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Taking your dog on the plane with you

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ntengwall, Oct 3, 2004.

  1. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    Does anyone know...is there a weight limit to be able to take your dog in the cabin with you or is it whether or not they fit into the carrier? I don't want to base my breed I get on their weight, but we travel to Florida a few times a year and I will definetly want to take her with me in the cabin. I also know there are no guarantees with size though. I am looking at shih tzus (typically anywhere from 8-16 lbs), yorkie shih tzu (usually under 10 lbs) and shih poos (anywhere from 5-15 lbs). In my perfect world, I would be able to find a smaller shih poo.
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    It varies (not greatly, though) among airlines, so you'll have to check with each individual airline to see what their policies are! It's great to see that you're thinking about this ahead of time, kudos to you! :y_the_best:

  3. kiteonthemove

    kiteonthemove New Member

    The dog has to be small enough to go under the seat in a carrier .It is a carrier that you sling over your shoulder .Most airlines charge between 100 to 150 extra .If the dog does not fit in the over the shoulder type kennel ,it has to go in cargo .I know cause I have traveled with one beofre and it had to go in cargo cause of the size and the carrier would not fit under the seat .Weighed 12 lbs .
    Also only one dog can go in cabin ,so you have to let them know ahead of time and if when you get there one is already in cabin ,yours will go in cargo .
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    That rule is not true for all airlines, not all airlines have the same rules, regulations, and policies...in fact, many don't!

    The following information was taken from American Airlines site (www.aa.com):

    Now, Delta Airline's rules and regs. (as you can see, there is a difference in rules and regulations, this is why you must check with the airline you wish to use, for not all airlines have the same policies and regulations!):


    Those two excerpts are just one example of how the rule of one airline does not always carry over to another airline's...so just be careful, there are differences!

    Just wanted to clear that up, thanks! :D
  5. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    Basically you should need a short dog, when I was travelling with mine over the summer they said they have to fit in a carrier small enough to go under a seat and be able to stand up all the way. Even if they fit laying down, if they can't stand up all the way they have to go into cargo. So I'd guess a dog under 8 inches tall would be a good estimate, considering the airline I flew said the carrier itself couldn't be more than 10 inches tall.
  6. maltepoolover

    maltepoolover New Member

    Sorry ,I have never used delta ,and you are right to make sure you check the airline ,I just know about the airlines I have used and the one time I flew with the 12 lb dog ,the kennel was too large ,so he had to go in cargo .And American now says only one dog in cabin ,all others go to cargo or that is what they told me the last time I talk to their pet department ,may have changed though ,they have changed alot since 911 anyway .
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Just thought I'd share this:

    I accidentally stumbled across this wonderful site yesterday, and thought it would be a great help to anyone who is considering shipping their pup, and/or those who are considering flying with their pup in the cabin with them. The site lists numerous U.S. Airlines (especially the major ones), and a brief, yet thorough, summary of their individual policies, restrictions, regulations, etc. Check it out, it's a great source of info!!!



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