In her respect, we will ride with an un manned horse. Gottago was her favorite and will ride along side us saddled and unmanned. She will be burried in full official FFA attire.
    God bless you sweet angel. We love you!
  2. Rene

    Rene New Member

    wow sams that is so sad and so young and her poor brother geez i hate stroies like that so so sad
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    How sad, my prayers and thoughts for you and her family

  4. Jas

    Jas New Member

    How sad Sams, heartfelt condolences for your friend and her family. Thank you for sharing her story and tribute about the wonderful person she was

  5. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I'm sorry Sams. That's rough. My thoughts and prayers all with all of you.
  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Oh that is so sad, are you doing ok? I know you have alot going on. We are all here for you!
    PS I was in FFA too!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm so sorry!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and her family.
  8. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    by Penny

    God took you away.
    It doesn't seem fair,
    but in the back of my mind,
    you will always be there.

    You weren't a close friend,
    but our paths did cross,
    and your absence in this world,
    is to me a great loss.

    You were too young to die, and
    too innocent to feel that pain.
    Only heaven benefits,
    because you it has now gained.

    I may think of you a little less
    with each passing day,
    but your strength is something I won't forget,
    you have changed me in a way.

    I wish for you eternal peace;
    that's what you deserve my friend.
    I hope I lead my life well enough
    to meet up with you in the end.
  9. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Sam I am sorry to hear about this young lady. That is a very thoughtful thing you are doing for her funeral.
  10. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Sam I am very sorry for the loss of your friend. It sounds like you guys have a wonderfull tribute planned for the service.

    Sharon that was a wonderfull poem.

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