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Took some new pics 2day

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by True_Pits, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member









    These I took the other day




  2. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    :lol: now im going to have to go home and take pictures of mine now hehehe

    i like dog 2(esp 2) and 3 and 5. 1 just looks so....dejected (i know that hes not) to me. i just want to inject him with some celulute! :mrgreen:

    any more pictures of the 3rd dog? (The last picture before the ones you took the other day) he looks cool :y_the_best:
  3. someday

    someday New Member

    As always, you're dogs are so pretty!! That little Muse is looking pretty cute!
  4. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Wow - Muse has already changed a lot. A least to me. And for some reason, Santana has always been my favorite. Maybe because she reminds me so much of my girl BJ (who is my favorite out of my dogs). All of them are great looking!
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I want to see some more pics of your dogs Bronx.
    You really thinks she looks deject? aw...well in the 1st pic she sees a cat, but in the 2nd pic she is a little worried b/c I'm picking up the hose and she hates the hose, runs in the dog house. She did like 2 secs later....lol She's the one who's the grand daughter of A/A Dirty White Boy.

    Maybe I should put some names with the pics for the newbies? lol that might help.


    Thats Santana in her weight pull harness too above the pics of Muse.

    Yeah Muse has changed a lot are ready, its amazing how much she's grown, she was so small, they grow so fast when they're young! She's not really calming down any, but at least I can get her attention some and get her to listen a little bit. Notice she still has to be kenneled/tied up to take pics of her though...lol. I did get some of her playing with Val's neice, I had her on a leash to get the pics so she didn't run off everywhere, she's still hyper!

    here is more of Ven, some of the other members may have already saw some of them.




  6. BronxthePit

    BronxthePit New Member

    ven is an awesome looking pit.

    i thnk what it is, is her head(dog #1) suggest a bigger body. its like that 12 year old thats like Cut and ripped like arnold swartz in his hayday. he looks like he needs to eat but in reality that kid could run circles around most adults.

    so yours is hates the hose ? :) mine hates the broom. she use to run..then when she got bigger she started attackng it..so now i have to put her up if im sweeping haha

    ok i'll go take some pics now (gotta love dig cameras)
  7. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Where would I be without my digital camera? lol

    She hates the hose! She doesn't like swimming very well either. Val loves it (loves any kind of water), she goes nuts and tries to catch the water and will chase it all over the yard, so would her 1/2 brother. Crazy dogs. I have pics of them doing that. It was actually great excersise and kept them cool. Santana does try to play with the mop, so she's put up when its mopping time, otherwise she'll grab it and try to rip it to shreds.
  8. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Really? I wouldn't have even known! I guess because she has those big ears pulled back! :D
    Also, IMO, in the first pic her face looks a little longer and in the first harness picture her head/face looks a little wider. (to me anyway)
    Is that first pic an old one?

    Val is my favorite.... such a pretty girl!
  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    She will usually have her ears pulled back, unless she is focused on something or hears something. Well she moves them around all the time. Her head/muzzle/face is all proportionate, she had her g-dam wonderful head/face. The st 2 pics were taken 2day and the weight pulling pics are older taken about 3 days ago.

    Val seems to be almost everyones favorite.
  10. someday

    someday New Member

    I think Santana is my favorite, she has such an expressive face. Val is a close second though.
  11. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    As I said, Santana is my favorite, with Ven being a very close second (he's a very impressive dog). Nothing against Val or Muse though - they are both great looking dogs too.
  12. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Its weird how different they can look from different angles.

    Shianne tries to attack... everything!
    I can thank my dad for that!... When my brother lived with him, he wouldn't let him get a Pit Bull. So my brother just brought Eve home one day and my dad didnt say anything lol
    Then my brother moved out and my dad wouldn't let me get a Pit and finally my brother talked him into getting me one for my 20th birthday. (2003)
    Anyway, when my dad plays with her he puts his hands up and acts like a monster or something and Shianne just barks and barks and chases him around the house... then he'll put something, anything, in his hand and act like its going to get her or something.
    So, she barks at anything I show her in my hand.
    This morning she had me scared to death because I was home alone and she was just barking and barking while looking in the other room, finally I got brave to look around the corner and saw ... nothing.
    LOL. She is such a big goofball! :lol:
  13. goob

    goob New Member

    Ven is my favorite, then probably Santana. I like the black pigmented dogs a bit better than I like most rednose dogs, but they're all good looking, and you do a nice job of keeping them in shape :)

    Are you going to be pulling Santana?
  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Okay Ven and Santana do have some fans...lol Most seem to like Val or Ven, usually.

    They sure do look different from different angles, it can be amazing how different they get.

    Yeah I'm thinking about doing weight pull with her. The next show I'm going to doesnt have any weight pull! :x So we'll have to wait until next year.

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