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OK...today I am going to look at a Maltepoo!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Tangible, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. Tangible

    Tangible New Member

    I'm going to see a female apricot colored Maltepoo with a local breeder!!! I'm so anxious! DH is even sending me with the money in case she wins my heart! LOL!!!

    My 4 year old girl is going too...and really she is the reason we are looking to buy a pup. She is so gentle and is even more responsilbe than my 6 year old daughter..lol. My hubby said that she's been wanting a dog and he thinks she is ready. :kiss_puppy: I agree and of course he knows I've wanted a puppy for so long. And what will I do when my baby goes off to K next year? I need another baby at home! LOL!

    I need to pick up a crate today...I want the pup to be secure in traveling and have her own little place in the house...I'm going to see if she feels better sleeping in her crate at night too. :lol: LOL..listen to me....I haven't even seen her yet..and I'm talking like I own her!!!

    Well, I had to share!!! I will keep you all updated!! In 2 hours I'll be holding this puppy and making my decision. :p
  2. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Good luck!! Here comes my advice... although this little maltipoo may steal your hear (what puppy doesn't?! :p ) please make sure that you are 100% comfortable with this breeder before you decide. K, that's all I'm going to say!

    I can't wait to hear how it goes so please check back as soon as you can to fill us in!

  3. Tangible

    Tangible New Member

    Ok..leaving soon...and thanks...I agree with your advice. :) I've spoken to her several times on the phone...lol..she answers all my questions..even asks many of her own....she is very nice....super great personality. That is terrific!
  4. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    I am happy also to hear that you are thinking of getting a maltepoo. They are the cutes dogs ever. I have one he is 5 months old today!!! But ask many many questions. This is a lifetime commitment and well you have to make sure everything is A OK, goodluck and have a great day.
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Yes if you are going to put out alot of money, ask about the health of the parents. Make sure you can get your money back if your vet tells you there is something majorly wrong with the pup. These things do happen.

    Then, if you have that pup in your hands right now at home, Don't let that pup on the ground where other dogs can roam. You don't know if the dogs that roam thru have been properly vaccinated. Parvo and distemper can and will kill. Parvo can live in the ground for up to 7 years. So let pup tinkle in a special designated area. Don't put it on the floor at petco,etc I see people going there with their tiny pups and put them down, thats not good. Puppy can be out and about after it gets alllllll of its puppy shots. the vet will tell you when its ok. It's very important.
  6. HebertRT

    HebertRT New Member

    Please let us know how your visit with the maltipoo pup went!!!! I'm sure she will (or did) steal your heart. My little maltipoo, Laci, is 8 months old today! We can't believe how immediately and completely she captured all of our hearts. She's definitely our little baby!!!!! Can't wait to hear any news . . . and see pictures!!!!!
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    She did it, she did it. :eek: :eek: I want to see pictures :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: She P.M.ed me and she has the pup maltipoo.
  8. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    OMG!!!! You're just the first to know everything Puttin! :lol: I've been wondering all afternoon... I can't wait to see pictures!
  9. Tangible

    Tangible New Member


    HERE SHE IS!!! I do not own a digital camera....the web cam was the best I could

    She is wonderful...I knew the moment I stepped into the door at this lady's home that I wanted this pup. I named her Nutmeg..and she is the sweetest thing. She came over and just layed her head on me. Awe!

    I TOTALLY APPRECIATE ALL THE POSTINGS! And I did ask and was told about her vet checks and her first shots. I'm calling my veterinary clinic today or tomorrow to make her next appt...and my vet knows this breeder....so that is awesome!!! And the vet clinic is next door to me!! Literally....the doctor's land and our property lines are one and the same...but the clinic is actually a few acres away...lots of land around here. :) So....no dogs roaming around...but we are putting up a small fenced in yard for her soon.

    She has bonded to me is seems...already. After my girls both got to play with her (asking when they can pick her up..my rule..lol) she is tired and came over and lay at my feet...napping. She played outside, while I tried to see if she needed to go potty..twice..lol...and I don't think she went..but she did come inside and eat and drink!! She feels quite at home!
  10. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    OMG!!! She's BEAUTIFUL!!!!! You two look very happy together! :love_y_t_much:

    How old is she? I LOVE her name too! Oh, and the fenced in area is a great idea. Hubby and I live on 2.5 acres and haven't fenced everything in yet.. so, we fenced in a good size play area just for the girls. They can play outside and be safe and when we walk around the rest of the yard they are on a leash :D

    I'm SOOOO happy for you, I bet you're having the best time with her right now!

    CONGRATS! :eek:
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    She is a little lover isn't she. I love it when dogs like to nuzzle up against you. How many months is she. She has alot of fluff, so she probably looks bigger than she is. Don't be surprised now when she turns cream or white. Girl, you need to get a digital camera. Those pictures did turn out pretty descent though. How much did you get her for if you don't mind me asking? That is just so perfect that the vet is practically in your back yard. Are they open on Sunday, if so even more perfect. It seems like if anything goes wrong its always on sunday. You kep those pictures coming. congrats. We all had the feeling once you had a pup in hand there was no walking away. Herbert knew. :y_the_best:
    I wish shirely was here to respond with some tips for you, Hi Shirely. I know she's out there. :eek:

    Oh you are just going to have to post here too,
  12. Tangible

    Tangible New Member

    Thanks! LOL!! She follows me all around...she has seen about half the house already.

    I do have a question for you all...the breeder had feeding instructions for me. :)

    1. Feed Iams only...failure to feed this food and switching to another brand could cause digestive upset resulting in a very sick pupy.
    2. Leave a dish of dry down at all times. Puppies like to nibble.
    3. Twice daily, mix about 1/4 cup of dry with some hot water. Microwave for about 45 sec. Let cool as it soaks up the water then add 1 tsp canned dog food not using more than 1 tsp as it is only for flavoring. The reason you are mixing this is because the pup is used to 2 warm meals a day as well as nibbling the dry. It needs to have this warm familiar food for at least 1 week to make it feel more at home and less stressed. After the first week or so you eliminate the mixture and feed only the dry.
    4. Have fresh water available at all times.
    5. Puppy treats are ok, such as milkbones and chews.

    Ok..those are the breeder's typed instructions I received. However, I went to the best local pet store...always go there for my supplies for my fish tank and I did for my cat (passed away now)..anyway..great guy...knowlegable. Totally trustworthy. I asked about the food Iams..he doesn't sell it since he said it's in the grocery stores now..hard to compete and basically their formula isn't what is use to be before they went big market. He showed me another brand that is not only comparable..but has more and better nutrition with the same formula....and I got it...Diamond brand. Now since I don't know much about pup food, but I didn't want to totally change Nutmeg's diet...I am asking...DID I DO RIGHT? And should I follow these instructions (the canned food thing for a week mixed in)??? I just want more opinions.

  13. Tangible

    Tangible New Member

    OH! I forgot to tell her age...she was born July 12..11 1/2 weeks young! :)

    And she is a snuggler and a nuzzler!! I love her!

    My mother in law came home with my hubby when he brought home my 6 year old....I swear she had tears in her eyes the moment she saw the puppy!!!! OH MY GOODNESS! Was that my mil???????????????? Ha!

    And you won't believe how much I paid!!! $350 + tax 367.50...I gave the breeder the money..then I gave my 4 year old the 2 quarters and told her she could pay for her puppy...lol! My dd was all bugged eyed and says...'WE CAN BUY THIS PUPPY TODAY?'...hehehe...I told her we were only going to visit a lady that had some dogs so we could look and see what she might like to have....she had no idea that we were possibly buying one. :)
  14. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I think right now since the pup is used to this diet continue with it. You can wean her off the canned by adding less and less canned to it. I used to add canned to dry, but dry is much better for their teeth. Diamond brand is much better than Iamms anyway. I'd say in a few weeks after the pup is situated in your home and feeling comfortable start the change gradually by mixing the Iamms with the diamond for a week or so. then gradually give her all diamond , Heck I'd want all diamonds.LOL But if you just change from one food to another abruptly it will upset her tummy and probably give her the runs. Hard poos are what your shootin for.
  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Great price. Now lets hope she checks out perfect at the vet. and everything will be great. Make an apointment asap. Dogs really can bring out the best in people.

    Go to the link I gave you and sign up. My friend know sooooooooooooooo much about puppies.
  16. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    That's so sweet that your daughter got to pay for her puppy! I can only imagine how excited she was when she realized the cutie was coming home with you! :mrgreen:

    I agree, keep those pictures coming and a digital camera is a must! I won't even tell you how many I've taken of my girls... :wink:
  17. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Cure pup. and puttin is right mix your iams and diamond together a little diamond at a time then just the diamond.
  18. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    Oh my gosh she is sooo adorable! Too cute :kiss_heart: You must share more pictures lots of pictures. Have a great time with your new baby.
  19. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    Congratulations, Tangible, on your new arrival. She is an absolute doll-baby and the two of you look so happy!! I love the way your daughter "paid" for the puppy...

  20. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member


    OMGGGGGG>. nutmeg is soooooooooooooo adorable!!! I just love that face on her! :) cute pics, mom!! You did good! I also love the story about your daughter paying for the puppy.. you can guarantee that she has that story imbedded in her mind!

    Now, as far as the food... all the previous posts were right on about slowly changing her over. I am totally surprised that the breeder feeds her puppies Iams. ick, ick, ick. Anyhow, you'll get more advice here about dog food than you probably would everrrrrrr want to hear.... lol... but I suggest you look into some of the higher quality brands (lots and lots of posts before on this too). I feed my baby Nutro... and he loves it. It's very good for him too.. so (((clap clap)))

    Keep us posted with more pics! I truly looooved the one of the two of you.

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