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baby teeth

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by papillon/mom, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    My little Rosco still has his right canine, it is in there pretty good. I have been trying to give him big bones to help loosen it up, but it doesn't seem to work. I went to see my vet and she said they very rarely give a dog anesthesia for a tooth, usually if they are under for something else then they will but not just for that.

    Now my friend is a vet tech and said that her doctor at work would absolutly take it out. She is taking her puppy to go get a few of his baby teeth out. She said she would take Rosco for me but I don't know.

    Rosco is now nine months so I don't really think it is going to come out. I have been making sure that I brush in there real good, but I still think it needs to come out.

    Any suggestions? :wink:
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Yes, it's important that all baby teeth come out eventually! However, not all baby teeth will fall out naturally/on their own, and that's were the dog will need to go in and have the tooth (or teeth, if there is more than one) extracted.

    Rosco is now old enough to be neutered (if he isn't already), and it would be a great idea to have them pull the tooth while he's being neutered. It's actually common practice for vets (who neuter pups starting at 6 mos.) to remove any remaining baby teeth (if there are any) during the surgery/neutering!

    So, if Rosco hasn't been neutered yet, I'd have the vet pull the tooth during the surgery, it's the best option since he'll already be sedated, and won't feel a thing!!!

    Just my two cents! :D
  3. Rene

    Rene New Member

    jasmine didnt loose ANY of her K-9 baby teeth she now has 8 of them :shock: as soon as I can get her spayed (very soon i hope) i will have her teeth pulled at the same time my poor little girl.
  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Most of the time they do put them out to take a tooth cause they can clean them at the same time ...
    What I would do is when he /she gets neutered /spayed ,haveit taken then or if that is already done ,then wait another couple months (sometimes it takes awhile to lose those teeth ) and then have them clean the teeth and take out the ones that need to be taken out .Just my advice
  5. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    :(unfortuantly Rosco got neutered three months ago. At that time I don't think he had any yet actually. I asked my vet about teeth cleaning but they said it is recommended after 5 yrs. I try to brush thier teeth at least two, three times a week. My vet gave me this gel that you squeeze right on their gums and it helps to eliminate all tarter build up. That is why I am wondering if I should try to take care of this right away or see what happends. My vet said they don't usually put them out for just teeth, so I don't know what to do. :?
  6. CoCo's Mom

    CoCo's Mom New Member

    I have a question concerning baby teeth. CoCo has lost a few the past couple of weeks and her breath is awful right now. Is this normal? Her breath was just fine until her teeth started coming out. She is 5 and half months old. Thanks in advance for any help.
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I'm not an expert... so all I'm giving is my thoughts.... but I'm thinking that perhaps CoCo has an infection of some sort, esp. if she's lost teeth lately. The bad breath usually comes from their gums and can be a sign of gum disease. Take a look around Coco's mouth and really look around (especially all the way to the top and bottom) and see if you see anything out of the ordinary. They should be pink and 'happy/healthy' looking. I'd call the vet and see what he/she says....
  8. Rene

    Rene New Member

    great advice monster as i have the same problem with jasmine OMG her mouth could choke a magot lol i bursh her teeth well used to be once a week now i try everyday and it's becasue she didnt loose her baby teeth as soon as i can get her fixed we will pull the teeth at the same time but till then i get really gross kiss's lol
  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    LOL... ya know... when Bailey was real sick a few weeks ago, his breath was sooooooo nasty. I could NOT handle his kisses... it was horrid. Of course, the poor fella couldn't help it... "you'd have nasty ole' breath if you vomited bile all day too, mom!"
  10. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    I don't know why, but Rosco's teeth didn't come until after he was neutered. When I took him to get neutered his teeth were fine, now he has one baby canine that is in front of his new one. I talked to my vet and they said that they will not put him to sleep for just a tooth. In the meantime, Rosco has bad breath too, but that is from the rotting of the blood from his baby teeth, at least that is what my vet said.

    My girlfriend is a vet tech and said she would take Rosco to work and do it for me, but I don't know if I have to. I don't know what to do. Rosco's baby tooth is not at all loose, I have given him larger bones and extra crunchy treats to help loosen it, but it doesn't work. Rosco is now ten months old (nearly) so I doubt they will come out on their own. :?
  11. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    my husky gets her dental exams and her teeth cleaned and they use anesthesia, but just a little and it's the gas form, like the little cup that goes over their nose and then she sleeps for about 15 minutes. they let me stay there the whole time and she doesn't have to go in a crate or anything. it's just like the dentist for humans. we have a really good pet insurance and dental care is part of their package, she gets the flouride treatments too =p
    i could see why it would be too much work for a small breed though, i've never had it done to my chi. & aren't papillons known to have a hard time going under anesthesia? so that makes sense you don't want to do it just for that. if you do have to do it since those teeth have to come out sometime, make sure they use gas, no injections! [-X
  12. Toykeeper

    Toykeeper New Member

    Hi guys...Im still a newbie on these boards but I thought since y'all were talking about teeth and bad breath I would jump in and tell you what has worked for me. Every day my two toy poms get a Yip Yap (usually after their morning "outing" or breakfast. It has worked really good for their breath in keeping it smelling nice. My pup has a lower drop jaw and will probably need to have his teeth pulled as well - I am going to try and see if they can do it while he is getting fixed as well.

    I also recommend knowing what type of general they use to put them out as I had a vet kill my last pom when he put her under to sterilize her. I go the phone call later (which I was expecting so I could go pick her up) and they told me "sorry, she didn't make it through the surgery, guess the anasthetic was too much for her." No apology or anything. Basically they killed her - but wouldn't take the blame for it...said that was the risk you take when you opt to have your dog fixed! Yes...we changed vets faster than a blink of an eye. Still, I am just a bit apprehensive in getting my pup fixed - he is about 5 months old now and only 2 lbs - so he is going to be a very tiny pom!

    Anyway, sorry to ramble...just pulled a string in my still wounded heart when you all started talking about putting her dogs under.
  13. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    Gwen: I never read that Papillon's have a tough time going under anesthesia. I had both my boys neutered and they never had a problem. My vet would, however, do it the way you mentioned, they would only be out for a little while.

    Toykeeper: So sorry for your loss, that is unbearable. You must have been devistated. I know what you mean with your dogs being so small, when I got Rosco he was 3 months old and 1.5 lb and he is now finally at ten months up to 3.5-maybe 4. :0011: Also toykeeper, what is Yip Yap, and where does one obtain it from? Rosco does have stinky breath, but my vet did say it is because of his baby teeth. :|

    My main concern though is, my vet does not do this until he would be under anesthesia for some other reason; he will not put him under for just a baby tooth. My friend said she would do it for me, she is a vet tech and would do it at work for me. She has a 9lb Rat terrior that she just had teeth taken out, no problems. I guess I am just wondering if it is needed asap or can it wait until my vet is ready I guess. :?
  14. Toykeeper

    Toykeeper New Member

    Thank you for your kind words...yes - I cried for a month or more - I was so devastated.

    Yip Yaps are doggie breath freshners that can be obtained at Pet Stores like Petco and Petsmart, even some grocery stores and Bed Bath and Beyond and such. They are the cutest little bone shaped treats that my poms simply flip over! All I have to do is shake the tin and they come running! Here is the website to show you what I am talking about...


    They also have a link to show you what stores have them in your state on the website (WHERE TO BUY). These people make other products for dogs and cats as well...even breath freshners for kittys called "Pit'r pat". Check them out!
  15. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    Thanks, I actually did buy those before. I never really paid attention to see if they worked, I bought them for x-mas. I just thought they were the cutest stocking stuffers. I will have to try them again......Thanks.... :wink:

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