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That time of year is coming soon!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by dogangel, Oct 3, 2004.

  1. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    Thought I'd post this (found it on another board). We love Christmas, but we also fear it for the sake of our beloved friends!!!

    LETTERS TO A DOG.......

    January 6

    Dear Dog,
    I saw you today for the first time, just a couple houses from my own. The school bus stopped to let out your kids, and your mom opened the front door to let you run out and greet them. You are a wiggly, bouncy and happy little puppy with a full belly and a shiny coat. Your kids grabbed you up, hugged you, held you and toted you inside. Your tail was wagging the entire time. I thought to my self, how sweet, what a way to end a long hard day.

    I spoke to your mom this evening and she said that they got you from the Animal Shelter, and the kids named you Lucky.

    March 10

    Dear Lucky,
    I saw you today as I always do on my way home from work. You were already outside to greet the kids today, which seemed a little odd. The little girl got off the bus and shooed you away; she appeared to not want you jumping on her. The boy got off the bus and gave you a quick playful pat on the head, then smelled his hand and brushed you aside. You looked confused and sad, as you went to lie by the porch. You curled up in a tight ball on the cold
    ground and let out a huge sigh. My heart felt heavy that day.

    March 21

    Dear Lucky,
    I saw you today. I was headed home, and the kids got off the bus,
    walked to the house, and you ran out as far as you could on your
    heavy chain to let them know you were there. The little girl ignored you, the little boy told you to be quiet, when you barked for his
    attention. My neighbor commented that they needed to do something with your barking because you keep them up at night. You had a bucket of water and a bowl of food, a relatively nice doghouse, but your eyes were sad and empty. I shook my head and let out a huge sigh.

    April 30

    Dear Lucky,
    I worried for you today. You look thin, your chain heavy on your
    neck, your coat is dirty and falling out, you don't get up to do much anymore. Your bucket is turned over, and I have not seen your food bowl for a few days now. I spoke to the neighbor and asked about you. He said you still bark at night and he saw the man of the house throw something at you the other day as he scolded you. I shook my head in despair as I went back into my house.

    June 4

    Dear Lucky,
    My heart sank today. I was headed home, and you weren't in your yard. A large part of me hoped you got away, another large part of me was frightened at all the other possibilities. I asked my neighbor about you, and he said your family went on vacation and sent you back to the Animal Shelter. I shook my head and cried for you as I went into my house.

    June 5

    Dear Dog,
    I went to the shelter today. I found you huddled in the back of a
    cage that had a bucket, a bowl of food, and a blanket for you to lie
    on. You looked up at me as if you knew me, and my heart broke as I read your card. They did not even care enough to give them your name, and the card simply said, "male, neutered retriever mix. Owners did not want." I cried when a gentleman from the kennel said, "That's a sad one there. He came from here, you know, last Christmas. Guess they just got tired of him. He's too frightened, no one will adopt him." I went to the counter and told them I would be back tomorrow and please don't do anything just yet. They all kind of nodded like they heard that one before.

    June 6

    Dear Dog,
    I brought you home today. You were scared and untrusting, but a small part of you somewhere allowed you to wag the tip of your tail when I told you that you were a good boy and that I loved you. I gave you a new name, "Happy", because you aren't and I hope that someday you will be. You had an accident on the floor, and when I came back to clean it up with paper towel you slunk down and whimpered as if the hand was coming for you. I tried to choke back the tears when I thought of what you must have gone through in the past six months. I reached out and patted you and your eyes closed and your body went limp at such a gentle gesture. "We're going to be all right," I told you. I showed you your food, and you ate voraciously, and you marveled at the treats and toys I got for you.

    December 25
    Dear Happy,

    Good morning my best friend! You woke me, as always, popping out from under the covers on your side of the bed, licking my face to tell me it was time for our walk. We went through the living room and you sniffed what Santa left for us. I hugged you and said, "Last year you were a Christmas gift, now this year, these are all yours!" Your coat is shiny, your belly always full, and even though we found out at your first vet visit you had heartworms, you are healthy now. As we went out for our walk, we saw your old family in the front yard. They look at you each time as if they recognize you in a way, but you don't give them a second glance. --- Then I believe both our hearts stopped as we saw the children emerge from the yard holding a small playful puppy. "Isn't she just precious? We got her from the animal shelter. Hope this one works out, the other dog we got from there was so much trouble." I sighed and refrained from pointing out that you were not the trouble. You looked up at me as if to say, "Thank you, mom." I kneeled down and whispered in your sweet ear, "No, it is I who thank you."


    author unknown
  2. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    This post made me cry, because it is so very true and heartbreaking!! I hope that all puppies that are gifts this year go to homes that will love them and care for them and that they are owners who think the descision through before using a live animal as a gift.
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    That is such a sad but nice story. I too hope that the dogs go to a nice home this year. Its so sad when people are that ignorant. Reminds me of when my mother in law got my daughter a rabbit for easter. Only my daughter was not allowed to take it home. Each time we went to their house the rabbit was looking worse and worse, then it was put in a hutch under their house. My husband found a lady at work that his mother would agree to taking it. I at that time when she finally agreed to let it go, I was 7 months pregnant so I couldent take it. But anyway thanks for posting this!
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    ME TOO!!! :cry: That was so sad, and then happy, and so very true.
  5. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    Oh my goodness now I'm crying. :m13: That is so sad yet happy. I personally wouldn't give an animal as a gift. They are family members.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    How sad!! That made me cry. :cry:

    You just know it will happen all over again with the second puppy. Shelters should not let people like that adopt twice.
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Thanks for sharing it was really sad i am sat here crying and looking at my animals thinking i am glad they are in a place where there is someone that loves them and will always do the best for them.

    I Dont know how anyone could do things like this to any animal they deserve the best in life just as we do.

    THey are loyal loving and always there and they dont want much in return just a loving warm caring home.

    I agree shelters should not allow people that adopt a puppy and then either return it 6months down the line or abandon it.

    Wish i had the room to take in some of the animals from shelters to show them not all humans are nasty people.

    Mike :m13:
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Dogs are such happy critters by nature. They have such love and hope in their eyes, and the tiniest gesture can set their tails (or their whole bodies) wagging for joy. I think a dog must be one of the most joyful critters on the earth.

    Too bad humans have to be so mean.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Abby is the perfect example of all this, Freckles as well. Those two no matter what they went through, don't show a tiny hint of their past lives. All they want in life is to be loved, petted, and played with.

    I can't imagine anyone everlooking in to that face of Abby and wanting to kick it, yell at it...Sure she can be a bit overwhelming wiht affection, but come on!!! Shes a LOVING dog!!! And freckles....what a doll. All she wants is to play and a kind pat on the head.....
  10. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    That was sad. the people had the dog and didnt even reconise it. I try not to have puppies at christmas time It's a bad time to have them. They are not gifts, and mine are my babies.
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Definately. When I do my "investigation" of the people and homes, Thats one of the major things I ask and emphisize on. NO PETS AS GIFTS. Unless the party is already aware and agrees with it. PERIOD.

    I'm sure I'll have plenty around and after christmas....seems thats the biggest time of strays, dumpee's, abandoned, and abused/neglected cases.
  12. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    that is Sad sam, I love everydog. its hard to see them miss treated or just left to make it on their own.

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