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Blackie & her babies

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Blueribbon, Oct 4, 2004.

  1. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    Well all I'm sry I haven't been on for awhile, been kinda busy. Well as for Blackie and her babies, two of them I think were stolen, momma had them almost weaned when some two boys came by ( I was outside playing with them the kittens ) they asked to pet them, two days later two of them were gone ( little blackie and a tiger one ) that was four days ago. Then two days ago momma disappeared but came back today ( found out that the construction company across the road from us let her in their building to catch mice ). Then Saturday had to call 911 for my b/f he was having chest pains but found out that it's a strained muscle, but any who while we were at the hospital my b/f niece ( nakoma_star ) came over and got dad to let her bring in the only remaining baby in the house because it was getting really cold outside, I've been trying for a month now to get him to let me bring them in and put them in the basement but no go. Well he let her and told her that the kitten had to stay in the basement, when we got home she told me what dad had said. That night I could here the little kitten meowing nonstop I couldn't take it anymore I went to the basement and brought the little angel upstairs to our bedroom, I then went out and got a temporary little pan ( disposible roasting pan will get a permenant one on Thurs or Fri ) and some littler. I showed her where the pan was and gave her some Imas Kitten Formula ( it's canned cat food for Kittens just weaned ) that I picked up also I spent a total of 5.00 for it all. She used the pan within 15 minutes after eating. Well dad found out this morning that I brought up the kitten and left it in our bedroom all night boy was he mad till he found out that the kitten was using the littler pan and not the floor for it's bathroom, to make this short we now have a kitten that's name is now Tigeress she is free to roam the house. As soon as I can she will be take to the vet to get her shots and then set up to be fixed. Blackie will always be an outside cat ( she won't use a litter pan ) but the construction company across the road will also be taking care of her ( Blackie ) at night she will be in their building chasing mice and during the day roaming free outside. Will post pic's of Tigeress as soon as I can find my camera. :eek: :0020: :qm2: :qm4:
  2. luna

    luna New Member

    thats cool your dad let you make Tigeress an indoor cat. wish i could bring in that black cat thats always hangin around our house.but noo, accoring to dan we already have too many animals. is 2 cats 1 dog and a bird too many? i think not..
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Good luck with your little kitty. Sounds like you are being responsible and are giving her a lot of love. Looking forward to seeing her pictures. :p
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm so glad to hear that you were able to take in the one kitten.
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    :eek: now here's what you need to do - make a deal with the construction workers....Blackie can continue to be their mouser if they'll pay to have her spayed
  6. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    lol what an awsome idea Mary!!

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