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why do white coats always have little black spots?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by mr2bixx, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. mr2bixx

    mr2bixx New Member

    i think they are called liver spots? anyway bixx has a white chest and ha these faded black spots on it. jewls also has it on her coat but ot as bad. are they permanent? how are they formed or how can i get rid of them?
    by the way i never sold jewls and her and bixx are in seperateable(sp?) they are so funny. they sleep toghether and when i kennel bixx while i work he refuses to go in without her. i'm still going to sell her when i find the right family for her.
  2. juice1348

    juice1348 New Member

  3. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Sometimes, switching to a better diet can help reduce them. I forget where I first read that, but after I did, I tried switching Maggie (and therefor all my dogs) over to Nutro Ultra. She had those spots all over her belly. After a couple of weeks or so, they lessened, but never went away. I can imagine that depending on the dog, this might get rid of all those spots, or it may not help at all. Just a thought.
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Pinky is completely white she has no color whatsoever with the exception of her nose. Her eye rims and toe nails are pink.

  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Its just the pgmentation in their skin. Santana has them on her chest. My others dont have any. Val doesn't have any either, but her white and brindle sister had a lot of them.
  6. goob

    goob New Member

    They're spots of pigment that made it through onto the skin, but not all the way onto the coat. I recently read that white dog that has these is better pigmented than a white dog that doesn't. I also read that they can show up with better health, which was the case with Haley, when we got her in poor health, she had no pigment spots, now she's got them all over.

    If the spots are on both the skin and coat, it's probably ticking, which is normal in some breeds (heelers, many hounds) and can crop up in APBTs from what I understand.

    Haley's spots
  7. juice1348

    juice1348 New Member

    hey I saw Pinky on Dogster. Look for Avary!!!
  8. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Hey goob, ya know...
    if you ever have to find Haley a new home... :D

  9. SugarLovesPits

    SugarLovesPits New Member

    Just wanted ta say the only dogs or any animal for that manor that is purely white with no other skin pigmentation is an albino. There are albino pits but they are rare and about 90% of the time blind and or deaf
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Pinky is solid white not one tick of color anywhere on her body except for her nose. She's not an albino but she is deaf. I have actually seen a true albino pit a friend of mine had one in her rescue a couple of months ago. She was not blind or deaf.
  11. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    The fact that Pinky has a black nose is what they were pointing out - your dogs has pigment and is not albino. Also, not all albinos are blind or deaf, but it is a very common problem. Off topic, but I didn't know Pinky is deaf. Has it come up on the forum before?
  12. SugarLovesPits

    SugarLovesPits New Member

    Spencer pita thanks for clearing that up that is what i meant also i was wondering why is pinky deaf? was he born like that? I had a deaf dog when i was younger and he knew something like 20 or 30 hand signals.
  13. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Don't mean to but in for GinaH, but I think Pinky is a girl. Secondly I think she was probably born deaf, the reason being a genetic disorder. White dogs are prone to deafness, especially all white dogs like that. In other cases where they are prodominantly white with a white head/ears they'll also be deaf. Sometimes in one ear, sometimes in both.
  14. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Yes, Pinky was born deaf. She was the only all white puppy in her litter and the only one who was deaf. She and her littermates & mom were all dogs who were confiscated from a byb who also had Pit fights in his back yard. Pinky's mom was pts and she was due to be pts beacuse of her deafness. She was considered unadoptable.
    Pinky is amazingly smart even with her disability. In fact she obeys commands better than any of my dogs. She knows sign language/hand signals and several different tricks.
  15. SugarLovesPits

    SugarLovesPits New Member

    Wow that's so sad I see that kinda stuff all the time i'm glad pinky was lucky enough to find you she really is a buetifull dog!!

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