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Another litter on the way...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by darkrabbit213, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    Rabbit. I'm sorry about Peanut. I totally forgot she's not yours and that you are taking care of her out of the kindness of your heart. :m13: Will you forgive me? [-o< People here really care about you and the kitties. That's why they are putting their 2 cents in. Or is it 3? Anyway, everyone means well and doesn't want Peanuts or the babies to suffer. It's a shame Peanut's owner doesn't care about her enough to spay her. Maybe you can ask a freebie from your new vet to spay her. Just a thought.

    Congrats on your new job! That's great news. However, I'm going to chide you about not eating lunch! [-X It's just as bad as not eating breakfast. Do you skip breakfast too? I forgot. Do you get free breakfast in school? I did when I was growing up. I'm not your mom, but as a friend, you need good nourishment just like your furbabies. Pack your lunch if you have to. I did.

    Let's work on getting Peanut spayed if possible! :p
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I guess the reason some of us thought you were going to be taking on the responsibility of Peanut and the kittens was because of what you stated in one of your previous posts. Did YOU forget?

    Let me refresh your memory:

    http://auspet.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t ... c&start=15
    I'm assuming that you did'nt move yet but please try not to get so defensive when people here are just trying to help. You did previously state that you would be taking Peanut and the kittens with you when you move. This may have given some of the posters (including myself) here the idea that you are now responisble for Peanut. I apologize for the misunderstanding and I hope that you can still take Peanut with you when you move and prevent her from having more litters.
  3. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    Eternal Flame- I do like to hear what everyone has to say for advice, really. But lil### and certain other people telling me I can't afford my kittens is really offensive! How would you feel if someone told you that you couldn't take care of Raz because you don't know how to handle a blind kitty? And they kept insisting this? But, you know you're a good mommy for your baby. Well I know that when people say things like that to me, it's very offensive.
    And THEN they decided to point out that I am "very young" to top it all off. I know my age. And age doesn't matter. I do everything else for myself on my own, why not take care of my babies? I'm not trying to be mean, but that's just how I feel.

    Vene- I've been trying to talk to Peanut's owner about this situation and see if I can't get her spayed without making the owner angry. I'm going to try to pick up a pet carrier on Thursday/Friday. I'll need one either way since the kittens are going to be going in for their shots.
  4. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    Nern- I actually did forget I wrote that, when that post became obselete a few things changed.

    i.e. I'm not going to steal someone's cat. I haven't moved out of this place yet because we're waiting for the kittens to be fully weaned. And I'm going to try and get the kittens spayed. And, I wasn't offended by anyone except for lil###. The rest of you, are pretty much familliar with the story of the kitties so I respect your opinions. When a stranger tells me to get rid of my cats, I get defensive.

    I didn't mean to offend anyone... just don't tell me to get rid of my cats / that I can't take care of them / can't afford them. Sorry everyone. I'm going to talk to the owner of Peanut and see what I can do for her.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Well, good luck with trying to convince him to spay her. Maybe he will let you have Peanut after you talk with him? :?
    Keep us posted.
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    ive kept quiet until now...

    now i am thoroughly confused...

    please rabbbit just understand i am trying to clarify...

    whose cats are they??? first you say the momma and kittens are your boyfriends brothers cats...but he doesnt want them, nor has a desire to care for them. then you say the kittens are yours..but you would not steal a cat from someone... so...why is it okay to take the kittens and state they are yours? but you dont take responsibility for the momma cat. she somehow left out of this. she has no owner?? would you give her back, knowing that your boyfriends brother doesnt want her?? so then, whose cat is she in the meantime? i feel sorry for the momma cat. nobody owns her. if you take her, then you are responsible, if she has no owner...then...where does she go???

    it just seems that the kittens are yours sometimes, and not other times...it is a little confusing...
  7. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    three of the kittens were given to us by "the brother". These are: Sherbert, Donut, and whichever other one we want. However, we take care of all five of the kittens and have ever since they were born. Peanut, however, has been "the brother" 's cat for three years. He buys her food, litter etc. And takes care of her. For a while, Peanut didn't like "the brother" anymore and only hung 'round with me and the kitties. But lately she's been out there more often. So he wants to keep her. Therefore, I'm not going to steal his cat. However, since we were never able to pick the third kitten we want, there is no owner for bruce, blaze and lone wolf. So that's not stealing.
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oh boy. one part of me wants to laugh at your stupidity. the other half wants to cry for these poor animals. lynnhaz, i think convenience is playing a major role in the animals 'yo yoing' ownership.

    now, im not even going to give any suggestions on what to do with this pregnancy. i think its all been said and i dont think anyone can reason with someone who has this mentality. exactly the reason why i gave up posting a reply to her other thread [whos sobbing now eh?]. she cant even say lil96's name properly without being sarcastic and juvenile. i didnt find any of lil96's posts to be offensive. infact they were concerned enough about YOU, yes YOU, to say that skipping lunch isnt good.

  9. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    *raises a brow* well, if i didnt want- or couldnt handle oppinions of others i wouldnt be asking.

    offencive or not- i would understand that is how they feel and i would respect that.

    It would be feedback- which would be exactly what i wanted. i'd want all feedback not just the good stuff- otherwise how might i challenge how i currently think? And be open to change?

    When u undertake something such as another life u gotta remember there is alot to it. no one is an expert- no matter what degrees they;ve got. it's life. theres no manual for it.

    i would take everyones collective oppions to heart - weight and evaluate them all till i could come to an understanding within myself to get the answer to my question i had orrignally asked.

    If someone said i didnt know how to raise a blind kitten- that would be their right to say so. i would not chastise them because they voiced their oppinion. i would however challenge them as to why they said it- and in the discussion which would ensue i would learn more about myself... realise (because of the comment) that perhaps i didnt know all i thought i did and i would strive to rectify that. In the end growing and becoming the best mommy to a blind kitten i could possibly be and respecting the one who challenged me.

    *smiles gently* and then u said this....

    by asking for help- you are not doing it 'yourself' anymore. you are personally opening yourself up and admitting you need help from others. Be open and receptive to what ppl take the time to say to you. The good and the bad. :)
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    ok I shut up now! :lol:
  11. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    darkrabbit, are you sure Peanut is pregnant again? I know its a possiblity but so soon after having kittens are you sure that she hasn't got an unborn one from the last time? I know someone else asked this but I didn't see a reply, it could also be some kind of infection (I almost lost one of my babies who had an infection in the womb) this might be what is making her look pregnant and if she has an infection it can't be good for the kittens who are still feeding off of her.
    I understand she isn't your resposiblity but you are looking out for her and the kittens and this could affect all of them, perhaps you (or who ever IS resposible) could take her to the vet for a check up?
  12. SugarLovesPits

    SugarLovesPits New Member

    well first off i don't particullarly care if i offend you or not first off i cannot believe an animal shelter is considering hiring you i know you would never work at the aspca where i do. I think the problem is you do not understand what it requires for you to be a responsible cat owner you have seven cats 2 of wich don't even live with you are any of these cats up to date on shots or have they even been to the vet? all of these cats need yearly shots and check ups and need to be spayed or nuetered. I don't care what kind of food you give them you are obviously financially and emotionally unable to care for these animals I am sorry that you don't have alot of money but the bottom line is if you can't afford an animal DON'T GET ONE!!!!!!!! :x
  13. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi i am going to get to the point here and clear a few things up.....

    A female cat will fall pregnant 2weeks after giving birth to a litter this is why its best to have the cat spayed.

    A cat unlinke a dog can be spayed immediatly after giving birth and does not stop the let down of her milk.
    Wether this cat is not yours then why do you have this cat and if your looking after it for a friend why could you not be more responsible at looking after her.

    A cat that gives birth and then falls pregnant literally staright away which has what has happend in this case is higher risked at getting mammary tumours, cancer of the uterus, ovarian cancer.
    Also her body will not be able to cope with the demand put on her with raising this litter aswell as carrying another litter.

    Having this litter aborted will not do any harm to the cat nor will it affect the way she looks after her litter she has now.

    If you are such a caring animla lover as you say you are then this would not happen and wether you own the cat or not you would either have the pregnancy terminated or if you cant afford it then goto a clinic or shelter that will do it for free there is alot of them about you just have to look and call about.

    You are not only risking the mothers health allowing her to carry this litter you are also risking the unborn litter which will more than likely be stillborn, Born with cleft palate, Limbs missing, Water of the brain and many other problems all due to the lack of nutrients and calcium they need to grow with this poor cat already dealing with a litter.

    Now ask yourself this can you cull any kittens that have deformaties can you in all honesty say you could put these kittens out of there misery if they have something wrong with them even taking them to the vet is gonna cost a fortune and you cant even afford to have a cat spayed so think of the extra money you will have to pull out for sick kittens.

    You are also looking at this cat dying during birth because her body is just too weak and worn out from the whole ordeal.

    A true loving owner would do what is best for his/her animal even if it does mean aborting a litter.
    Trust me i breed german shepherds and i have aborted litters..

    Do whats best for her please get her spayed before it is too late
    Sorry for going on you guys but i needed to get this off my chest this is just rediculous..

  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    thanks mike...nice post...and many of the posters on this topiic. there has been some great information given. i just wish it was under better circumstances...

    theres an old saying..."if three people call you a horse...ya better get a saddle....!!!"

    i pray for the mommma cat....
  15. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    :y_the_best: Mike & Lynn
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Great info Mike. :qm1:
  17. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi i apologise if if came across abit strong but i think you will all agree this person does not have the poor cats interests at heart.

  18. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Great info mike and i dont think you came across strong at all great job.

    and lynnhaz great saying
  19. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    goodbye everyone.

    you won't be seeing me around the forums anymore.

    i thought you guys were friends, but then you come around and try to force opinions on me. i didn't even ask for opinions in this post. i made an announcement. and it's turned into a three page discussion about what a bad pet owner i am. well, i'm tired of it. i know i'm a good pet owner, and i know what i am and am not capable of. just because i'm not up to par on your "standards of animal care", doesn't mean i don't care for & love my animals. i'm doing as much as i can for these animals, and as a responsible pet owner, i know what i can and cannot do.

    i'm such a bad pet owner, that's why peanut is going to the vet friday, for an abortion and to get spayed. updated on her shots, and an overall exam.

  20. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well that is your choice but i would like to make a point about something...

    In your post you said the cat is not yours so why should you go out and have her litter aborted and her spayed.
    Now you are saying you are a good pet owner so please make up your mind wether you own the cats or not.

    Glad to see that you are doing what is best for the cat now that shows some responsibility.

    Good luck with the kittens and we did not intend to scare you off but if you cant take critisism or listen to peoples opinions and then get answers you dont like then there is no point posting questions.
    You will find that all animal forums are like this one and trust me i know as i am a member of a few.


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