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Parents scared Please read I actually find this sorta amusin

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by nakoma_star, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    I was walking my rotty today and this couple and their kids were walking our way the kids wanted to pet her but the parents insisted no get behind us that dog will hurt you its a rottwieler .........she is trained to protect our house but would never hurt a kid no matter what not to mention on leash and in the house when were home shes a big baby it is kindu funny how people judge animals and it kindu hurts me I think its mean they cant judge a breed on size power or reputation they need to judge it by being around it
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have had mothers refuse to let their kids pet my dogs because they are wearing gentle leaders. I think they think it is a muzzle and therefore the dog must be dangerous. Of course, if it WAS a muzzle, the kid could not be safer since the dog would be unable to bite. LOL!! :lol:
  3. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    :x I hear this so often with being the mom of three german Shepherds and a Rottie/GSD mix.

    I would say as a rule of thumb it's not people's fault that there is so much bad advertising around working dogs (and not only).

    Their fault is that they choose to remain stupid and swallow anything the press is willing to throw at them, without doing any research on their own. :0013:
  4. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    haha! I get the same reactions from people to my Siberian Husky, which I think is completely ridiculous. If anything, she's terrifed of them. I always thought they were a fairly common breed, but apparently in SoCal most people are still completely stupid about them.

    There's a lot of promenades here by our house and by the beach and there's a dog bakery there so I always walk my dog down there and we have lunch and shop around and then buy her some treats at the bakery. Well, I haven't gone once yet without some parent telling their child not to pet or go near the "wolf dog"! :roll: I couldn't believe it, it is actually hurtful to see people pulling their kids away from your dog who is sitting politely at a restaurant. If it's not the children calling my dog a wolf it's the parents. I was never aware my big ball of fluff could ever look intimidating to anyone.

    Big mean ol' wolf dog seems to be the most common reaction, but the other day I had a little child come running up to her screaming "mommy it's Balto!!" :lol:
  5. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Gwen its the same way here with Sibes. The vets office had one that needed a home and no one would take him cause he was "creepy" with the blue eyes or too wolf looking. I thought they were common but now that I think about it I guess not.
  6. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Oh...I love sibes. they're so cute and fluffy, i bet it would really be a problem if they got into some burrs. My parents are like that around dobs and rotts. i don't get it, sure there are some mean dobs and rotts out there, but there are also some really mean labs out there too. (we own labs) i love german shepards too.
  7. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    That's so sad, especially since huskies don't have any publicity or reputation for being mean or aggressive dogs, they're known as a really gentle friendly breed. I mean look at mine, that big vicious dog right :lol: She's become a lap dog now too since she's seen the little one always on my lap. Now when I want to sit on the couch and watch tv I have 45 lbs of fur on my lap and a 2 lb chi sitting on top of her, it's a literal dog pile.
    It's so sad so many people misinterpret them though, all based on the way they look. I bet people wouldn't like that if we did that to them!
  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I agree gwen and that goes for all dog breeds but this is the first time I had heard anything like it about my breed. Then after further discussions with people its pretty common around here. Which made me remember one day I was with Jassy in the pet store shopping for boots and a man walked up and said what a pretty wolf she was then while petting her asked if she bit, I told him yes and likely to take off his arm in a joking manner since he was already petting her and he just laughed but now I feel bad about that since hearing how some feel about them!

    Mine is a lap dog too only a big one at close to 70lbs. Mostly muscle which I dont know how she keeps it since she sleeps 99% of the day lol!
  9. gdgarth

    gdgarth New Member

    I have the opposite problem - people will sometimes have their kids cross the street or run out of the house to pet my lab.

    Charlie is really gentle, but she's not used to kids, and they sometimes come running up, throw both arms around her neck, and hug her. I try to explain to parents that they shouldn't allow their kids to do that to ANY strange dog.

    I haven't had a problem yet, but I don't want to have to get rid of my dog because she misinterprets some kids intentions.
  10. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Gd people do this with my puppy if we are out somewhere with her. She is still quite the little nibbler so I have to try and discourge this. Also with my poms if they are with me people rush up to them and Fifi is really shy to new people so no I dont think she will bite someone but she may out of fear and then she is a bad dog. Its a no win situation. Think I will keep my dogs to myself lol.
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    When I got Bonnie, they told me at the shelter that many people were afraid of her because her blue eye looked "evil". What the heck?! Everyone we meet comments on her gorgeous eyes.
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jimiya, so many people think the same thing of Wylie with her blue eye, she has teh exact coloring of Bonnie

    "When I got Bonnie, they told me at the shelter that many people were afraid of her because her blue eye looked "evil". What the heck?!"


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