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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by True_Pits, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Had a convo with a lady today that was very "refreshing" in attitude I guess you might say. She asked how many/what kind of dogs I had. 4 Pit Bulls. I'm always waiting to see what the persons reaction is when I say Pit Bulls. She said really, those are WONDERFUL dogs. I'm one of the very few people who think they are wonderful dogs. They are such great childrens dogs. Kids can just woller all over them. I might take one of mine to meet her tomorrow, she was so sweet. I told her about me showing them and things and I think its her son who works for her or maybe nephew, said the mechanic they have work on their cars (they have a small car dealership) built a sled and pull track. I didn't know he had any Pit Bulls though, so I'm wondering. I know who they(mechanic and his family) are and I remember his older daughter asking me about my Pit Bulls and saying she'd like to have a brindle Pit Bull. Maybe they got a couple now or something. Well anyway back to the original, I was just shocked to get such a good response for once. She said ANY dog can be made mean and its how you TRAIN them, any dog you starve and keep chained up all the time and abuse can become mean. She said her daughter who lives out of state, when they were away and their home was robbed apparently the Pit Bull just layed there and let it all happen, thats what kind of killer guard dog it was...lol :D
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    That is so neat when someone doesn't have a stroke when they find out you have Pits.

    This is a bit odd, but I find the older generation of people, not the baby boomer age, really are more receptive to PitBulls. I've had several that have told me that they had PitBulls as kids and that they're the most wonderful dogs and that it's too bad they get all the negative attention that they do.

    Back in their day the PitBull was America's SweetHeart dog and a person was "UnAmerican" if they didn't have one.

    AHHH, the good old days!!!!
  3. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Maybe it's because I live in Chattanooga - right near the TN/GA border, but the majority of people I meet are receptive towards my dogs. We recently had a Comcast guy out here to fix our internet problem, and he had to check out wiring on the side of the house where 3 of our dogs were. I had to keep BJ quiet so she wouldn't drive him nuts (she barks at everything). Before he left, we were talking about the dogs, and turns out that he owns 2 APBTs - a male and a female. My neighbors don't like them because of BJ barking so much, but that is actually the only complanint I've gotten from them - and I can't say I blame them. I've had a few people shy away from them, but no out-right rudeness.
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Thats great Spencerpits! Thats how it is hear, most people don't care anything about Pits, so many people have them, yet we have no problems with attacks or people not liking them. They're just like any other dog around here and one of the top popular breeds. But there are those "stupids" who don't like them just b/c they are Pits and they want to start trouble for no reason other then they like starting trouble with people. But its still very surprising to have some one telling you how wonderful they are, I'm never too sure when some one ask what breed they are how they are going to react...lol
  5. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    I know what you mean - I have an odd feeling - not knowing what kind of reaction I'll get - when someone asks me what kind of dogs I have. At first, I said it only hesitantly - almost like I was ashamed (I never have been, don't get me wrong, but it could have been interpreted as that), but now I just state it matter of factly. I can tell who doesn't like them, becuse they just clam up when they hear my answer. To be honest, it's my grandmother who has the biggest problem with them. And my father-in-law, but he would be that way if I owned 6 dogs of any breed/size.
  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    She wants to come by and meet the dogs sometime! WOW. Maybe she'll get some time to do so, she really is a nice lady and she must really LOVE Pit Bulls. She said They are jus the greatest breed in the world and wished me good luck with showing them. I can't believe she wants to come meet them all.
  7. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    That's great! :y_the_best: Now if only everyone else were like that. :mrgreen:

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