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New pic of my puppy (Added pics of everyone else too)

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by spencerpits, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    That's what I was commenting on in an earlier post - about how when we run with him, we'll be running at full speed and he's just jogging along! At 7 months old, he was already taller than any of our adults. He hasn't really grown any at all in the last 2.5 months, weight or height. I can't imagine he'll get any taller. Since he is so tall, I hope he fills out nicely. I'm just concerned about the Camelot blood in him causing him to fill out too much. Here's a pic of his g-sire, Sonia's Animal (a Camelot dog):
    Just a little too stout for my liking. (And yes, he's missing an eye.)
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I couldn't see his tail in that picture, in the pic that was on your site his muzzle did look snippy, but he's still an overall nice looking dog. I can't believe he's that big. He'll probably fill out well, you never know the camelot blood could sneak up on you, but maybe not. He might fill out to be a well proportioned dog. I saw a female who I think is Camelot blood, my friend, she said you probably won't like how this dog looks, looks kind like an AST. I said well then I'd probably like it then and I still want to see. When we got to this other persons house, the dog don't look like an AST, looks like a Camelot bred dog. The owner doesn't have the pedigree, but I can't wait to see what the dog really is once he gets it back. I think they were told that it was an AST, but its not, maybe it has some AST in it.
  3. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Of course, Camelot/Peterson isn't the only thing that makes up his pedigree, it's just that his dam is an 80lb red/red nose. She doesn't really look like a Camelot dog...I don't know how to describe her - I just don't want him looking like her. His sire, on the other hand, I really like. You can see his sire here, and his dam here (she wouldn't stay still for a pic). His sire is mostly Boudreaux with some Jeep. There's even Ruffian blood in 1/8 of his pedigree several generations back. There's not telling what he'll look like - hopefully he's just fill out nicely and be proportionate.

    Maybe their dog is like Gauge's dam - she is 1/4 Camelot, 1/4 Petersons and 1/2 no-name dogs (at least I've never heard of any of them). The Petersons dogs go back to the Ruffian ASTs. Maybe their dog is like 1/2 Camelot 1/2 AST. Ya never know. Nowadays, if someone has a dog with Jeep in it's pedigree once, they'll advertise it as a Jeep dog. This probably happened to these people.
  4. goob

    goob New Member

    Gauge also looks to be pretty straight in the front, which is common in the breed, but not real good structure wise, as straight shoulders are not as well made to compensate for the pounding of the dog's weight. Could just be the pics though. It also looks like his shoulders sit a bit far forward on his body (as do Sammy's and Maggie's), so that could be contributing to it as well.

    He'll fill out as he matures, and I love his color :)

    Goo has flat feet as well (probably from malnutrition and super long nails as a pup), and I've found that keeping her nails as short as possible helps keep her toes from splaying and her feet have actually tightened up a bit in the last few years since I've ground her nails down to nubs and kept them that way.
  5. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Ya know - all of their shoulders are set a little far forward. Gauge also has an under-developed front chest, so it makes it look worse on him. I've been meaning to get some good front-on and side pics of all the dogs for evaluation. Hopefully, I'll get that done pretty soon, and you guys can weigh in (best thing I can do since I'm not able to show them right now).

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