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New pic of my puppy (Added pics of everyone else too)

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by spencerpits, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    This is our latest addition: Bryant's "Black Jack" aka Blackie. Just took this pic today. He's a little dirty from playing outside.
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Great pic he is looking awesome!
  3. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Thanks True. I just adore his ears!
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah they are perfect
  5. someday

    someday New Member

    Very cute pup!
  6. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Thanks for the comments. Here are some pictures of the rest of the gang:
    Little Nemo, who was stolen at 4 months old. He'd be 8.5 months old now.
    Sammy, our 'old man' at 4 years old. LOL. He's acted like an old man from the time we got him 2 years ago.
    This is Gauge. He's a pretty big boy at over 50lbs at 9.5 months old.
    BJ - our wild and crazy girl. She's constantly go-go-go and barks at everything.
    Jasmine. She is out of Maggie x Sammy. A petite little girl, but I expect her to get a little bigger. She's about 35-40lbs at almost 10 months.
    And last, but certainly not least is Maggie. She was our 1st APBT, and dare I say the best. She's very eager to please, and the favorite of everyone that meets our dogs. Quite simply, a very sweet girl.
  7. someday

    someday New Member

    They're all beautiful dogs! What a fun looking gang.
  8. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Thanks. They are a lot of fun. What's so great, is that so far the only ones who do not get along are Maggie and BJ. The rest of them, we can put in the pen together and watch them play. Well, except Gauge, he jumps the fence! Maggie does too, so even if BJ's not in there, we can't put Maggie in there. But they get a little extra leash walking as well as lounging in the sun tied in the back yard. Anyway - it's great to watch them wrestle around with each other - they love it!
  9. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    I have one that looks alot like him!

    Good looking pup spenc....
  10. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    OMG Gauge looks awesome!
  11. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    LOL...well, thank you. His poor feet and pasterns bug the h*** outta me though. He's got such splayed feet and low pasterns, it's pathetic. Other than that, I do have to admit, he's a handsome dog. And to me, he looks well proportioned, especially given his large size. I just hope he doesn't fill out too much, if ya know what I mean.

    Yeah - they do look a lot alike. Blackie is 3/4 AST. His sire is ADBA and AKC registered, and Blackie is inbred father to daughter. Most of his blood (even his granddam on the bottom side) goes back to Ruffian blood. You can see his pedigree here.
  12. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah I just now noticed that, terrible! I hadn't seen before when I posted, I think he also looks a little shallow chested (that could just be the pic though) but other than that I think he's a great looking dog! Just show him in the grass, as Marcel would say. Breed that flaw out. He's build great, for his size he looks extremely well. I don't think he'll get too much bigger, even though he's 9.5 months old. I know what you mean about filling out, I think he'll grow a tad more and fill out in a good way-just look older more adultish, if that makes any sense. Looks like he really had great conformation to me.
  13. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    To be honest, he's got quite a few faults. He's a nice looking dog, but he is a little shallow chested (hadn't even noticed that till you pointer it out), his tail is too thick and long, and he's got a long, snipey muzzle. I wouldn't mind at all for him to fill out like any average APBT does as they mature, I just don't want him filling out and the Camelot blood in him showing through too much. Ya know? But he's so tall, that he could use some decent filling out. It's funny when we try to run with him; we'll be running full speed, and he's just jogging along - those long legs! LOL. I can't imagine how fast he'd be if we could ever get him up to full speed. I'm afraid to bike with him though - scared he'd pull me down. At about 5 months old he was outrunning BJ when we'd play fetch with them! And she's not slow by any means.
  14. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

  15. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    Our pups share many of the same founding dogs in their pedigrees.
    You have lovely dogs BTW.
  16. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    What is your overall opinion of the Ruffian bloodlines? I've only heard good things about Ruffian and X-pert, but I've not had that many people to ask. Do you have your dogs' pedigrees online?
  17. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    Hmmm, Overall I think its a good thing to have ruffinan fairly recently back in the blood considering it virtually the foundation for all amstaffs.
    I also think the founding stock wouldnt compete with todays dogs. My puppies have founding ruffian only four gens back. Most of the dogs being line bred so they are the "genetic equal". I have above average quality dogs. Thats all I know to say on the matter.
  18. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    PS... Not to say im the greatest or my dogs are or anything, i just researched my pedigrees and didnt purchase or stud from and BYB's and my dogs are consistant with conformation standars in all areas.
  19. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    I agree you have above-average dogs. Not my cup of tea for ADBA type APBTs, but that's because they're not. They're AKC ASTs, and exceptional ones at that. I just love Crickett. I bought the black pup because every dog I'd ever seen with either a total Ruffian foundation, or even just Ruffian blood on 1/2 it's pedigree - have all looked awesome. Plus, like I said, the few people who had commented on it had said good things. I'm not disappointed in Blackie at all. I know the Ruffian is pretty far back, and he's scatterbred, but for me, I usually look at the parents a little more than just the bloodlines. His sire is an outstanding dog (in my opinion, anyway). I just hope to be able to start showing sometime soon. Even if I have to show Gauge in the grass - LOL!
  20. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    Gage is on Stilts!! I like the way he looks though, He has unique qualities that make him a looker! Good luck in showing, its the ultimate honor you can give your dogs.

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