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Does everyone's cats go crazy at 6AM - or just mine??

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by ansy1, Oct 3, 2004.

  1. ansy1

    ansy1 New Member

    I was just wondering why they do this. EVERY morning from about 6-8AM my 3 cats lose their freakin' mind...lol

    They run like lightning, jump all over everything, and literally run circles around the walls fighting and playing.

    They are all small kitty's but it sounds like a group of Clydesdales running through my house. It's SO funny that I get up an hour early to watch them (well, actually they WAKE me up).

    Does anyone else experience this? Why do they do it like clockwork every day?
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    ours do that! they come sit on our chest and attack our feet and then they end up making the dog chase them. pepe also tries to pick fights with pheobe and they end up getting very vocal, just when we want to sleep lol!
  3. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    my 2 alarm clocks like clock work 5:30 every moring
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    My alarm clocks Pumpkin and Milo used to wake me up between 4-7AM. They haven't been doing that lately. It feels weird. I rather like it. LOL's. :mrgreen:
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    yep...mine too....they play behind the door with each other...footises...and bring me friends on the bed...piece of plastic, mousies, paper... :roll:
  6. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    not mine...but i dont feed them on a regular schedule..its usualy whenever i wake up...so they arent used to me getting up at a certain time..they hit "tornado" mode usually late at night
  7. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    :lol: tornado mode!
    i hear THAT! it's usually later at night for me too. They'll start making weird strangled noises and tear around the house.. chasing eachother...

    then Raz will start his vertical leaps on four feet with his tail poofed out... it's so funny!!! it looks like he has a squirrell tale when he does it! too cute. oddly enough he doesnt run into anything more in tornado mode then in regular mode lol

    it's so much fun to watch eh?
  8. ansy1

    ansy1 New Member

    I don't know if feeding them on a schedule would have anything to do with it as mine have food and water out all the time.
  9. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    mine too they eat when they want
  10. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Mine start going crazy around 5:30ish in the morning!!!! :?
  11. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    well my first cat Candy...she only drove me nutty in the AM bc either myself or my mom fed her when i got up for school...so she realized she had to wake us up to eat....she had dry food out but wanted her wet food..lol..
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    you are lucky its 6:00 :D Midas is 5:00 am every morning, I do not give in and get up ord feed him, his favorite ploy is to bat at the dogs sleeping on our bed, then biting them, laying on them to get them up hoping the dogs will get us up. At least he has stopped his horrible howling ( I hoipe I just didnt jinx myself) I just want more sleep

  13. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    When I fed Booger only wet food, she knew that she would get fed when I woke up...so she'd attack me in bed when ever her bowl was empty!

    I now have two bowles, one with wet food, one with dry and one or the other bowl always has food in it for her.

    So now, she doen't attack me so much (toe biting and such). Now she does it just when she wants attention :D But it's more rubbing and nudging than biting and nipping.

    They do fall into your schedual though. If they're used to you feeding them or being up and paying attention to them at 7AM, don't expect to sleep past 7:15AM ROFL
  14. Michelle Wachniak

    Michelle Wachniak New Member

    I'm so lucky!

    My Ruby Tuesday doesn't wake up until I do!!! Well, my alarm goes off @ 6:15am Mon - Frid, but on the weekends, she sleeps in with me. About 2 or 3 times in the morning on the weekends, she walks on my face, and then curls up like a hat on the top of my head, with her arm either over my eyes or under my chin. And she purrs and purrs, so it's easy to fall back asleep. She's only 1 yr & 4 months old, so she should be full of fire. But she's like her ol' mum and loves to sleep!
  15. garith1977

    garith1977 New Member


    5:30-6:00 am everyday without error. When my wife moved tfor her new job and took the alarm clock for 2 weeks I could always set my watch by when the cats woke me up.

    Ameratto has learned to knock the alarm clock over on my night table and Cleo will lick my arm pits, if that doesnt work she starts tearing up paper until I get out of bed.
  16. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    :shock: I can't beleve what I just read, lucy does that just about every morining. I sware form when I get out of the shower in the morning I hear the worst crashing and darting noises ever, she runs into stuff and climbs up curtains and everything, and just when ya think shes done a curtain rod falls or she knocks something over. At least I know ill never get to sleep in LOL
  17. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    otis used to lick my arm pits... :shock: ...the question is...is it the arm pit odor they like....or the deoderant?? :roll:

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