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What are cats saying?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by ansy1, Oct 4, 2004.

  1. ansy1

    ansy1 New Member

    Is there a way to know what certain 'meows' mean?? Napster sometimes does this weird meow thats like an audible purr that goes into a meow. It's usually very loud. She always does it when she is not near me or distracted by me. I see her do it around her kittens alot - like she is communicating with them.

    I've always wondered what she is meaning. Is there any research on this type of thing?

    Please don't laugh at me for asking this :lol:
  2. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    My cats make the same noise (usually at 3am while running up and down the stairs playing witth each other), I don't know what it means through I'd be interested to find out too.
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

  4. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Hunter makes all kinds of kitty noises...and recently mommy's little baby just started purring like a "big boy".....

    He makes this short quick kinda sound before he jumps up on me....

    He will meow by the little boxes if they aren't clean enough for him...

    actually those are the only two noises that he makes....
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Interesting read Lil. :qm1: Rene and Milo are great vocolizers. They have different meows or chats for different needs. It's not too hard to figure it out especially if Milo pounces on your chest at 5 in the morning and yowls for food. Or when Rene wants attention she'll howl. :roll:
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    has anyone seen that wacky device that records cat meows and translates them to whether they are happy or not?
  7. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Kyles, any owner that needs a machine to tell them what their cat's meow is meaning need's to rethink having a pet LOL Also, a meow is not an indication of happiness, it's an indication of need...feed me, pet me, play with me...not happiness. I can tell the difference in my kitty's meow usually which she wants. But it also includs her body language.

    Whereas, body language is all you have to indicate weather a cat is happy or angry. With that said, you were talking about 'meow'. Growl and hiss is a different thing altogether! LOL

    I've only had Booger since early June and I knew within short weeks her meow intent's. My hubby, who isn't home most of the time and is a self proclaimed 'dog person' and 'anti-cat' person knows her meow-speak. (And by the way, my self proclaimed anti-cat hubby rolls around on the floor wresteling and playing with her often when he's home ROFL).
  8. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    My cat and I have (I think) a really good bond and we are able to communicate really well. She is an awesome cat!
  9. garith1977

    garith1977 New Member

    For Humans Only


    I've done some research on this area and what I' find interesting is that a cat's meow is only reserved for humans. They don't communicate that was with any other creature. Of course you might hear growls or hisses or meow like sounds, but the actual "meow" is something they only do for humans.

  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I had hard stuff about that too and the communication differences in big cats and small cats and big cats (domestic and wild) I think it is really interesting!

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